
试题 试卷


题型:选词填空(语篇) 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



mine, nothing, thought, hurt, free, arrived , door, surprise, carefully, mother's;dirty

Lunch Made of Love

    In those poor times, many of my classmates couldn't bring a nice meal to school for lunch. My deskmate's meal was always cabbages, while  (我的) was ham and fried eggs. Sometimes, my deskmate would first pick the hair out of his lunch and then eat it as if  (没事) had happened. This continued for a long time.

    "His mother is so lousy(邋遢的)that her hair drops in the meal, "my classmates said. I  (想)it was really dirty, but I couldn't show that because I didn't want to hurt(伤害)his feelings. Still, I started to think that he was  (肮脏), too.

    One day after school, he called me and said, "Would you like to come to my house if you are  (有空)?"

    Though I didn't want to go, I knew it would be impolite to refuse because this was his first invitation. Following my friend, we  (到达)at a poor village.

    "Mom, I brought my friend home. "

    His old mother opened the (门), "My son's friend is here. Let me have a look. "But to my (惊讶), his mother was blind. She couldn't see anything.

    I felt sad. Now I understood why my deskmate's lunch had hair in it. His mother got ready for it (仔细)for him every day, even though she was blind. It was not only a lunch, but also a  (母亲)love.


    I was studying in Los Angeles , the USA . It is a big city with {#blank#}1{#/blank#} people living in it than in my whole country . I come from Singapore . It is one of the smallest {#blank#}2{#/blank#} in the world . We rented(租)a flat in a community near a favela(贫民窟).

    For several months I did not have a car , so three times a week I used public transportation(交通)to go to the city centre . During these trip . I would ride with the people who took the {#blank#}3{#/blank#} bus from the favela to work .

    When I got on the bus , all the seats were already taken . But when people saw that my bag was very heavy , they offered to hold it on their lap(范围)to{#blank#}4{#/blank#} me feel lighter(轻松). At first , I was{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Then I realize that these people did not want to steal(偷盗)from me they only wanted to help me .

    Once , on my way back , I had to wait {#blank#}6{#/blank#} a long time at a bus stop . I was alone , expect for a woman who was very poor . She carried a small paper bag of popcom and nothing else . While we were waiting , she walked over and gave me some popcom . I thank her , but did not want to help{#blank#}7{#/blank#} to it . She then insisted(要求)that I should take some from what was evidently(明显地)her only food .

I wonder {#blank#}8{#/blank#} it is true that the more you have, the more difficulties you will have to share anything with others .

