
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Once there was an apple tree which a little boy always played around. When the little boy grew up, he no longer played around the tree.

    One day the tree said, “Come and play with me.” The boy answered, “I need money.” “Sorry, you can sell the apples for some money.” The boy did that and left happily.

    After a few years, the boy came back. The tree said, “Come and play with me.” The boy said, “I don't have time. I need a house.” “You can cut off my branches (树枝) and trunk (树干) for a house,” answered the tree. The boy did so.

    Twenty years later, the boy came back again. “My boy, the only thing left is my dying roots (根),” said the tree. “I don't need much now, just a place to rest. I am too tired,” answered the boy. The tree then smiled with tears.

    This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. No matter what we need, parents will always be there and give everything they have to make us happy.

(1)、What did the boy like to do when he was very young?

A、He likes toys very much. B、He liked to play around the tree. C、He liked to look after the tree. D、He liked to do his homework.
(2)、Why did the boy leave happily after he first came back?

A、Because he met the apple tree again. B、Because the apple tree gave him lots of money. C、Because he sold the apples and got some money. D、Because he could play with the apple tree again.
(3)、How did the tree feel when the boy asked for a house?

A、It felt very excited. B、It felt pretty sorry. C、It felt very worried. D、It felt very glad.
(4)、From the fourth paragraph (段) we can know that ______.

A、the tree wanted to give the boy something but it couldn't B、the boy wanted to dig the dying roots C、the boy brought a lot of money D、the boy was very rich in the end
(5)、What is the purpose (目的) of the writer in writing this article?

A、To tell us not to ask our parents too much. B、To plant more apple trees. C、To show how hard to be a boy. D、To show how to look after our parents.
