
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Retired nurse Sue Collins was just beginning the second length of her local pool when her morning swim suddenly became anything but a pleasure.

    Two months ago Sue, 69, who has never suffered from asthma or any other breathing problem in the past, suddenly found herself hard for breath.

    “I felt as if my throat and oesophagus (食道) were closing up,” says Sue.

    Sue is convinced the problem is related to the indoor swimming baths. “I spend half the year in Turkey and swim every day outside in a pool or the sea there and never have this problem,” she says.

    She may be right, because although a trip to the pool is the perfect exercise for many, the chlorine (氯气) used to keep the water free from germs can lead to problems.

    But in most cases it's not the chlorine that causes problems, but the by-products formed when chlorine interacts with other substances — and this is mostly due to people not showering before they enter the pool.

    “This then poisons the water for them and for others,” says Dr. Hull. “The chlorine interacts with sweat and urine(尿素) on the skin and forms by-products called chloramines that float above the surface as a gaseous solution that can be inhaled in.”

    Chloramines are heavier than air so hang over the water where they are easily breathed in. Some believe they may cause lung disorders. A Swedish study in 2013 examining the health of 146 workers at 46 indoor pools found that 17 per cent had airway trouble at work — but no problems at home.

    As Dr. Hull says: ‘People need to remember that showering isn't just for them. It is for the greater good.'


(1)、Where did Sue suddenly suffer from asthma?

A、In an outdoor swimming pool. B、In the sea. C、In an indoor swimming pool. D、At home.
(2)、Why should we put chlorine into the water of the pool?

A、To keep the water warm. B、To kill the germs in the water. C、To make the people easy to breathe. D、To stop the possibility of asthma.
(3)、Taking a shower before swimming in the pool is to ________.

A、stop the interaction between the chlorine and sweat and urine on the skin B、make the swimmer feel comfortable C、obey the rule of the pool D、stop people from breathing in the chlorine
(4)、What's the purpose of the passage?

A、To show how to avoid asthma. B、To explain chloramines's usage. C、To help people cure asthma. D、To tell people why to take a shower before swimming in a pool.

     When Regina Spektor moved to the Bronx from Russia as a young child of 9, she could speak no English and her family was so poor that they could afford nothing. Yet she carried with her a love of the piano and music.

     "For me, the thing that I loved the most was playing the piano, so when we left Russia I was so afraid I would forget how to play and I would just find a little table and play my pieces," she told "When you spend your life doing something like playing the piano and then you take that away, it's so surreal."(离奇的)

     Her father, Ilya Spektor, said that, little by little, the family saved enough money to afford their first apartment.

     "I was a photographer and, in six weeks, I found my first job in a big photo lab in Manhattan," he said. On the subway one day, Ilya Spektor spotted a man carrying a violin case. The man also seemed to have an Eastern European accent. A conversation led to a visit and, eventually, Regina Spektor was introduced to Sonia Vargas, a piano teacher. She was a well-known professor who taught piano, took Spektor under her wing and trained her for years, at no cost. "I remember talking to Sonia," Spektor said. "She said that when a student is ready, a teacher appears. So she said that I must have been ready to study piano, and so that's why she came into my life."

     "Immediately, how she played," Vargas said. "You can tell the sound. The sound tell you whether the person loves the instrument, loves the music."

     Much later, while playing her own music and selling a CD that she'd created, Regina Spektor caught the attention of a music producer. The rest is history, complete with concerts around the world and performance in front of the Obamas at the White House.

Regina Spektor greatly appreciated her parents, piano teachers and friends for helping her become the musician she is. “I love the idea that if you're walking toward the world, the world will take some steps towards you,” she said.


    Teary-Eyed Stories from Strangers

    The Man at the Market

    When the supermarket clerk summed up my groceries, it was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please don't put yourself out,” I told him.

     “Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in hospital with cancer. I visit her every day and bring her flowers. I went this morning, and she got mad at me for spending my money on more flowers. She demanded that I do something else with that money. So, here, please accept this. It is my mother's flowers.”

    A Family's Food Angel

    Since my mother lost her job, our family troubled new worries: no income, the same bills, and no way to afford groceries. It was around this time that she started finding boxes of food outside our door every morning. This went on for months, until she was able to land a job. We never did find out who it was and who left the groceries for us, but they truly saved our lives.

    Seven Miles For Me

    Leaving a store, I returned to my car only to find that I'd locked my keys and cell phone inside. A teenager riding his bike saw me kick a tire and say a few choice words. “What's wrong?” he asked.

    I explained my situation. “But even if I could call my wife,” I said, “she can't bring me her car key, since this is our only car.” He handed me his cell phone. “Call your wife and tell her I'm coming to get her key.”

    “That's seven miles round trip.”

    “Don't worry about it.”

    An hour later, he returned with the key. I offered him some money, but he refused. “Let's just say I needed the exercise,” he said. Then, like a cowboy in the movies, he rode off into the sunset.

    Breaking Bread

    Last December, before work, I stopped at a deli (熟食店) and ordered an everything bagel with cream cheese. It was toasty warm, and I couldn't wait to dig in. But as I left the store, I noticed an older indigent gentleman sitting at the bus stop. Knowing it would probably be his only warm meal of the day, I gave him the bagel.

    But all was not lost for me. Another customer from the deli offered me half of her bagel. I was so delighted because I realized that in one way or another, we are all looked after.


    First published in 2001, the book Life of Pi written by Canadian author Yann Martel won the Man Booker Prize and an Asian American Prize for Literature. It is the story of a young boy named Pi who spends 227 days at sea with a small group of animals after disaster strikes their ship and is an account of his journey of survival and hardship.

    Piscine “Pi” Molitor Patel, on whom Life of Pi is based, is a young boy living in Pondicherry, India, where his father owns a zoo. The story starts when Patel's family decide to move to Canada, along with their zoo animals for their new home.

    However, because of the bad weather, the ship sinks. Pi along with an orangutan (猩猩), an injured zebra, a hyena (鬣狗) and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker are the only survivors who take shelter in a small lifeboat. Both the injured zebra and the orangutan are soon killed and eaten by the hyena. The tiger in turn kills and eats the hyena, leaving just the two of them alone on the boat now.

    In an effort to avoid being eaten by Richard Parker, Pi acts himself as the head of the group and remains safe from harm. Since he does not want the tiger to die for fear of going mad by being alone on the boat, he fishes and feeds the two of them in order to stay alive.

    The life of Pi then enters its third stage when their lifeboat washes up on the shores of Mexico and the tiger escapes into a nearby forest leaving Pi alone. After the Mexicans refuse to believe Pi's story, he changes his tale by replacing the animals with his mother, a cook and a sailor and asks the Mexicans which one they prefer. They prefer hearing the first story though they do not believe a word of it.

    In my view, Life of Pi is a must read book for all those who love reading.


    Every morning, Claire Buckley was rushing to catch the bus. She left for Barrington High School in Illinois at 6 a.m.. She would come home very tired. Kids like Clair Buckley are suffering from lack of sleep. Less sleep causes stress. Stress is when someone is under a lot of pressure. Not sleeping is just one reason experts say more students feel nervous at school. Local schools in Illinois are trying new way to fix it, wishing kids to feel healthy and happy.

    Some schools are changing their calendar(日历). They are giving tests before school breaks. This way students do not have to worry about studying when they are away from school. Some places changed their after-school activities. Coaches can only organize one practice a day. Teachers now cannot give homework during certain holiday breaks. But some kids want very much to do well on tests. They think it will get them into good colleges, which causes them stress.

    A study showed different things stress different students out. Students were not able to see their grades online. This stress some students. Other students said seeing their grades made them more stressed. Some say parents are causing stress. They try to make their kids do not fail. They want their kids to not be disappointed. Children need to fail, says Dr. Carol Weitzman, a doctor for children. When kids learn to fail, they learn to get back on their feet. This is an important skills for life, she says.

    Various ways are adopted to reduce stress. Students at John Hersey High School drop by Dr. Brigette Muck's office looking for stress relief. She has aromatherapy (芳香疗法) products. The smells make you fell relaxed. She also has stress balls and coloring books to help work out nervous feelings. Other schools use mentorship(导师制) program, sports and yoga classes to help students feel better.


    January means it's time for coats and gloves and cold weather. While many of us are preparing ourselves for the cold weeks ahead, in some cities winter is the “hottest” season of all because it's the time for winter festivities.

    Every year 2 million people visit the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan. This internationally well-known event began in 1950, when some local high-school students built six snow statues in Odori Park. Since then, the festival has grown to include lots of snow sculptures as well as a snow-sculpting contest that draws competitors from all over the world.

    In December, Finland created its 13th annual Snow Village, which will remain open until April, if weather permits. Snow Village lies nearly 200 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. The village is designed by builders skilled in working with snow and ice. Visitors can take a tour of the village, eat in a restaurant made of ice or go dancing in the disco igloo(拱形圆顶小屋). They can also spend the night in a hotel made of snow. There's even an ice chapel(小礼拜堂) for couples who want to get married in Snow Village.

    Since 1935, the Fur Rendezvous has been held every February in Anchorage, Alaska, America's most northern state. Among the festival's many attractions is the World Championship Sled Dog Race, which draws sled dog teams from many countries. Dogs also take center stage in the Dog Weight Pull, in which dogs compete to see which one can pull the heaviest weight. The festival features sports like skiing, basketball, boxing and softball as well as the Grand Prix Auto Race in downtown Anchorage. True to the festival's name, there's also a fur auction(拍卖), where buyers buy real Alaskan furs. The first Fur Rendezvous lasted only three days. Now it's a 10-day event that attracts thousands of visitors.


    The largest genetic study of mosquitoes has found their ability to resist insecticides(杀虫剂) is evolving rapidly and spreading across Africa, putting millions of people at higher risk of contracting malaria(疟疾).

British scientists who led the work said mosquitoes' growing resistance to control tools such as insecticide-treated bed nets and insecticide spraying, which have helped cut malaria cases since 2000, now threatens "to disturb malaria control" in Africa.

    "Our study highlights the severe challenges facing public efforts to control mosquitoes and to manage and limit insecticide resistance," said Martin Donnelly of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, who worked on the study with a team from Britain's Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

    Latest World Health Organization (WHO) data show that 216 million people were infected last year with the malaria parasite(寄生虫), which is transmitted by blood-sucking Anopheles mosquitoes. The disease killed 445,000 people in 2016, and the majority of them were children in sub-Saharan Africa.

    To understand how mosquitoes are evolving, the researchers sequenced the DNA of 765 wild Anopheles mosquitoes taken from 15 locations across eight African countries. Their work, published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, created the largest data resource on natural genetic variation for any species of insect.

    Analyzing the data, the scientists found that the Anopheles gamblae mosquitoes(冈比亚疟蚊)were extremely genetically diverse compared with most other animal species. This high genetic diversity enables rapid evolution, they said, and helps to explain how mosquitoes develop insecticide resistance so quickly.

    The data also showed the rapid evolution of insecticide resistance appeared to be due to many previously unknown genetic variants(变体)within certain genes. The scientists said these genetic variants for insecticide resistance were not only emerging independently in different parts of Africa, but were also being spread across the continent by mosquito migration.

    Michael Chew, an expert at Britain's Wellcome Trust global health charity which helped fund the research, said the finds underlined the importance of pushing scientific research ahead to control malaria.

Global efforts to control malaria through effective vaccine, insecticides and the best drug combinations require urgent, united action by scientists, drug companies, governments and the WHO.

