
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通


One day, a train was approaching the small town of Cheekyville. On the train was a1 guy with a big suitcase. He was called William Warbler and he looked very 2indeed. But what made him most unusual was the fact that whenever he needed to3 he did it by singing opera. It didn't matter to William whether it was simply a matter of answering a brief greeting, like “good day”. He would 4“Goood dayyy to youuuuuu..... toooooo!”
No one could get a normal,5word out of him. And, as no one knew how he made his living and he lived quite simply, always wearing the same old second-hand suit — they often 6 him.
They 7his singing, calling him “crazy”. William had been in Cheekyville for some years, when, one day, a rumor(谣言) 8round the town: William had 9 a role in a very important opera in the nation's capital, and there were posters everywhere 10 the event was a great 11. And to everyone's surprise in Cheekyville—when William was being 12by reporters, he answered their questions by speaking 13singing. And he did it with good14 and with a clear and pleasant voice.
From that day, William gave up singing 15. Now he did only during his stage appearances and world tours. Some people suspected 16he had changed, but others still had no idea, and continued believing him to be somewhat mad. They wouldn't have thought so17 they had seen what William kept in his big suitcase. It was a large stone with a hand-carved message on it. It said “Practice every second, for you never know when your 18will come.”
Little did people know that rather 19he got the role in the opera because the20had heard William singing while out buying a newspaper.
A、strange B、handsome C、funny D、sensitive
A、strong B、special C、common D、anxious
A、debate B、practice C、sing D、communicate
A、shout B、respond C、repeat D、tease
A、singing B、spoken C、written D、printed
A、disrespected B、loved C、appreciated D、disturbed
A、made fun of B、got addicted to C、took pride in D、made sense of
A、developed B、reflected C、spread D、expressed
A、refused B、ruined C、created D、got
A、confirming B、advertising C、approving D、assessing
A、benefit B、discovery C、success D、experience
A、opposed B、blamed C、interviewed D、welcomed
A、other than B、rather than C、more than D、less than
A、service B、remarks C、signs D、manners
A、at all hours B、at all points C、at certain time D、at times
A、how B、why C、that D、where
A、while B、because C、if D、since
A、chance B、money C、inspiration D、wisdom
A、carefully B、quickly C、naturally D、accidentally
A、director B、writer C、actress D、teacher

    Seven years ago, I began accompanying my father to the local market to sell vegetables we harvested from our farm. At the beginning , I did what I could to1him while I also communicated with other participants in the market.

    As time went by, I increasingly2the craft of gardening,3I began planting a garden of my own to4a seller myself. The market soon became my5for many summers to come. The sellers in the market were6and more than willing to share their gardening experience. Many sellers were the new generation of farmers and acquired knowledge through the experience of their7. The years I participated in the market helped me grow, taught me many new skills and opened doors to success I8imagined.

    Responsibility came rather quickly as I 9to manage my own gardening business. There was a huge of work being self10. I had to do everything by myself. I learned that self-discipline(自我约束) and time management were important in order to11a productive garden. Rising 12in the morning at 4 a. m. to arrive at the market with my13produce ensured I would be there to greet early 14 .

    The market opened a door of opportunity I never dreamed of. It15me to make a profit to start a greenhouse business. It is a(n)16feeling when I see the seeds come out and raise them as they continue to17until they are ready for sale. I've learned18because it is impossible to rush Mother Nature! It takes time and work to make the plants grow and become mature. It is not an overnight19. Several weeks are required for the plants to be ready, but the 20is worth all the time I spend and all work I do.


A chance encounter left both inspired about the country

    Anthony Maggert knew just about everything about Colin Powell. He'd read all of his books. He'd watched him on television, awed by the1 he showed even in the hardest times. And then, he got into the military, 2 23 years in Afghanistan, where he lost one3. It had been Powell whom he'd thought of 4. He was an ideal to strive toward.

    On Tuesday, Maggert was driving on the Capital Beltway. When he noticed a tall man5down beside his car, trying to fix a flat front tire, Maggert immediately thought he 6him.

    But no, it couldn't be. Out here? Thinking he'd help the trapped driver7way, he8his car, and with an artificial leg, walked toward the man. That was when he realised that he'd been9. A few miles away, in Washington, the government had shut down, two sides shouting at each other.  But out here, the matter at hand was 10, a flat tire. The two of them11about Afghanistan while fixing the tire.

    "Such a gentleman,"Maggert said of the former U. S. secretary of state, now 81, 12whom he again saw that effortless calm. "I hope when I'm that13, I'm as energetic as he is." All that day, Maggert thought about what happened.

    Later that day, Maggert wrote him a14:"General Powell,I hope I never forget today because I'll never forget reading your books," he said.  "You were always a(n)15, a leader and statesman. You were the giant whose shoulders we stood upon to carry the torch to16the way and now it is tomorrow's generation that must do the same. "

    Powell then17in kind: "Thanks, Anthony," he wrote in a public Facebook post. "You touched my soul and18me about why this country is so great. Let's stop19at each other. Let's just take care of each other. You made my 20."


    A few years ago, I was working in a small office. I noticed that even though the organization was not 1, we often worked in separate teams, and while everyone was friendly, we were not very close to each other and not very 2.

    One particular week, I decided to make people 3, but I wanted to do it secretly, perhaps with the slight 4 that it'd invite a sense of trust or playfulness in the work culture. So one evening, I wrote a few 5 with quotes which I felt have 6 me over the years. The next morning, I went to work a bit early and 7 posted them up by the sinks and mirrors in the office restrooms. Maybe people would 8 the quotes and perhaps it might just help 9 someone's day.

    For the next few months, some of the quotes got taken down, but a couple 10. So perhaps others liked them, too.

    Finally, I 11that organization and went to work for another company. A couple of years passed during which time I'd still get emails 12 from my old boss and teammates every so often.

    A few months ago, I was 13 to a reunion with them to hear how the project I had 14 was going. I had really enjoyed working with my team, and was 15 to see them all again. Towards the end of the event, I went to the 16 and noticed the quote I had written three years ago was still up in the 17 spot by the mirror! It read:

    The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but seeing with new eyes.

    -Marcel Proust

    Maybe the quote simply blended into (融合) the background for the employees, or perhaps it still 18 as a shining reminder of something important.

    It was such a 19 reminder. We never know how long a seed(种子) will take to come out and give fruit, but we should simply keep 20 seeds of kindness in our hearts.


    A married lady was expecting a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had 1 a beautiful diamond ring. Knowing her husband could2it, she told him that it was all she wanted as a birthday gift.

    As her birthday approached, this lady awaited3that her husband had purchased the diamond ring.

    Finally, on the morning of her birthday, her husband told her how4he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He 5her with a beautifully wrapped gift. Curious, she opened it and found a Bible. She raised her6to her husband and said, "Only a Bible?" She was so7that she left him.

    Many years later, the lady8in a more beautiful house. Realising her husband was very old, she thought perhaps she should go to9him. But before she could make10, she received a letter telling her that he had11and given all of his 12to her. She needed to come back and take care of things.

    When she arrived at his house, regret13her heart. She saw the14brand-new Bible, just as she had left it before. With15, she opened it and began to turn the pages, finding a sentence16marked by her husband,

    "Bad as you, you know how to give good things to your children!" As she read those words, a bag17from the Bible: a diamond ring and the words "I LOVE YOU" could be seen.

    If your18is not packaged the way you want it, it's because it is better packaged! Always 19little things; they usually lead you to bigger things! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, for they must be felt with 20.

