
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



No one ever said science education was easy. Certainly the concepts we teach, like conservation of momentum (动量守恒) or quantum mechanics (量子力学),can be hard to grasp. But what really makes our reaching complicated is that we're also trying to teach a deeper lesson at the same time — to help students understand the nature of science itself.

All too often, young people get the impression that science is about learning certain "laws" and then applying them to different situations. After all, that's what we make them do on tests, to show that they've been doing the work. But that's not it at all. Science is the process of building these concepts through the collection of experimental evidence.

And while I'm on it let's call these concepts what they really are — not laws, but models. Science is all about building and testing models. It's difficult to help students understand that aspect of science when we just give them the models to begin with. Sure, in physics we often include historical or mathematical evidence to support big ideas, but that often isn't enough.

Of course, we can't start from scratch. If students had to build their own models from the ground up, it would be like trying to learn programming by inventing computers. As Isaac Newton is supposed to have said, we stand on the shoulders of giants. We must take models built by others and go from there.

What I'd like to suggest is that this actually provides a great way into the adventure of science and an opportunity to meet our objectives as educators. If you can create a situation that challenges students' assumptions and produces conceptual conflict, that's a great opportunity for learning.

(1)、What is the misunderstanding of teaching science?
A、It's complicated. B、It focuses on the nature of science. C、It's very difficult. D、It lies in teaching and testing "laws".
(2)、Which way to teach science is highly recommended by the author?
A、Encouraging students to always start from scratch. B、Providing students with some models to follow suit. C、Guiding students to begin with models built by others. D、Offering students proof to support important concepts.
(3)、The author cites Isaac Newton's words to              .
A、justify the experiment B、praise the statement C、show the achievement D、support the argument
(4)、What is the best title of the passage?
A、Science teaching B、Concept building C、Science learning D、Concept conflicting

    Michael and I did not know when the waiter put the plates on our table. At the time we were sitting in a small restaurant, hidden from the busy Third Street, in New York City. Even the smell of fresh serving blintze did not interfered our conversation. In fact, we let the blintze soaked in the sour cream. We just enjoy the conversation too much that we forgot to eat. Our conversation was so delightful though we did not speak about important things. We laughed and spoke about the film which we have just watched.

    While our fun conversation continued, my eyes went across the room and stop on the corner. A couple of old folks sat in there. The woman wearing the flower dress with faded color, the same with the pillow where she laid her pallid handbag. The man's top head shined just like the boiled egg which he ate very slowly. The woman chewed her oatmeal(燕麦片) very slowly too, seemed with very much effort.

    But what made my mind thought about them was the silence around them. Michael and I paid our food and went on. When we passed the corner where the couple sat, my wallet fell. When I stopped to get it, I saw under the table, they were tenderly holding each other's hand. They were eating in silence while holding each other's hand! I was very touched to see the simple yet the very meaningful action reflecting the close relationship of the couple.

    Their silence was the pleasant and relaxing one, it was the expression of the tender love and it did not always need the words to express it. They might spend the hours holding each other's hand like this in the morning.

    When I and Michael went out of the restaurant, I thought, maybe it was nothing bad at all if some day we have something like that. Maybe, it will become the expression of the tender and complete love.


    The Bristol International Balloon Festival is a world-class hot air ballooning festival and is recognized as one of the UK's top five outdoor events. Founded in 1978, the Festival has become a symbol for Bristol, the same as Brunel's famous Suspension Bridge.

    Held in the rolling hills of Ashton Court on the edge of Bristol, the Festival is hugely popular and completely free, attracting around half a million people from across the country and beyond. This year, for the first time, visitors will get to see how a hot air balloon is made. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the world's largest hot air balloon producer, Cameron Balloons, will take on the challenge of constructing a passenger-carrying balloon, on site, in about four days.

    Other events to look forward to at the Bristol International Balloon Festival include daredevil stunts(冒险特技表演) from the Red Arrows, over 250 trade stalls, local and international food stalls, and a funfair(露天游艺集市). Here's what's on in detail:

    Thursday 11th August:

    12 pm Gates Open and Trade Village open

    6 pm Special Shapes Ascent — a number of hot air balloons will take to the sky

    9:30 pm Nightglow and Firework Finale — 30 or more balloons will glow in time to music

    10:30 pm Gates Close

    Friday 12th August:

    6 am Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9 am Trade and Entertainment Village open

    12 pm Arena(竞技) Entertainment and Tethered Balloons

    6 pm Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    Saturday 13th August:

    6 am Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9 am Trade and Entertainment Village open

    12 pm Arena Entertainment and Tethered Balloons

    6 pm Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9:30 pm Nightglow and Firework Finale

    10:30 pm Gates Close

    Sunday 14th August:

    6 am Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent

    9 am Trade and Entertainment Village open

    12 pm Arena Entertainment and Tethered Balloons

    6 pm Hot Air Balloon Mass Ascent


    My grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers occupied his hometown, the thriving city of Tarow, Poland, he refused to obey them and eventually joined the Soviet army to fight for his country's freedom. “Stand straight, stand tall,” he told himself.

    After the war, in 1947, he boarded a boat for Manhattan. He was hungry and suffering from seasickness. All alone in a new country, he was frightened about his future. Still, he marched head-on into the hustle of the streets of New York. Soon he met other European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way. If they could do it, why couldn't he? “Stand straight, stand tall,” he would remind himself.

    Thanks to the help of a loyal and trusting friend, my grandfather gained a jewelry booth on Canal Street, New York City. He once told me how nervous he was on that first day of work. He was not only trying to learn this tough new business, but also a new language.

    To his surprise, the men in neighboring booths-who could have taken advantage of him-offered their help and advice. Within months, my grandfather was commanding his spot behind the counter, selling diamonds and cultured pearls as if he'd been doing it his whole life.

    Stand straight and stand tall.

    In later years, my grandfather would take both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings. As he stood with each of them, he thought about their new beginnings, and of the adventures and journeys they would experience together. He also thought about the children who would one day carry on his family name.

    I am so proud to be one of those children. Listening to my grandfather's remarkable experiences has changed the way I view my own life.


    People You've Never Heard of Who Changed the World

    It is a fact that most people live their lives unremarked by history. Whether by design or by accident, there are some pioneers whose achievements changed the course of history but whose names are unknown to us.

    James Harrison

    James Harrison has saved the lives of over two million people by donating his blood 1,173 times, a Guinness world record. His blood produces a rare antibody (抗体) which cures the otherwise deadly Rhesus disease in unborn children. It has also been used in the development of a medicine anti-D, which will cure the Rhesus disease in children forever.

    Lewis Latimer

    After helping Alexander Graham Bell obtain his patent for the telephone, Lewis Latimer patented a carbon filament (碳灯丝), which allowed light bulbs to burn for hours before burning out, much more useful than that invented by Thomas Edison. Latimer went on to invent many other useful devices, including a device which cooled and cleaned patients' rooms in hospitals.

    Maurice Hilleman

    Not all achievements require bravery and self-sacrifice. Take Maurice Hilleman for example. He found another way to change the world. He developed the mumps vaccine (疫苗) after his daughter got the illness. And he didn't stop there. In total, he has single-handedly developed over 40 vaccines, including eight commonly given to children. His work has saved millions of lives and prevented serious consequences due to the diseases.

    Nils Bohlin

    In 1959 Nils Bohlin patented a revolutionary design that has saved millions of lives-the three-point safety belt. After the initial resistance from drivers who hated being told what to do, and even for their own good, the three-point belt has become a standard feature in new cars around the world.


Journalists are the major group of people who make their living from writing. Many young people who see themselves as future novelists choose journalism as a way of earning a living while developing their writing skills. Although writing for newspapers and writing for books require different qualities, the aspiration (志向) to be a great writer is not one to be discouraged in a would-be journalist.

Most people want their work to be recognized by others. This helps to give it value. Some people also want themselves to be recognized, so that they have status (地位) in the eyes of society. It is not a bad motive to wish to be famous, but this must never become your main reason for being a journalist. You will not be a good journalist if you care more for impressing your audience than for serving their needs.

Knowing the power of the printed or spoken word or image, some people enter journalism for the power it will give them to influence people. There is a strong belief that journalists control the mass media but the best journalists recognize their role as servants of the people. There is a difference between the desire to influence events for your own sake, and the desire to do it for other people. You should never use journalism for selfish ends, but you can use it to improve the life of other people.

Curiosity is a natural part of most people's characters and an important ingredient for any journalist. Lots of young men and women enter the profession with the desire to know more about the world without needing to specialize in limited fields of study. Most journalists tend to know a little bit about a lot of things, rather than a lot about one subject. Knowledge has many uses. It can simply help to make you a fuller and more interesting person. It can also give you power over people, especially people who do not have that particular knowledge. Always bear in mind that power can be used in a positive way to improve people's lives.

