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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册2020-2021学年Unit 5 The Value of Money单元素养评价


When bicycle-sharing company oBike pulled out of Singapore abruptly last year, it left the city with unattended bicycles everywhere. Myanmar businessman Mike Than Tun Win saw the perfect opportunity to turn trash (垃圾) into treasure. "What if these bicycles could be distributed to poor students in villages so they can cycle to school? " he thought.

Mr Than, 33, grew up in Mandalay, where he used to walk to school as a student. While traveling through rural (乡村的) areas in Myanmar over the last few years he saw things had not changed. Long lines of children in rural villages continue to walk 30 minutes to an hour just to get to school. "I thought if we could just reduce the time they take, they could spend more time studying, gain more knowledge and increase their chances of getting out of poverty (贫困), " he said.

With that, he started a movement called Lesswalk with the intention of buying bicycles from bike-sharing firms oBike and ofo—which have stopped operations in Singapore — and shipping them to Yangon. He would renew the bicycles before distributing them to teenagers and families living in rural villages in Myanmar, beginning with villages in Mandalay and Sagaing areas.

Over the last three months, the businessman has bought 10, 000 bicycles in Singapore and Malaysia. He paid for 5, 000 of the bicycles out of his own pocket, with other sponsors paying for the rest.

Mr Than plans to modify (修改) the bicycles so that they can better suit the needs of the children in villages. Most of the time they ride around with their little brothers and sisters. "I'm planning to add an extra seat at the back so that they can go to school together," he said. He also plans to remove the digital locks and give each a new one that works better in villages.

Including the cost of shipping, modification and distribution, Mr Than thinks each bicycle might cost him around US $35 to US $40. "I might have to spend more money, but it is better that these bicycles are going to help some people rather than going to waste," he said.

(1)、What's the author's main purpose of writing the first two paragraphs?
A、To show Myanmar's hard rural life. B、To explain how to turn trash into treasure. C、To call on more people to follow Mr Than. D、To state the background of starting Lesswalk.
(2)、How does Mr Than plan to adapt the bicycles?
A、By painting them in a colorful way. B、By adding a bright light to each of them. C、By adding two extra seats to each of them. D、By changing the digital locks into new ones.
(3)、What can we infer from Mr Than's words in the last paragraph?
A、He has a high opinion of himself. B、He feels regret about what he has done. C、He is a man with strong social responsibility. D、He has decided to keep on working with oBike.
(4)、What's the best title for the text?
A、More unattended bicycles are attracting big attention B、Bicycle-sharing companies are forced to leave Singapore C、Rural villages in Myanmar are sponsored out of poverty D、Businessman donates recycled bicycles to poor students

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    As the world around them is changing, teenagers continue to need guidance and support from both parents. Studies show that teens who have an active relationship with their fathers are less likely(可能的)to involve themselves in dangerous behaviors and more likely to succeed in school and develop higher self-worth, because their fathers go beyond social expectations to devote attention to them.

    Peer(同龄人)pressure has always been a big part of the teens' experience. Even the best father can't completely protect their kids from the growing influence of their peer group. However, studies show that teenagers whose fathers focus on their lives are more likely to resist (抵抗)the more bad effects of peer pressure, taking drugs, for example.

    Teens may not like to admit it, but they are watching their parents closely and often follow their example. An interesting finding explains just how important parents are, especially Dad. Swiss researchers discovered that if Dad attends church, even though Mom doesn't, 44 percent of the kids are still more likely to keep going to church as adults. But if Mom goes regularly and Dad never shows up, only 2 percent of the kids continue to attend.

    Teenagers face a lot of difficult choices, especially in their later teens. Fathers don't get to make those choices for them, but they can be influenced. For example, teenagers can learn a lot from their parents' concern on what to do when they finish high school. Should they go directly to college and, if so, where? Should they consider going to trade schools, joining the army or looking for a job? A father's guidance brings a long-term perspective that teens often lack to these important decisions.


    Some of the people who created many popular apps are telling kids to put their phones away — at least, a bit more often. The Center for Humane Technology is made up of people who used to work for big tech companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Now they want kids to stop using those apps and websites so much.

    In early February, the center started a campaign called The Truth About Tech. Its goal is to teach students, parents and teachers about the dangers of spending too much time on smart phones and computers.

    According to studies about kids and technology, more than 95 percent of elementary school-aged children spend at least part of every day using a computer or smart phone. About 78 percent of teens check their phones every hour, and more than half of them sleep with their phones in case they get a call or message during the night.

    The Center for Humane Technology says that the apps and websites we use every day are purposely designed to keep us chatting, playing or watching online as much as possible. That includes social media like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, websites like YouTube and online games. It also says that the tech companies talk only about the good aspects of their products and don't mention the side effects.

    Some physical problems, like headaches, eyestrain (眼疲劳), and neck pain are caused by using phones or computers too much. Students spending too much time online may find it hard to be focused on school work. Children and teenagers are more likely to have these problems because their brains, bodies and social skills are still developing.

    One goal of The Truth About Tech campaign is to make sure that kids understand how technology affects them so they can make better decisions. The people behind the campaign also want governments and the tech companies themselves to take steps to protect children. When the leaders of the big technology companies are designing tech tools for kids, they should think about what they would want for their own children.


    From Madrid to Buenos Aires to Panama City to Lisbon, President Xi Jinping has tirelessly promoted the building of a community of shared future for mankind, and the Belt and Road Initiative(倡议) as a means to achieve that.

    But all don't see it that way. While some are quick to see its positive potentials, other countries insist on viewing it skeptically. There have been the usual doubts about the intention behind, although the mysterious threat they speak of is one they seem unable to explain clearly.

    To some of them, it is a vague assumption that investments from China are potential "debt traps" that call for extreme caution or "threats to national security". That is why the business combinations involving Chinese companies which would be mutually(相互地)beneficial have hit the rocks. The Chinese telecommunications technology giant Huawei, for instance, has found the doors to the 5G telecommunications markets of advanced countries closed to it on "national security" grounds. Likewise, the European Union has agreed on a framework regulating foreign investment(投资) particularly those from China on the same account.

    Even as Chinese and Portuguese leaders discuss bilateral(双边的)cooperation under the Belt and Road, there is no lack of concern about "Chinas influence". But existing EU rules do not forbid Lisbon from seeking such a partnership. If Lisbon sees no harm from foreign investment, no outsider is in a position to prevent it from making a choice in its own best interests.

    Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has reminded EU decision-makers of his country's desire for foreign investment, and advised the latter to avoid taking "the path of protectionism". It was a timely reminder.

    Facing the challenges in today's world, China and the countries that have embraced the Belt and Road are convinced it is the way to common development and the world's lasting peace and stability.

