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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新人教版2020-2021学年高中英语必修第三册Unit 4 单元测评习题


John Farish, an engineer who was staying at one of the city's finest hotels in St. Francis, remembered the very early morning of Wednesday, April 18, 1906. I was awakened by a loud noise, which might be compared to the mixed sounds of a strong wind flowing through a forest and the breaking of waves against a rock. In less time than it takes to tell, a shake, similar to that caused by a nearby explosion (爆炸), shook the building to its bases and it began a series of the most lively movements. Together with a frightening sound, it was followed by big crashes (碰撞) as the neighboring buildings and chimneys fell to the ground.

A few blocks away, in a comfortable room in the Palace Hotel, the world's greatest singer, Enrico Caruso, was asleep after a good performance at the Opera House the night before. He awoke to find: Everything in the room was going round and round. The light was trying to touch the ceiling and the chairs were all chasing each other. Crash — crash — crash! It was a terrible scene. Everywhere the walls were falling and clouds of yellow dust were rising. My God, I thought it would never stop!

And at the same moment, in another part of the city, Jesse Cook, a policeman, reported: The whole street was undulating (起伏波动). It was as if the waves of the ocean were coming toward me, and waving as they came.

It was, of course, an earthquake, one of the largest ever that hit North America, and the first of 27 separate quakes that day. The first shock — at 5: 12: 05 a. m. — lasted more than 40 seconds. It was by far the largest, about 8. 3 on the Richter scale; its epicenter (震源) was just off the coast, around the Pacific.

(1)、When the earthquake happened, Caruso was          .
A、looking at the waves rushing against the rock B、giving a performance at the Opera House C、listening to the sounds of wind flowing D、sleeping in the comfortable Palace Hotel
(2)、How did Jesse Cook describe the earthquake?
A、The street was flooded with ocean water. B、The street was dancing like ocean waves. C、The chairs in the room were chasing each other. D、The light was falling to the ground heavily.
(3)、What can we know about the earthquake according to the passage?
A、It was followed by 26 quakes that day. B、It caused the most deaths in history. C、It came from the center of the Pacific. D、It struck the place at midnight.
(4)、The purpose of writing this passage is to          .
A、teach us how to protect ourselves in an earth-quake B、find out why the earthquake happened C、describe the happenings of a strong earthquake D、introduce what harm the earthquake did to people

    What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, medicine or any other science?

    We all know that science plays an important role in our societies. However, many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of science. The first aspect is the application of the machines, products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologists develop. The second is the application of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.

    What are these special methods of thinking and acting? First of all, it seems that a successful scientist is curious - he wants to find out how and why the universe works. He usually pays attention to problems which he notices have no satisfying explanation, and looks for relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected. Moreover, he thinks he can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems which this involves.

    He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective and uses the facts he observes to the fullest. For example, trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum(光谱).

    He does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available. He rejects authority as the only basis for truth. Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively.

    Furthermore, he does not readily accept his own idea, since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instruments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigation.

    Lastly, he is full of imagination since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete. Furthermore, he needs imagination if he wants to guess how processes work and how events take place.

    These seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks and acts.


    Differences are important and they should be respected. For example, many important people throughout history were considered different, such as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln. They did great things, but some people thought they were strange because they had strong feelings about something. I can understand these people because I've been in that situation before many times.

    It all started in elementary school when I realized that I wasn't like everyone else. My mom says that I have a tendency to be obsessed(着迷)with certain subjects. Unfortunately, these subjects don't interest other kids of my age and they really don't interest my teachers. In fact, my kindergarten teacher said she would scream if I mentioned snakes or lizards one more time while she was teaching the days of the week. I would get into trouble for not paying attention and the teasing began.

    In the third grade, my teacher informed me that I have Asperger's Syndrome(症状). I said, “So what? Do you know that Godzilla's suit weighs 188 pounds?”

    Later, I asked my mom, “What's Asperger's Syndrome? Am I gonna die?” She said that it's like having blinders on, and that I can only see one thing at a time, and that it's hard to focus on other things.

    People also make fun of me for knowing facts about volcanoes, whales, tornadoes and many other scientific things. My mom says that she has been able to answer many questions on Jeopardy! just by listening to what I have to say, but I've even been laughed at for being smart.

    Maybe someday I'll become a gene engineer and create the real Godzilla. I can dream, Can't I?


    There are many places to go on safari (观赏野生动物) in Africa, but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world's most exciting wildlife journeys.

    Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure, providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta. The camps have excellent horses, professional guides and lots of support workers. They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.

    The morning ride, when the guides take you to beautiful, shallow lakes full of water lilies, tends to be more active. It is unlike any other riding experience. With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face, it is truly exciting. You are very likely to come across large wild animals, too. On horseback it is possible to get quite close to elephants, giraffes and many other animals. The sense of excitement and tension levels rise suddenly though, as does your heart rate, as you move closer to them.

    In the evening, rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace, with golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink. Sedate though they are, rides at this time of day are still very impressive. As the sun's rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses, the romance of Africa comes to life.

    Back at the camp you can kick off your boots and enjoy excellent food and wine. Looking back on your day, you will find it hard to deny that a horseback safari is as close as you will ever come to answering the call of the wild.


    Nhon Ly, a 55-year-old Vietnamese-born professional bodybuilder from California has been awarded the "real-life Master Roshi" for his unbelievable similarity to the popular Dragon Ball Z anime(日本动漫) character.

    Ly certainly doesn't look like any other typical 55-year-old man. In fact, he looks a lot better than most guys in their 20s, with his lean(瘦且健康的), strong muscles and youthful attitude. But he's absolutely not the only 50-something man who has the strong muscle in the world.  What really sets Nhon Ly apart from all the rest is his unbelievable similarity to Dragon Ball Z character Master Roshi, also known as the Turtle Hermit, in his "final form". And he apparently liked the comparison so much that he even set his Instagram handle as @master_ roshi_ real_ life.

    According to Madness Media, Ly immigrated to the United States in 1980, at the age of 16. He got a job as a pedicurist(修脚师) at a nail salon, and worked his way up to salon owner. Although he has achieved so much, bodybuilding has always been his biggest love. He has competed in several professional bodybuilding events, with his most notable results being the 4th place at the 2011 US Championship, the 7th place at the 2012 edition, and the 5th place at the 2015 Nationals.

    Even at 55, Nhon Ly continues to train hard in the gym in order to keep his Master Roshi look. He also likes to share photos and videos with his 40,000 fans, many of whom are Dragon Ball Z fans. They routinely post a large quantity of comments, thanking him for training Goku, who is the main character in Dragon Ball media, and asking him to train them in the art of bodybuilding.


    People think of cats as cute. But research published in a psychology journal calls them neurotic (神经质的) and unstable. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the Bronx Zoo in New York compared the personalities of domestic house cats with those of four different types of wildcats.

    To better understand their personalities, the researchers rated a number of animals behaviors on what psychologists call the Big Five human personality traits (特征).

    Domestic house cats have similar personality structures to African lions. "It's what cats do pretty much on a daily basis, things like being anxious, being timid, being excitable, being aggressive toward humans, being aggressive toward each other, "said Max Wachtel, a Denver psychologist who didn't participate in the study. "All of those are characteristics you see in those cute little house cats, and you also see them in lions."

    If you ever thought your cat was anxious, insecure, tense, suspicious or aggressive toward you, you aren't making it up, he said. If they were bigger, they probably would consider killing you.

    But the news isn't all bad: Just like lions, house cats are also playful, excitable and impulsively funny. They just aren't very predictable. One moment cats will be enjoying bell scratches, and the next they will be biting you to make you stop.

    "It is good to understand the personality characteristics of our pets," Wachtel said "Different cats have different personalities, but as a species, there are a lot of commonalities."

    The researchers also studied personality traits of Scottish wildcats and some other animals “Across the five species we assessed, personality structure was strikingly similar and also seemed to be related to other studies' findings, such as in tigers, "the researchers wrote in their study in the November 2014 issue of the Journal of Comparative Psychology. But house cats were most like lions, potentially because they live in semi-social surroundings and lions are the most social of cats.

    “They're cute and furry, but we need to remember when we have cats as pets, we are inviting little predators into our house," Wachtel said. "Cats can be fantastic, sweet companions -until they turn on you.”


On the day the tornado hit, there was no indication severe weather was on its way—the sky was blue and the sun had been out. The first alert my husband, Jimmy, 67, and I, 65, got came around 9 p. m. , from some scrolling text on the TV Jimmy was watching. He ran upstairs to find me in our third-floor bedroom, and we changed the channel from the presidential primary debate I had been watching to our local Pensacola, Florida, station.

No sooner had we found coverage of the tornado than it was on top of us. It was the loudest thing I have ever heard. The bones of the house shook, and the power went out. Pink insulation flew into the room from a trapdoor to the attic, and the wind began to roar through the house.

I didn't know how or if we would make it down the steps. It felt as if there were no floor underneath me as the wind lifted me off my feet. I gripped the banister (栏杆) and tried to move forward, but this intense pressure held me in place.

By the time I reached the closet, the tornado had been over us for about a minute. Jimmy pushed me down to the closet floor, but he couldn't get inside himself because of the wind. I gripped Jimmy's arm. My knees and scalp were full of glass, but in that moment, I felt no pain.

All of a sudden, Jimmy lifted off his feet like people in tornadoes do in the movies. I thought he was gone. And then everything stopped. He landed on his feet. In those first quiet moments, I couldn't believe it was over. Jimmy said he'd go outside to check. "No," I said. "Don't leave me. "

Our neighbor says the storm lasted four minutes. In that time, four of the twelve town houses in our unit were completely destroyed. Of the houses left standing, ours suffered the most damage. Amazingly, none of us were severely injured.

