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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



China's Bao Yongqing has been named the overall winner of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition for 2019, claiming one of the world's top photography awards.

The competition is developed and produced by the Natural History Museum in London. This year's competition, the 55th, drew more than 48,000 entries from 100 countries. The winning entry by Bao, a native of Qinghai province, is titled The Moment. It captures a remarkable standoff between a Tibetan fox and a marmot(土拨鼠), and was taken on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. "Photographically, it is quite simply the perfect moment," said Roz Kidman Cox, the chairwoman of the judging panel. "The expressive intensity of the postures holds you transfixed, and the thread of energy between the raised paws seems to hold the protagonists in perfect balance", Cox said. To have captured such a powerful interaction between a Tibetan fox and a marmot — two species key to the ecology of this high-grassland region — is extraordinary. Museum Director Michael Dixon said the picture captured "nature's ultimate challenge——the battle for survival".

Bao, in a group interview on Wednesday, said of the photo: "It is very difficult and rare to capture this kind of moment, so I knew it was something very special. It took about two or three hours to get this photo. I was watching them for a long time. I have paid attention to this competition for a long time, and my first purpose was to show my image to the world, and secondly to protect the environment and my homeland," he said." In my hometown, everyone looks after the animals, so when I go home with this award, it will be an encouragement to our people to be more protective of animals and the environment." In addition, the photographer said: "This competition is one of the most important among photographers in China, so I wanted to draw people's attention to animal protection. I hope it will introduce a passion for animals to more people."

The exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Kensington will open on Friday and run through the end of May next year, when it will go on a national and international tour. Entries for next year's competition will be accepted beginning on Oct. 21.

(1)、What does the underlined word "protagonists" in the 2nd paragraph mean?
A、Onlookers. B、Photographers. C、Hunters. D、Main characters.
(2)、Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A、The Wildlife Photographer of the Year originated from London. B、The Wildlife Photographer of the Year is a domestic competition in China. C、The competition drew worldwide attention, making it the best event in photography. D、Entries are strictly restricted, mainly focused on endangered animals.
(3)、What is the reason for Bao's winning the award?
A、His capturing a crucial moment between two typical species. B、His expertise in photography. C、His passionate devotion to wildlife protection. D、His publicizing the knowledge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
(4)、What can we infer from the passage?
A、In Bao's hometown, everyone looks after animals. B、Taking photos can sometimes be painstaking. C、Photograph is sure to raise public awareness of animal protection. D、The exhibition will go on a tour in China next year.

    Every month we look at a different artist. We think Haroshi is super cool—he makes sculptures(雕塑) from skateboards.

    Haroshi is in his late 30s. He's a skateboarder but he also makes things from wood. He began skateboarding when he was 15 years old and he loved it. He used to skate every day. Now, if you know anything about skateboarding, you'll know that skateboards don't last forever because they break. But Haroshi didn't throw his out because he was fond of them. Over time he built up a big collection and at the same time he learnt about all the different types of skateboard. Surprisingly, not all skateboards are of the same shape and actually they are often built in different ways. By the time he was 25, he had an enormous collection of old skateboards.

    He decided he had to do something with them so he started to cut them up. As he was doing that, he noticed some interesting patterns in the wood. He then cut more and stuck them on top of each other. The first thing he created from the wood was a piece of jewelry. He created something new from something old.

    Nowadays, however, he is known for his extremely large 3D wooden sculptures. His ideas generally come from skateboarding culture, ranging from skateboarding cats to cool trainers, but also everyday topics such as hurting yourself, getting better, being crazy about something and of course, growing up. All skateboarders will understand these. Haroshi has made over 40 pieces and each piece takes a very long time. There is no doubt that he is very talented but he's had no formal art training. He taught himself.

    Haroshi held an exhibition in London last month and three of us from @teenattack went along. As we entered the first room, we saw a huge bird that covered one wall. It was absolutely enormous! There was also a sculpture called Ordinary life. It looked like a broken leg—a very common problem, of course. It's incredible to think that these sculptures are all made from broken skateboards. But there's something else that is really interesting about Haroshi's work.

    In the twelfth century a sculptor called Unkei placed a glass ball in each of his works to show the heart of the piece. Haroshi also places something inside his sculptures—a piece of broken skateboard. In this way, he gives his sculptures life. We think that is just awesome!


    At the end of August this year I moved from London, UK, to a small town in Quebec, Canada, called Matane to work as an English language assistant. Patience is a word that has appeared in many forms over the past two months.

    I don't see myself as being the most patient person in the world but there was something that struck me on my first week of work. I had just finished a session with two students and just as they were leaving the classroom, one of the students turned back and said, “Thank you for your patience.” That was an early reminder of the importance of being patient as a teacher. It also made me reflect on the language teachers that I have had over the years, ones that demonstrated a high level of patience and understanding that has shaped my language learning path. Moreover, it helped me to realize the importance of demonstrating patience in the classroom as it can be the difference between building someone's confidence in a language or breaking down their confidence entirely.

    Living my life constantly in French is not easy but the people of Quebec are very patient. They repeat things several times and they are more than happy to wait while I find the correct words to express myself and find the correct word order. It's a learning process but with the patience of others, the process is slightly less nervous. At the end of the day, making mistakes shows you are trying and I think that is greatly appreciated by Quebecers.

    When I first arrived in Matane I kept getting headaches from having to concentrate all the time due to the language and even overhearing other people's conversations was hard work! I had to keep reminding myself that it would take time, and two months later the headaches are a distant memory and my ears have become more tuned to their accent. The key is to be patient with yourself.


    The love story between John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie, was far from perfect and was tragically cut short in 1963 by a sniper's(狙击手) bullet.

    On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was seated beside his smartly dressed wife, who was wearing a pink Chanel-like suit and matching pillbox hat and holding an armful of red roses that had been presented to her by fans. They were seated in the back seat of a dark blue 1961 Lincoln with John Connally, the Governor of Texas and his wife, Nellie.

    And then came the dark moment. As the motorcade(车队) passed the Texas School Book Depository on Elm Street, a loud noise—like the sound of a firecracker—cracked the air. President Kennedy slumped(耷拉) forward, Jackie putting her arms around him.

    The look on her husband's face after he was shot would haunt Jackie for the rest of her life. The last words she ever got to say to him were, "I love you, Jack. I love you," according to Anderson, although Jackie herself recalled it slightly differently in a 1963 interview. All the way to Parkland Hospital, where President Kennedy would eventually be pronounced dead, as she recalled it, she was bent over him, asking "Jack, Jack, can you hear me? I love you."

    Jack Kennedy's final words to his wife of 10 years were far more mundane, of course. He had no way of knowing what was about to happen. It's been reported that Jack's final words were, "My God, I've been hit," but physicians have said this was impossible given Jack's injuries. Well, historians have now clarified that the last words Jack spoke before the fatal shot were, "No, you certainly can't."

    No, you certainly can't?

    He was making small talk in the car. "You certainly can't say that the people of Dallas haven't given you a nice welcome," the Texas Governor's wife had just remarked to Jack, referring to the huge, adoring crowd. "No, you certainly can't," Jack replied, milliseconds before the bullet from Lee Harvey Oswald gun struck.

    John F. Kennedy never spoke another word after that fateful day, but many things he said during his lifetime are incredibly inspiring.


Doing crosswords(纵横字谜) is a fun way to kill the time and can also be educational. Difficult crosswords may leave you confused as you have no ideas on how to solve them sometimes. To perform well in this game, you need to have enough knowledge of different fields. If you are unable to do them and you have access to the answers, it is not generally considered cheating to look up an answer or two. However, in some cases, it does not follow the rule.

A crossword should not include someone else's answers, so even a quick look at a fellow student to complete a crossword would not be fair. Generally, you wouldn't have access to the answers.

Additionally, some crossword competitions should not be connected with cheating. Again, in such a situation, you usually won't have access to the answers. Turning to the Internet or referring to(查阅) any books of crosswords for answers is also unfair, since some people will complete the crosswords strictly with their own knowledge.

If you are not in a competitive environment, the check of a word can actually be an opportunity to learn how to become better at crosswords. Through looking up the answers (Although sometimes considered as cheat.), you can memorize whatever facts or word definitions (定义) you must look up. This will help you avoid the need to cheat in the future.

Some argue that cheating on crosswords is always wrong, and you're only cheating yourself if you are looking up the answers. It could be argued instead that cheating on crosswords that are done for fun or enjoyment can actually be an opportunity to benefit yourself because you're learning something new. Just don't forget to mention that you actually did cheat a little. Being honest is of great importance both to you and the other competitors.

It can be helpful to buy books of crosswords that have several different difficulty levels. If you are new to doing crosswords, you might want to put off working on crosswords until you are more confident in your skills.

