
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Choose Your One-Day-Tours!

    Tour A—Bath &Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge —£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter.

    Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum, Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.

    Tour B—Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's —£32 until 12 March and £36 thereafter.

    Oxford: Includes a guided tour of England's oldest university city and colleges. Look over the “city of dreaming spires(尖顶)”from St Mary's Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.

    Tour C—Windsor Castle &Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace —£34 until 11 March and £37 thereafter.

    Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry VIII's favorite palace. Free time to visit Windsor Castle(entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the famous maze(迷宫)where it is easy to get lost!

    Tour D—Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great—£33 until 18 March and £37 thereafter.

    Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.

(1)、Which tour will you choose if you want to see England's oldest university city?

A、Tour A B、Tour B C、Tour C D、Tour D
(2)、Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on 17 March?

A、Windsor Castle & Hampton Court B、Oxford & Stratford C、Cambridge D、Bath & Stonehenge
(3)、Why is Hampton Court a major tourist attraction?

A、It is a world-famous castle B、It used to be a well-known maze C、It is the oldest palace in Britain D、It used to be the home of royal families

    High school in Austria is a fantastic way to experience life overseas while growing academically.


    Austria's close proximity(接近)to lakes, forests and mountains enables it to offer a great variety of activities. Alpine skiing began with local competitions in the Austrian Arlberg area. Snowboarding, surfing, sailing, horseback riding, soccer, tennis and volleyball are also popular activities.

    Program Dates

    Dates subject to change

    Academic Year

    Dates: August-June

    Application Before April 15th

    US$ 500 Early Application Discount Apply by February 2nd.

    Fall Trimester

    Dates: August-November

    Application Before April 15th

    US$ 300 Early Application Discount Apply by February 2nd

    Fall Semester

    Dates: August-January

    Application Before April 15th

    US$ 500 Early Application Discount Apply by February 2nd

    Spring Trimester

    Dates: January-April

    Application Before October 1st

    US$ 300 Early Application Discount Apply by July 2nd

    Spring Semester

    Dates: January-June

    Application Before October 1st

    U$ 500 Early Application Discount Apply by July 2nd


    You should:

    Be between 15 and 18 years of age.

    Be from the United States or Canada.

    Have a high school grade of at least 2.75/4.

    Be in great mental and physical health.

    Have a genuine interest in becoming a part of your host family and community.

    Be willing to learn the German language.


    Academic Trimester: US$ 8,820

    Academic Semester: US$ 12,470

    Academic Year: US$ 14,160


    America's top education official says many schools are spending too much time teaching the "basics"—reading, math and writing. It might seem opposite to what educators have been promoting. But U.S. Education Secretary John King says children really deserve access to a well-rounded education that includes music and arts because it will help them go into being well-rounded, well-educated persons.

    King spoke about his own education when explaining why schools need to teach more than math, reading and writing.

    King grew up in New York. Both his parents died when he was quite young. In his house, things were often crazy and frightening. It was his teacher, Mr. Osterwei, who helped him escape his difficult life. Quite often, the teacher took him and his classmates to the theater, the zoo, the ballet and famous Museum of Natural History. "Those were powerful, life-changing experiences, "King says. King graduated from Harvard University. He received his law degree from Yale University. He took charge of New York State public schools from 2011-2015. The U.S. Senate approved him as Education secretary last month.

    Many schools spend almost all funding on the "basics" because they lack money for other subjects, King says. Or they want students to do better on tests used to compare student performance.

    Students need to connect their studies and things that matter to them personally, such as music if they are to become "sophisticated(水平高的) thinkers". A 2013 report by UNESCO says today's world needs people able to solve new and unusual problems. It says arts can help students find those answers. In the report, UNESCO said teaching the arts in China, South Korea and Japan is different.

    From that in many Western countries, the emphasis(重点) in those three countries is "on joyful experiences and children's interests." In the West, educators are more likely to connect the arts to reading, writing and math. A 2014 report tried to compare how well countries teach children how to solve problems. It found Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China, Canada, Australia and Finland with the highest scores for 15-year-olds. Singapore led the way with a score of 562 out of a possible 1, 000. The average score was 500. The United States had a score of 508.


    Downloading music over the Internet is pretty common among high school and college students. However, when students download and share copyrighted music without permission, they are against the law.

    A survey of young people's music ownership has found that teenagers and college students have an average of more than 800 illegally copied songs each on their digital music players. Half of those surveyed share all the music on their hard drive (硬盘), enabling others to copy hundreds of songs at any one time. Some students were found to have randomly linked their personal blogs to music sites, so as to allow free trial listening of copyrighted songs for blog visitors, or adopted some of the songs as the background music for their blogs. Such practices may be easy and free, but there are consequences.

    Sandra Dowd, a student of Central Michigan University, was fined US $7,500 for downloading 501 files from Lime Wire, a peer-to-peer file sharing program. Sandra claimed that she was unaware that her downloads were illegal until she was contacted by authorities. Similarly, Mike Lewinski paid US $4,000 to settle a lawsuit(起诉)against him for copyright violation (违反). Mike expressed shock and couldn't believe that this was happening to him. “I just wanted to save some money and I always thought the threat was just a scare tactic(战术).” “You know, everyone does it,” added Mike.

    The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), the organization that files lawsuits against illegal downloaders, states that suing (控告) students was by no means their first choice. Unfortunately, without the threat of consequences, students are just not changing their behavior. Education alone is not enough to stop the extraordinary growth of the illegal downloading practice.


    Almost every second of every day an older adult falls in the United States. That's approximately 29 million falls per year and nearly 27, 000 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Still in the stating stage, the Active Pelvis Orthosis (APO) system in Switzerland wants to make a lightweight, wearable exoskeleton (外骨骼) that could detect signs of balance loss and assist with balance recovery to keep the elderly wearer from falling, only when needed.

    Other exoskeletons, either in development or on the market today, assist with movement and make heavy objects feel lighter. Mobility-impaired people can walk again. But none of these devices predict what the wearer is going to do next and take measures to correct an unsteady move.

    The 3 kilogram (6.7 pound) exoskeleton was built entirely from scratch by the research team and is designed to be worn on the lower half of the body. A waistband connects to two movable carbon fiber braces (支架), each one positioned on the outer side of a leg. Tiny motors and so-called "adaptive oscillators" (适配振荡器) in the computer circuits use a special process to detect the, wearer's unique paces. That part takes just a few minutes.

    While wearing the exoskeleton, a person may feel the braces and the motors pushing slightly on their legs. If their paces go against normal, the motors create a force in the braces that cause them to stiffen up and push a little more strongly against the legs, which provides stability.

    In the next three years, the APO hopes to develop something that is commercially available.

