
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A ship was wrecked (失事) and only two of the men aboard were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. Not knowing what else to do, the two 1 agreed that they had no 2 but to pray to God.

    3, to find out whose prayers were more 4, they agreed to divide the territory (领地) between them. What the first man 5 for was food. The next morning, he saw a fruit bearing tree on his side of the island, and he was able to eat its 6 But the other man's side of land remained 7.

    After a week, the first man became 8 and decided to pray for a wife. The next day, a woman swam to his side of the island. But on the other side of the island, there was 9. Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more 10. The next day, like magic, all of these things were 11 to him. However, the other man still had nothing.

    12, the first man prayed for a ship so that he and his wife could 13 the island, and in the next morning he found a ship at his side of the island. The first man 14 the ship with his wife and decided to leave the other man on the island, considering him unworthy to receive God's blessings 15 none of his prayers had been answered. As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from Heaven booming, “Why are you leaving your 16on the island?”

    “My blessings are mine alone since I was the one who prayed for them,” the first man answered. “His prayers were all unanswered and so he doesn't 17 anything.”

    “You are mistaken!” the voice 18 him. “He had only one prayer, which I 19. He prayed that all your prayers would be answered. Had it not been for that, you would not have 20 any of my blessings.”

A、enemies    B、survivors C、applicants D、volunteers
A、ability    B、symbol C、choice D、excuse
A、So   B、Because C、Otherwise  D、Moreover
A、powerful    B、cheerful C、skillful D、harmful
A、accounted  B、reached C、prayed  D、prepared
A、leaves    B、fruits   C、roots D、branches
A、hopeful   B、helpful  C、useless D、fruitless
A、lonely  B、doubtful  C、selfish  D、nervous
A、something   B、nothing C、anything D、everything
A、wives    B、fiance C、products D、food
A、 given  B、sold C、donated D、congratulated
A、Suddenly    B、Gradually C、Finally  D、Fortunately
A、leave    B、occupy   C、visit  D、share
A、checked    B、decorated C、boarded  D、controlled
A、if   B、as if  C、though D、since
A、relative B、partner    C、male  D、colleague
A、gain    B、acquire (获得) C、deserve   D、miss
A、yelled    B、comforted  C、laughed  D、opposed
A、hated    B、answered C、ignored D、treasured
A、received   B、appeared C、overlooked  D、accepted

    “Mum ,can I invite my classmate Brett over to stay tomorrow night, please? It's Friday ,and we don't have any,Can I1 please?”Mum was sitting at the kitchen table. Dad was2next to her, resting his head on his arms. Mum could3that James wanted so badly to have his friend over.

    “I'm so sorry, James,”she said.

    “I'm never allowed to have friends come to the house? Why, Mum?”James asked sadly ,almost in4

    “I know it's5for you,”Mum said softly.“But I'm just worried other people might think we're a little... strange. And then they would make fun of you.”

    “No, they wouldn't, Mum,”James protested.“We're not6at all. We're just ordinary people.”

    Mum sighed heavily.“To tell you the truth, James, my neck has been so painful that it's given me a heavy7And your poor father—he doesn't feel8He really needs a rest.”

    “I can help, Mum!”James said.“9I can make you and Dad feel better ,can Brett come over? Please?”

    “Well...”Mum began.

    “Great !Thanks, Mum!”James almost shouted.“Just sit there ,don't move.”He rushed over to the kitchen drawer and10what he needed—two spanners(扳手).“Hang on, Mum,”he said.“This won't take a second.”After some11, James was finished. With a smile of12on his face he said,“There! How does that feel? ”“Oh, James,”Mum said.“That's much better! How did you do it?”

    “Easy,”James said13“Dad had tightened your neck bolts(螺栓)too much! I just14them slightly !I learned that in robotic science at school.”

    “What about your father? Can you15him?”asked Mum.

    “I'll try,”James replied. He16up Dad's hair at the back of his neck , and plugged the electric wire into Dad's head. Then he turned the17on. Dad opened his eyes and18immediately .“ He just let his19run too low ,that's all,”James said,“Shall I tell Brett to come over straight after school tomorrow?”

    “I guess so,”replied Mum.“Your friends will just have to20that we are a very unusual family. Thanks, son!”


I was working as a lifeguard at Tower 15 on Newport and two blocks to my right was another guard named Mike, working at Tower 17. He called me over the phone and said, “Hey, I have 1 two kids who are swimming in the dangerous zone. I have to give them a warning. Keep an eye on us.” I said “Sure.” In case of 2, anytime we got out of our tower, we were supposed to 3 somebody else.

Mike hung up the phone and 4 the lifebuoy(救生圈). Then he realized that these two kids had been 5and that there was a great tendency for them to be 6 by the wave. 7, Mike rushed toward the ocean. I 8 the water and all I found was two small heads. The mother of the two kids knelt(跪) down on the beach with 9 .

    When I dropped my binoculars(望远镜) and reached the mother, Mike was in waist-deep water, 10 the two kids. I turned to the mum and said, “Hey, it's OK. They are safe.” I saw the terror started to 11. Then she glanced back and got her first good look at Mike. A new kind of 12 washed over her face as though there was another threat to her kids' lives. She snatch(抢) her kids without 13 .

    Mike had some seemingly 14behavior, and his shaved head showed a scar(伤疤). Maybe he had no 15 manners, but his lifesaving ability 16 his unsatisfactory skills in PR(public relation). In the mother's 17 , Mike was a really terrible guy. However, that couldn't change the fact that he had just18her kids.

    Mike just glanced at me and smiled. As I jogged back to my tower, I promised myself I'd never let my own 19 prevent me from 20 a hero when I meet one.


    My mother and her family kept information about my father and his family a secret from me for over half a century. In 2010 I began to 1 my father through Ancestry.com. However, I learned he had 2 cancer on August 6, 1999 in a hospital in Dallas, Texas.

    When I got my father's death 3, the medical examiner told me because my father had no 4 around the city, they buried him in a body bag in a(n) 5 grave in an old cemetery.

    I knew my father 6 in WW2 so I decided to work on getting his remains 7 to my state to be buried in our national cemetery. From 2011 to 2017 I kept working on 8 my debt from a divorce and increasing my 9 score so someday I could get a personal loan.

    That certificate of 10 service proved my father served 43 months in WW2 in the USA Army Air Force fighting the Nazi's. I still did not have the money 11. In July of 2018 a bank approved a $10, 000 personal loan so I had a funeral director 12 a permit to exhume my father. After 4 months of 13 I asked Senator Brown for help again in November. Six days after he contacted Texas officials a permit was 14.

    On July 9, 2019 an airplane will 15 at the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport 16 I will be finally 17 with my father and touch his metal casket and the missing piece of my heart will be 18.

    On January 10, 2019 the Ohio Patriot Guard Riders will escort my father's hearse through my 19 to be buried with honors in our states National cemetery and one day in January Senator Brown will have an American Flag 20 over our Nation's Capital to honor my father.

    If you never give up one day your dream will become a reality.

