
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    One of the most important lessons I learned from my father took place in our driveway when I was in elementary school. We used to play basketball every day, and he 1that I needed to learn how to shoot and dribble with my left hand. Being naturally athletic, I quickly became frustrated with my lack of left-handed 2. I became very angry, 3 down on the driveway, and began to cry, and my father stood there and looked at me as he waited 4 for me to get over my tears. When I realize that my behavior was not getting me 5, I got back up. He passed me the 6 and I continued to practice. His lesson of 7 giving up and working harder to accomplish my goals was conveyed to me without a word. I 8 became skillful with my left hand, but what I really learned that day was a road map for overcoming my biggest 9 in life.

    10 I was eighteen I was in a car accident, where I broke a vertebra in my spine. I was going to 11 to play soccer, and now I was told that I would never again be able to 12 athletically. For half a year I was not even able to 13 my own clothes. I wanted to 14 school and give up. I wanted to lie down and cry that life was 15, much as I had done in our driveway so long ago. 16every time I felt that way, that earlier memory danced in my mind. I knew that 17 I was patient and continued to work hard, I could overcome this difficulty.

    For three years I continued to go to school, doing three to four hours of 18 rehabilitation every day, with constant support from my parents. And I finally earned my 19 back on the playing field. That lesson in the driveway had 20 me to be on the field, and I owed it all to my dad. I succeeded because of who my father is, and who I am because of him.

A、suggested  B、decided C、recommended D、predicted
A、success  B、failure C、glory D、loss
A、lied     B、laid C、lain D、lay
A、briefly    B、patiently C、steadily D、faithfully
A、anywhere    B、nowhere C、everywhere D、somewhere
A、ticket    B、smile  C、ball  D、map
A、never     B、always C、nearly  D、seldom
A、absolutely  B、abnormally C、breathlessly D、eventually
A、challenge    B、weakness C、shortcoming D、disadvantage
A、While     B、When C、Because D、Since
A、 college  B、hospital    C、kindergarten D、gym
A、work     B、perform C、organize D、manage
A、put up   B、put aside C、put on D、put away
A、drop   B、enter C、change D、quit
A、unusual   B、unexpected C、uncertain D、unfair
A、However  B、But      C、And D、So
A、because   B、although C、if  D、as
A、painful    B、impressive C、harmful D、pleasant
A、money     B、respect C、living D、way
A、asked     B、forced C、allowed D、persuaded

    "What's it like to have a gap between your teeth?" a girl asked me one day.

    Nobody had ever 1 before. My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth. But, as she looked at me, sincerely waiting for2, 1 realized she was not trying to be rude. "I never think about it," I truthfully replied. She nodded and turned away. I was left wondering if people3 me and saw only gappy teeth.

    Later that day at home, I began to 4 my teeth again. I felt upset. I thought my life would be somehow better if my teeth were not gappy. How I wanted the perfect teeth that everyone else seemed to have!

    Of course, Mom 5everything . She has lived her entire life with gappy teeth, and tried to convince me that there was nothing to 6. When I refused to listen, she told me I could get the surgery to close the gap if it was that important. "Let's be 7, though," she said. "If everyone got surgeries to become pretty, everyone would be exactly the same. There is beauty in differences."

    Her 8 made me consider my teeth seriously. The thought of losing my gap was more terrible than the reality that people were going to notice it. I realized how important it was to me. It is part of my9.

    Nowadays many people do ridiculous things to realize their dream of "perfection." The10 is that no one is perfect. When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of the potential for11.

    So if that girl ever asked about my teeth 12, I would truthfully answer. "You know? It's really cute."


    Mother's Day, 2017 was the last time that all my three kids would be kids at home. I was1a Mother's Day to remember.

    That morning, I got up early and left for2.The boys and I were going3,not unusual,so I expected the time I'd have with the three of them surrounding me during break. I entered the office after my class,4the crowd for their faces.I didn't find the boys,but wasn't too worried5their classes often ran late.I found a row with plenty of room for all four of us,6spots for my handsome young men.

    The longer I sat there,the more7and angry I got.How could they8their mother on this of all days?I couldn't9my work,only on how I'd been wronged.10the time the last morning class ended,I could hardly wait to get home and give them a piece of my mind.

    Arriving home,I noticed a pile of roses on the ground.I looked closer and saw they were the11of a track made from fresh flowers,which led to our room.As I12the flowers,the door got opened and three13faces greeted me. They let me see what they'd been working on all14.

    15the entire floor were the words,Happy Mother's Day,We Love You.They were spelled out with16.The space was17with sweet of roses and other flowers.They'd asked for a leave and worked all morning,gathering the fresh flowers and18them into a surprise message.

    I immediately realized I'd been much too hurry in my19of the situation.While I had been feeling unloved, they'd spent their time writing a20to show how much they really cared.


    Eight-year-old Landen Johnson, from Lincolnton, North Carolina, suffers from a rare disease. It is thought to have just 28 patients 1.

    At only three-feet tall and 2 less than his three-year-old sister Hannah Grace, Landen is 3 to grow just another 4 at best in his lifetime. Although on the road to 5, Landen is taking a cocktail of medications (鸡尾酒疗法) and has to go to hospital three times a week, with doctors saying it will be months before he is fully 6.

    7 Landen likely facing the challenges of a little person in the future, his parents believe his brave, outgoing 8 will benefit him. His father Luke, 34, said, "I expect to see him 9 a lot in his adult life, especially as 10 as he is and as wide open as he is. He can do anything he wants to do." Speaking of his 11, Landen's mother Amanda, 32, said, "He wears a size 3T clothes, which are the size for boys aged three and he has to have an 12 waist. He is eight years old and he is almost about the same size as his three-year-old sister."

    Although Landen's parents worry about their son's 13, they believe it will be 14, with Luke saying, "I 15 his strength through everything he has been through. We wish Landen would live a 16, full and healthy life. We're going to challenge him and 17 him to do anything he feels like doing even though he is going to be smaller and he may have more health challenges, he doesn't have to 18 himself. He is teaching me a lot about faith and he has taught me a lot about what it 19 to be strong, even when he feel so 20 sometimes.


    Little was road testing his mountain bike outside of Columbus, when his riding partner, Dixon, stopped suddenly. Something in the distance moving among the trees had 1 her attention. It 2 to be a five-month-old dog.

    "He was really thin and had a 3 leg," Little told CBS News. The cyclists fed the dog and 4 their water. They realized that the dog was coming with them, although they had no 5 how they could be. They were more than seven miles from downtown and riding bikes. "We couldn't 6 him," Little told the Ledger-Enquirer. "Out there, he was going to 7 others' food."

    Little had an idea. He carefully 8 up his new friend and slipped (使滑入) the dog's hind (后面的) legs into the back 9 of his cycling clothes. Then he put the dog's front paws (爪子) over his 10.

    "He was injured, so he wasn't trying to 11," Little says. "It was also 12 that we were there and ready to help."

    They came to a 13. There they got more water and food for the dog. That was when Shaw passed 14. The dog 15 her, licking (舔) her, Shaw found the dog was lovable and, after learning what had happened, 16, "I am keeping this dog. "

    Shaw named him Columbo 17 the town where they'd met and scheduled a (n) 18 on his broken leg. Today, Columbo is living on a farm with a horse and a six-year-old boy to keep him 19. As Dixon said, "He is the 20 dog alive."


    My husband and I both were working in a lonely village in northern Thailand. There were many 1, particularly around our housing.

    We 2 our house this past June. Shortly after, while we were working at the office, the 3 removed all the surrounding banana trees and the grass in order to raise the ground level — she had 4 on tearing down our house and building a new one after we left.

    She brought in tons of 5. This left our house in a kind of moat(壕沟), and when the heavy rain came, our house 6. This was upsetting, but it turned into something 7, because when the headmaster at my school became 8 of it, he got my eighth-grade class to come to help 9 up.

    The boys dug into the moat to drain the water, and built a path out to the street, 10 the girls mopped up the water inside and spread newspapers to 11 it. Before the problem was truly 12, however, we had another flood. This turned into a 13, with teachers and students again 14, and our host mother bringing lunch for everyone.

    Another time, my husband suddenly got very 15. It was going to take the 16 two hours to reach our house, 17 my co-teacher arranged for a truck from the government office to take us to meet it--this truly helped greatly by 18 two hours off the ride.

    There were many other 19 of care and kindness. This community is dear to our hearts, and there is no way we can ever 20 them. I plan to try my best to pay it forward by looking for people in need of help.


    It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon some fifteen or sixteen years ago. I took my two kids to the local playground. As soon as we got there my daughter headed for the swings (秋千)and asked for a1. I noticed another little girl2to get her own swing going high as I was3my daughter to go higher and higher.

    I walked over to the little girl and asked4she needed help. She smiled and said YES and I soon had her feet flying towards the5while she laughed happily. For the next two hours I found myself pushing swings and playing games with my daughter and the little girl. By the time we headed home, I was6tired, but my spirits were flying7than those swings.

    Three years later I was8again after a day's work. Still, I needed to9my kids from their school before heading home. I stood in the10waiting area waiting for my children. Suddenly, I felt two11arms wrapped around my legs. I looked down and there was the little girl I met 3 years before on the12smiling up at me. She gave me a big hug before running away to13the school bus. As I watched her14, I didn't feel tired any more and my spirits were once again15with that swing.

    The love we16with others will find its way back to us. It will travel from heart to heart. It may take seconds or it may take17. The law of love,18, is never broken. We will get back what we give. We will harvest what we19. The kindness we give and the joy we create will always come back to20us.

