
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 1 my life forever.

    One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later, I was in a 2 on life support with less than two percent 3 of living. It wasn't until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 4 blood infection.

Over the 5 of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents 6 me out of the hospital, I 7 that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物) doll and I had to live with 8 legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 9 streaming down.

    But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and 10 the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 11. And that is when it 12 me that I didn't have to be five-foot-five anymore,13 I could be as tall as I wanted. And 14 of all, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were 15 here.

    Four months later, I was back upon a 16. And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 17 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.

    So, instead of looking at our 18 and our limitations as something 19 or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 20 that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.

A、saved    B、risked C、ruined D、changed
A、hospital      B、club C、field   D、studio
A、thought         B、degree C、chance D、decision
A、mild     B、severe   C、potential  D、slight
A、journey  B、break C、course    D、schedule
A、wheeled     B、dragged  C、pulled  D、delivered
A、made sure   B、felt like C、worked out D、put forward
A、muscled    B、heavy C、shapely D、false
A、blood        B、sweat C、tears    D、water
A、hug       B、recognize  C、fix    D、introduce
A、plan     B、question      C、information D、favour
A、dawned on B、stick to C、knocked into D、looked into
A、although    B、so C、while  D、but
A、first         B、strangest  C、best D、luckiest
A、struggles       B、benefits  C、rewards  D、conflicts
A、 stage      B、snowboard    C、track D、playground
A、allowing    B、giving C、calling D、making
A、challenges    B、changes C、devotions  D、hesitation
A、active    B、amazing C、negative D、terminal
A、ability        B、skill  C、tool  D、gift

    The young seal couldn't have been more than two days old, and yet he was all alone. Sometimes he would swim1, but he always came back. At first we thought it was2that he kept swimming back to us, until we noticed that he obviously had been3, and had nowhere else to go. We call him “Curious George”.

    Without his mother's milk, George appeared very4with his eyes closed. I jumped into the water and swam up to him,5we were less than two feet away. My heart went out to George and I just hope that he had the 6 to interact with me. Suddenly, he7his eyes and immediately he jumped up between my arms, putting his head against my chest. It was a(n)8 moment. But I knew that George wouldn't9without some help.

We10the local conservation volunteers. They were11that in the absence of his mother, he had developed a12relationship with us. They promised they would bring him to an area with13people living there and keep an eye on him. Even though it hurt to see him14, we knew that he was in better hands.

    The next day we15the conservation volunteers and asked how George was doing.16the volunteers informed us that he was too close to humans, we realized that was probably our17! They decided to bring him to a small island wildlife preserve with a lot of seals in the area, where they could better 18 him.

    A week later, we called again, and were informed that George was19in the water swimming with other seals. George was20. And he will always swim in my heart.


    On Dec. 13, 2014, Nubia Wilson turned 16. But instead of1with an exciting Sweet 16 birthday party, the California teen devoted this milestone to 2 the lives of orphans in Ethiopia.

    Through several summers of volunteer work at an Ethiopia orphanage(孤儿院), Nubia learned firsthand the severe poverty so many children3. In an email to The Huffington Post, Nubia said that she was 4struck by the children's lack of5to education — their school only went through the fourth grade.

    Over the course of her volunteer work, Nubia became interested in one 6Hermela. She writes:

    Out of the many students in the kindergarten class, Hermela became close and7 to me to a point where it was becoming8for both of us to leave each other. She is now in the second grade. The thought of Hermela not being able to have her meal and9 education after the fourth grade became 10and I knew I had to do something.

    That's when Nubia decided that she didn't want a traditional Sweet 16.11 she wanted to use the money her parents would have spent on a party to establish12grade class for Hermela and other kids.

    “The money could provide a (n)13 solution that will serve for many years compared to the one-day14of my party, “Nubia wrote to Huffpost Live15 I want Hermela to continue16.”

    After17 friends and family her plan, Nubia 18 a donation page “Keep Hermela Smiling” on CrowRise. Her19will raise funds for the Fregenet Foundation(基金会), which funds education and community services in Ethiopia.

    So far, Nubia has raised $2,781 of her $10,000 goal. Nubia says her parents have been extremely 20 they're selling most of their Ethiopian artifacts to help raise funds.

    Nubia's birthday may not have been a party, but it's truly a celebration.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

As a child, I hated going to the store with my mom. Whenever my mom asked if I wanted to go1, I would say, "No, mom! Who wants to get car sick and walk near the frozen section(冷冻区)? That's the2 part — the freezers and smell of seafood. Why would any mom3their only child this way? I hated it. 4, I did get cookies, French fries, and chocolate. This5 treatment went on until I left for Culver Academies.

    Here at Culver, I had no chance to walk around with my mom and get snacks I wanted. I found myself stuck(被困住) at the 6 whose store had high prices for a slice of cheese. I 7walking near the frozen sections with my mom.

    My first vacation home, my mom asked what I wanted from the 8, knowing I wouldn't go.

    "Can I 9?" I asked with a look of 10 because I wanted to spend time with her. I also felt sad while asking 11 I took all those 12for granted in my childhood.

    I 13 come home now. But when I do, I 14 to go with her every time. If not, I always say, "Love you mom. Drive safe!" I run to the gate and watch her15. I wave, smile, and 16 that I stay home.

As a child, I hated going shopping with my mom, but now I 17 it. I like walking near the frozen sections of stores now— it gives me a(an)18to stay with her. When I go with her, I really19 every detail in our trips. Now I'm eighteen and will be in college soon. I hope she knows how much those eight minutes'20 to the store meant to me .Thanks mom.


    At an airport I overheard(无意听到) a father and daughter in their last moments together. They had announced her plane's1and standing near the door, he said to his daughter, "I love you; I wish you enough."

    She said, "Daddy, our2together has been more than enough. Your love is3I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Daddy." They kissed good-bye and she left.

    He walked over4the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to5. I tried not to interfere(干涉) his6, but he welcomed me in by asking, "Did you ever say good-bye to someone7it would be forever?" "Yes, I have," I replied.

    Saying that brought back8I had of expressing my love and9for all my Dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were10, I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was11. When I asked why it was a forever good-bye, he said he was12and her daughter lived much too far away. He guessed this departure might be the13before his funeral. When I asked him why they said "I wish you enough", he explained that had been14from other generations. His parents used to say it to15, by which they wanted other people to have a life filled with enough16things to support them.

    "I wish you enough sun to17your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit18. I wish you enough pain19the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gains to20your wanting. I wish you enough "Hellos" to get you through the final 'Good-bye'."

