
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    For a few years,I have been wearing a ring on my right hand.It's not always the same ring,but it's always a ring that has 1 on it so that when I look at it,I'm2 or reminded of something important.I have made a 3 of buying rings like this whenever I 4 one in a store.Sometimes I give them away as 5to someone like Jennie .

    I first met Jennie in the 6 waiting room and we had talked several times.One night I sat down beside her and 7 how her son was doing because I knew that he was in very8 condition.She told me that she didn't know what to do any more because it seemed none of the9 from the doctors was good.They weren't at all sure her son was going to 10the accident that had hurt him so badly.With 11in her eyes,she said,“They're 12 my hope.” I knew then that it was 13 just a coincidence that 1 was wearing the ring that I had on that day.As she 14to talk ,I quietly slipped the ring off my finger and 15 it in Jennie's hand. I told her to wear it to 16 that God loved her and he would be with her through all of this . 17 Jennie looked down at the ring,she got excited and then held it tightly, 18 the word written on the ring was “HOPE”.

    The last day 1 was at the hospital,I saw Jennie in the distance as I got on the lift.She19 and held up the hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying,“Look,I 20 have Hope!”

A、words    B、pictures C、names   D、symbols
A、admired    B、encouraged C、trusted D、puzzled
A、plan    B、point     C、list  D、habit
A、lose      B、order C、see   D、design
A、gifts     B、prizes   C、lessons        D、thanks
A、railway  B、school   C、hospital D、airport
A、asked      B、explained C、thought   D、found
A、favorable    B、normal  C、serious D、excellent
A、advice    B、news  C、instructions D、comfort
A、defeat   B、experience  C、predict  D、survive
A、apologies B、tears     C、anger  D、doubt
A、keeping up     B、bringing back C、cutting off D、taking away
A、other than     B、rather than C、more than  D、less than
A、continued   B、refused    C、attempted  D、started
A、threw    B、placed C、hid   D、stored
A、prove     B、decide     C、remember D、guess
A、Until     B、Before   C、Since D、When
A、for        B、so  C、yet  D、and
A、shouted    B、waved C、cheered D、hesitated
A、ever       B、only   C、just    D、still

    From the very first moment I met Mattie on my TV show three years ago, I fell in love with him. He was a ten-year-old little1 born with a life-threatening disease. But his poems of peace and 2 had touched millions of lives. We became quick friends, 3 each other.

    We often talked about the sunrises and sunsets on the web, and I 4 with Mattie that being a black, I wasn't a beach person because there was no 5 for me to tan(晒黑). He strongly 6me to go to the beach that he and his mom visited. He always 7every single second of the present. He could not understand why everybody wasn't out on the beach at 8 during their vacation, and he couldn't 9 why people would want to miss a 10. I said, “Mattie, most people don't like to 11early on vacation.”

    We also talked a lot about 12. He said to me one day, “I sometimes get a little unhappy or angry when I'm 13of dying. The boys who lived upstairs said that14 I got famous, I should always be happy and never sad. I don't 15 they understand what it's like to know you have to live your life so 16, because unless I keep getting miracles(奇迹), my life here won't 17. I am afraid of the pain of dying and worried about what I will 18 because I love living so, so, so much.”

    After a pause, he continued, “I really do want to be a 19 when I die. My dream is to bring my 20of peace to as many people as possible.”

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    One October morning, the sky was clear and the sun was shining. Bethany Hamilton decided to go 1 with some friends in Hawaii.
    As one of the best teenage surfers in the world, the 13-year-old, shy and old American girl was planning to become a 2surfer. Cheerfully, she was lying on her surfboard, waiting for the next big wave. Suddenly-a big shark 3 her left arm and shook her backwards and forwards. Bethany held onto her board and the shark eventually swam away—but it took her 4away with it. 5it attacked only once. It happened so fast that she didn't even 6.
    As Bethany started to swim back to the beach with one arm, her friends thought she was joking. But to their horror, they saw the 7 and rushed to help.
    Having lost almost half the blood, Bethany's 8 was a miracle(奇迹), according to doctors. But she wanted to do 9 just survive.
     “It never crossed my mind that I might never get on a surfboard again,” she recalled later. “I wondered whether I would actually be 10 to do it or not. But 11 I left hospital, I had decided that I was going to surf.”
    With the support of her family, Bethany 12 to get back on her board only one month after the attack. Her dad fixed a handle on her surfboard to help her paddle(划水) through and into waves.
    When she returned to surfing at a competition in Hawaii, Bethany was 13 in dangerous waves that broke her surfboard. As a result, she gave away her remaining boards and quit. She tried using an artificial arm, but it turned out to be 14 while surfing.
    After 15 in Thailand in the 2004 earthquake and helping homeless survivors who had lost everything, Bethany 16 her decision to give up the sport she loved and 17to try professional surfing again. Less than a year after the accident, she won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii. And all her struggles and efforts 18when she won in a world championship years later.
    She also received several 19, including a special award for courage at the MTV Teen Choice Awards in 2004 and the Woman of the Year award from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in 2006. Her 20, true story gained wider attention with the release(发行)of the film Soul Surfer.

    I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. I'm left1.Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other2?

    I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s,3children from different races and religions played and studied4in harmony. At that time my family lived a stone's5from Ismail's. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hindu-we just6our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well7or otherwise.

    We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, we'd8the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to9the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his10.

    When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismail's family later returned to their village, and I11touch with him.

    One spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I12my destination. The driver acknowledged my13but did not move off. Instead, he looked14at me. “Raddar?”he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号). I was astonished at being so15addressed(称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two16we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something17to describe.

    If we can allow our children to be18without prejudice, they'll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be19their side through thick and thin. On such friendships are societies build and20we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote, “we happy few, we band of brothers”.


    My mother asked me to call my grandmother. What could we possibly have a 1about? Nothing! I just did what she told me and2called my grandmother.

    When she3the phone, I planned to have a small, 10-minute exchange.4, she invited me to lunch at her house so we could5together. Hesitantly, I agreed.

    After hanging up the phone, I immediately6agreeing to the lunch date on Saturday.

    Surprisingly, my Saturday morning wasn't 7. I found it was nice to see her. I forgot the time8her stories about her recent trip to Europe and her sewing class. I wasn't9that 60-year-old people had a social life. It turned out that her10wasn't as mundane(平凡的)as I thought. I was happy to have spent time with her. We planned to meet11at her house. My mom didn't have to12me any more.

    This time I didn't feel the gloom(忧郁).13I wanted to ask were building up in my mind: What was my grandfather like? What did you do at my age?

As we looked through pictures, I was14. I had never seen, nor imagined, my grandmother as a young girl. She reminded me of myself. I learned that as humans, we15human experiences, no matter what age.

    She told me about the time she and her friends went swimming in the lake late at night and the first time she met my16. "You would have adored him. He was the funniest man I'd ever met. "We sorted through three shoeboxes of photographs, each with a17story.

    Ever since that18phone call to my grandmother, we have talked at least once a week. I regret not calling her earlier. She has19me what can't be learned in a textbook: being open to new things, enjoying the simple things, and appreciating what life has given me. I have20a new perspective(视角) on life.


    My wife Pat and I were having drinks outside our home, The weather was unusually1for March in Mississippi, There was barely any breeze, After we finished the second cup, flashes of2danced across the sky. When the first drops of rain drove us3 the phone rang.Pat's face4on that gray and hot day. It was our son, David, a helicopter pilot who5in the US Air Force in South Korea. David intended to sound6but we recognized the sign of homesickness from his voice7the power of conversation made us feel8until a crash shook the windows.

    David wondered what it was,“Just thunder,”Pat said.

    There were several seconds of silence,“David”,I asked, “are yo9there?”

    “Yes…apart from the two of you, do you know what else I10most? Thunder, We have rain, wind, and11here, but it never thunders, Remember? Dad, when I was a kid, you laughed me out of fear of thunder? I wish I were there to12with you now.”

    “Yes…”I said, trying to13my tears, On hanging up the phone, I told Pat,“I'm going to record our son some 14”“Bob, the neighbors will think you're crazy.”

    “David won't,” I said and went outside with a recorder, Later I15the tape to David with a single line:A16gift.

    David called again, “Dad,”he said,“you won't believe that some friends and I had a thunder party where we realized we were listening to the sounds of 17 Thanks, Dad! It was really a special present,” While David was in Korea, we found ourselves 18thunderstorms.19feeling blue, we regarded the thunder as special which let us know that wherever we might be, we were 20together as a family.


    Once upon a time, there was a poor man. His 1 was also very poor — a small and empty house, which was 2 with spider webs (蜘蛛网). People tried to 3 coming into his house as they didn't want to come to such a 4 place. And the poor man thought that poverty (贫困) was the 5 for his unlucky life.

    Then, the poor man 6 a wise man and told him about his poverty. The man felt sorry for the poor man and gave him a vase (花瓶). “This will save you from 7,” the wise man 8. The poor man took the 9 from the wise man and wanted to 10 it at first and then spend the money on drinking, as usual. Besides, why would he 11 such a beautiful thing? But then he started 12 the vase carefully and decided not to take it to the market. He brought the vase back to his 13, put it on the table and started watching it again.

    “It's not 14 for such a beautiful thing to be 15” the poor man thought. So he 16 some flowers and put them into the vase. It became even 17. “Not good that such a beautiful thing stands next to a spider web,” the poor man 18 again.

    So the poor man started 19 his house. He cleaned the dust, washed the floor and whitened the walls. And it became clear that his house wasn't poor, 20 rather warm and comfortable. And the poor man wasn't a poor man anymore, but a hard-working host, who had no time to think about poverty.

