
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Mr. and Mrs. Albino, with 64 children, have the world's largest family. Not one of their children is adopted(领养).

When people hear about the Albinos' large family, the first question they ask is, "How is it possible? How can one woman give birth to 64 children in her lifetime?" The answer is simple:

Soon after the Albinos got married, the children came quickly, in twos and threes. The first 21 children were boys. Mrs. Albino loved her sons, but she wanted a daughter very much.

The Albinos spent the early years in Argentina.  To travel from Argentina to Chile, they had to cross the Andes Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Albino and their 21 sons made the difficult, two-week journey on mules.

During the snowstorm, Mrs. Albino gave birth to triplets, a boy and two girls!

The oldest Albino children are in their thirties and forties. They are on their own now, but 18 of the Albino children still live with their parents.  The shack has electricity but no toilet or running water. The children wash in a small bowl in the dusty backyard.

At times there is very little food in the Albinos' small house when there is not enough food for everyone, Mrs. Albino makes sure the youngest children do not go hungry. "The smallest eat first, and then the bigger ones. We've always done it that way," she says. Obviously, the Albinos do not have enough money for their big family, then, do they continue to have children?

The Albinos do not use birth control because it is against their religion(宗教). They could let other people take care of their children, but Mrs. Albino will not allow it, "When my two brothers and I were babies," she says, "our mother left us at an orphanage(孤儿院) and never returned. We lived there together until we were five. Then a couple adopted my brothers and I was left behind. I was heartbroken. Even if I didn't have much money, I would always take care of my children by myself." Mrs. Albino has kept her promise.

A. Every time Mrs. Albino gave birth, she had twins or triplets.

B. One night there was a terrible snowstorm in the mountains.

C. Then they decided to move to Chile.

D. The family lives in a two- room shack(小屋) in Colina Chile.

E. Mrs. Albino loves her children very much.

F. I promised myself that when I became a mother, I would never give my children away.


Steve Jobs was famous for starting Apple Computers. In a speech to graduating students at Stanford University, Jobs told students about some of life-changing experiences. Jobs believed these experiences helped him achieve success.

Job's biological mother was a college student. As a young mother, she felt unable to bring Jobs up so she put him up for adoption. Job's adopted parents were simple working-class people. When Jobs was 17, his parents used their saving to send him to college.

After six months of college, Jobs decided it was not for him. Around that time, he had read a quotation that went something like,“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.”The quotation made him think about his life and his future. He started to question if he should stay in college. Was he doing what he really wanted to do? Eventually, he decided he had to change something; he decided to drop out of college.

Jobs was lucky because he knew what he loved to do. He started Apple Computers in his parents' garage with a friend when he was 20. In just ten years, Apple grew into a $2 billion company. However in 1985, Jobs was fired from the company.

Jobs was shocked. He lost everything at once. He quickly realized that he still loved what he did, and over the next five years, he started two highly successful companies. next and Pixar. Jobs also met his future wife, Laurence. Jobs was happily married with a family, working for Apple again and living every day as if it were his last.


Paragraph 1

Steve Jobs was famous for starting Apple Company. He believed that {#blank#}1{#/blank#} helped him achieve success.

Paragraph 2

Jobs'adopted parents were simple working-class people. They {#blank#}2{#/blank#} that they could only use their savings for Jobs' college education.

Paragraph 3

A quotation made Jobs think about his life and his future. After six months of college, Jobs didn't think {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  and he decided to leave college.

Paragraph 4-5

After {#blank#}4{#/blank#}  of firing from Apple, quickly Jobs realized he still loved what he did and started two highly successful companies.


According to Jobs' story, if we want to achieve success, we should make a right decision, do what we love, never give up and {#blank#}5{#/blank#}


A. They also celebrate how far we have come.

B. It's healthy enough for birds, fish, and other animals.

C. Few people talked or even thought about the environment.

D. As a result, the air we breathe is cleaner than it once was.

E. Rivers and lakes are also cleaner today than they were before.

F. Many animals near and in the river come back again after that.

    One cool April 22 morning, people started the day as usual. Yet it was not a normal day. What's so special about April 22? The answer is because it is Earth Day. People all over the world celebrate this important day. The idea of having a special day to celebrate the Earth began in 1960s. Life was very different then. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Most people had no idea how dirty our air and water were.

    On April 22, 1970, twenty million Americans joined the first Earth Day activities. This showed that people really want to do something for the environment. Since then laws have been passed   to protect the air, water, land, and animals. The vehicles(汽车) such as cars and buses you ride  in must pass tests to make sure they don't cause too much pollution. Thanks to it, cars today give out about half as many bad chemicals as they did in the past. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}It's a good thing because they have got a lot of help. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so polluted that rubbish and oil on the river even caught fire! Today, the river is cleaner. It no longer burns. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Now the celebration has spread to other countries. More than 175 countries take part each year.

    In 2007, people in China paid much attention to this big problem. People were throwing away one million plastic bags( 塑料袋) a day! People had "Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week." They wanted everyone to see how polluted it was to throw away so many plastic bags. In 2008, China passed new laws against them.

    Every April 22, millions of people get together to clean and protect the Earth. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Our job is to put this knowledge to work. You can help keep our planet healthy, too!


Working as a city cleaner in the Chaoyang District of Beijing, a busy city, Zhang Jianna has earned the respect and attention of many with her good English skills and her kindness in helping foreigners. Born in the countryside of Hebei Province, 49-year-old Zhang Jianna moved to Beijing after finishing high school. She has worked in different jobs, including being a restaurant waitress and working as a salesperson in a shopping center. In 2012, she started working as a city cleaner. However, it was a chance encounter with a foreigner that encouraged her. The foreigner praised the cleanliness of the streets in English, but Zhang could only understand the word " good". This experience developed her interest in learning English. Even though it's hard to find time to study, Zhang used any free time she had to learn new words and practice speaking English. At night, she wrote down everything she learned, filling up many notebooks with what she was learning. She also used English-learning apps on her phone and computer to help her study. 

Now knowing about 3, 000 words, Zhang talks confidently with people from other countries, helping them with what they need and showing them around the city streets. Learning English has not just helped her meet people but also made her very happy. "I got more confident from learning, " said Zhang. "I feel joyful every time I help a foreigner. "

Zhang Jianna stands as an inspiring example of lifelong learning and the power of a positive spirit. Her spirit reflects a deep sense of responsibility to present the best face of the capital city to the world. Looking ahead, she hopes to use her English to encourage people to visit her hometown when she stops working and help Hebei Province develop. 

