
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    The boss turned down a raise and gave it to his staff instead. Tony Bennett, the head coach of the University of Virginia (UVA) men's basketball team, was offered a large pay raise after his team won the national championship in 2019. But to everyone's surprise, he turned the offer down and requested that the money go to his staff and the basketball program instead. What's more, he donated $ 500,000 to the basketball players.

    The boss bought an employee a new car. On the night before Alabama student Walter Carr's first day at Bellhops Moving company, his car broke down. Nobody could give him a ride to work, so Carr decided to walk the 20-miIe distance overnight. After seven hours, he arrived right on time. When the boss heard about Carr's unbelievable story, he drove from Tennessee to Alabama to give the young student a Ford Escape.

    The boss forgave a costly mistake. A diner at a British steakhouse had a stroke of luck when he was accidentally served an expensive bottle of red wine. Instead of blaming the server who made the mistake, as some might, the boss decided to laugh it off "To the customer who accidentally got given a bottle of wine, which is £4,500 last night, hope you enjoyed your evening!" the steakhouse tweeted. "To the server who accidentally gave it away, cheer up! We love you anyway."

    The boss gave his staff a free trip to Hawaii. Imagine drinking a cocktail on a sunny, warm beach with 500 of your closest employees. That's how Brian Scudamore, the founder and CEO of home service provider O2E Brands, chose to spend his vacation in 2017. Back in 2012, Scudamore promised his employees that if they could double the company's income in five years, he would take them on an all — expenses — paid trip to Hawaii. Needless to say, they achieved the goal.

(1)、Which of the following best describes Tony Bennett?
A、Honest. B、Professional. C、Wealthy. D、Generous.
(2)、Why did the boss buy a new car to Walter Carr?
A、To make up his long walk. B、To praise his moving action. C、To solve his financial problem. D、To call on others to learn from him.
(3)、Why did the diner at a British steakhouse enjoy expensive wine?
A、He got it as a reward. B、He liked it very much. C、He acquired it by accident. D、He met with a generous boss.
(4)、What did the four bosses mentioned in the text have in common?
A、They did a nice thing to their employees. B、They forgave their employee's mistakes. C、They hoped to double the company's income. D、They fulfilled their promises to their employees.

    NEW YORK—Australian mining enterpriser Clive Palmer on Tuesday unveiled(公布) blueprints (蓝本) for Titanic Ⅱ, a modern copy of the doomed ocean liner, although he didn't call the ship unsinkable any more.

    The ship will largely recreate the design and decoration of the fabled original, with some modifications to keep it in line with current safety rules and shipbuilding practices, and the addition of some modern comforts such as air conditioning, Palmer said at a press conference in New York.

    The three passenger classes, however, will be prevented from mingling(混杂), as in 1912, Palmer said. “I'm not too superstitious(迷信的). ”Palmer said when asked whether recreating a ship best-known for sinking was tempting fate.

    White Star Line, the operator of the original ship, had said the Titanic was designed to be unsinkable. About 1, 500 people died on Titanic's maiden voyage in 1912 from Southampton to New York after the ship collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic.

    Palmer, who created the company Blue Star Line last year, refused to make a similar boast.

    “Anything will sink if you put a hole in it,”Palmer said. “I think it would be very cavalier(漫不经心的) to say it.”

    Unlike the original, TitanicⅡ will have more than enough space in its lifeboats for every person on board and will have additional escape staircases. Markku Kanerva, sales director at Deltamarin, the Finnish company designing the ship, said it would be “the safest cruise ship in the world”.

    Palmer refused to answer questions about the project's cost. Although the Titanic was the world's largest ship in her time, she would be smaller than many of today's modern cruise ships.

    “It's not about the money, ”Palmer said. “I've got enough money for it. I think that's all that matters.”

    Forbes estimated Palmer's net worth to be $795 million in 2012. He describes himself as a billionaire.

    TitanicⅡ will be built by Chinese state-owned CSC Jinling Shipyard, which has already built four ore carriers for Palmer's mining business, he said. The contract to build TitanicⅡ has not yet been signed, Palmer said.


    England's highest main-line railway station is in serious trouble, deserted and unmanned since it was officially closed in 1970, Dent, located high in the hills of Yorkshire, wakes up on six summer weekends each year, when a special train unloads walkers, sightseers and people who simply want to catch a train from the highest station to its platforms.

    But even this limited being may soon be brought to an end. Dent station located on the Settel to Carlisle railway line, is said to be surrounded by the most beautiful scenery in the country. But no amount of scenic beauty can save the line because of the British Rail's money problems.

    It is now an open secret that British Rail sees no future for this railway line. Most of its trains disappeared some time ago. Bridges, built a century ago, are falling down. It is not alone. Half a dozen railway routes in the North of England are facing a similar threat. The problem is an old system and an almost total lack of cash to repair it. Bridges and tunnels are showing their ages, the wooden supports for the tracks are rotting(腐烂) and engines and coaches(车厢) are getting old.

    On main lines between large cities, the problem is not too bad. There lines still make a profit and cash can be found to keep them in good condition. But on the country branch line, the situation is different. As track wears out, it is not replaced. Instead speed limits are introduced, making the journey longer than necessary and discouraging travelers.

    If a bridge is dangerous, there is often only one thing for British Rail to do: go out and find money from another places. This is exactly what it did a few months ago when a bridge at Bridling station was threatening to fall down. Repairs were calculated at 200,000 pounds just for one bridge, so British Rail was pleased, and rather surprised when two local councils(理事会) offered half that amount of money.


    A man had a dream in which he was told where he could find fantastic wealth in a remote place. When he awoke, he immediately set off to find it. After a long journey full of danger and hardship, he arrived at the place in his dream. A local man who had heard about the dreamer's purpose laughed loud and long, saying that he had dreamed three times about a house where great treasure was buried under a fountain. It made the dreamer realize that the place the local was describing was his very own yard. He returned home and found the treasure.

    Like the man in this tale, the Chinese movie industry has been on a long journey to find its place in the world. In 1994, “The Fugitive” became the first major Hollywood film to be shown in the country in decades. Audiences were attracted by the movie's fast pace and sound effects, and it proved to be a great success. Since then, the Chinese film industry has balanced a complex (复杂的) relationship with Hollywood.

    Although there has been a sharp slowdown in China's box-office numbers—movie-ticket revenue rose just 3.7 percent in 2017 after growing by an average of 35 percent per year from 2011 to 2016~the country still has a huge movie market, with theaters continuing to expand into more rural areas and audiences proving that they have a strong desire for Hollywood action films. So much so that recently, Hollywood has even started to make movies with China in mind, casting Chinese movie stars with great box-office power and changing the plots of films to win over Chinese moviegoers.

    Many in China's film industry, from young scriptwriters (编剧) to senior critics, know Hollywood's dramatic structure all too well and support its styles. And many American offerings introduced in the Chinese market, regardless of quality, continue to do well among Chinese audiences, especially with young people, whose tastes and viewing habits have been shaped by Hollywood movies and TV shows. Like audiences in other developing countries, those in China tend to have a worldview filtered (过滤) by and focused on the United States, even though the United States doesn't mean the whole world and Hollywood isn't the world's only movie industry.

    Like an ocean that refuses no rivers, China's movie industry will continue to influence and allow itself to be influenced by its international counterparts (对应的人或物). China needs the United States, and the United States needs China. But at the moment, a large difference exists in that very few Chinese movies are able to enter the American market and attract a significant audience. Chinese audiences provide Hollywood with huge profits, but what does China's film industry gain in return?


    Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit; most people don't even notice that they're doing it when they sit down. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other, it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

    A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. The reason for this is that the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart and that crossing one leg over the other increases resistance(阻力), making it even harder for the blood to circulate. This causes your body to increase your blood pressure to push the blood back to the heart. You won't feel any immediate effects, but repeated, drawn-out increases in blood pressure can cause long-term health problems. So, planning to sit for a long period of time? Don't keep your legs crossed.

    Crossing your legs at the knee can also cause pressure on the major nerve in your leg that passes just below your knee and along the outside of your leg, explains Richard Graves, a medical expert. This pressure can cause numbness and temporary paralysis (麻痹) of some of the muscles in your foot and leg, preventing you from being able to raise your ankle—what we know as that “pins and needles” sensation. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

    So next time you sit down, try to get yourself in the habit of sitting with both of your feet on the floor. Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run.


    When people see machines that respond like humans, or computers that perform amazing feats of strategy, they sometimes joke about a future in which humanity will need to accept robot overlords. But buried in the joke is a seed of unease. Science fiction writing and popular movies have shown us about artificial intelligence (AI) that exceeds the expectations of its creators and escapes their control, eventually outcompeting and enslaving humans or targeting them for extinction(灭绝).

    Even in the real word, not everyone is ready to welcome AI with open arms. In recent years, as computer scientists have pushed the boundaries of what AI can accomplish, leading figures in technology and science have warmed about the frightening dangers that artificial intelligence may pose to humanity, even suggesting that AI capabilities could destroy the human race.

    But why are people so frightened about the idea of AI?

    Elon Musk is one of the famous voices that have raised red flags about AI, In July 2017. Musk told attendees at a meeting of the National Governors Association, I have exposured to the very cutting-edge Al, and I think people should be really concerned about it. I keep sounding the alarm bell. But until people see robots going down the street killing people, they don't know how to react, because it seems so impossible."

    Earlier, in 2014, Musk had labeled AI "our biggest existential threat," and in August 2017, he declared that humanity faced a greater risk from AI than the terrorists. Physicist Stephen Hawking, who died on March14, also expressed concerns about AI, telling the BBC in 2014 that "the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.


    When French students go to school, they have to leave one of their most prized possessions at home — their smartphones. French lawmakers passed a law on July 31, 2018, banning students 15 and under from bringing smartphones and tablets to school, or at least requiring they be turned off at school. Officials in support of the new rule described the policy as a way to protect children from addictive habits and to safeguard the sanctity of the classroom.

    "We know there is a phenomenon of screen addiction," education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said. "Our main role is to protect students. It is a fundamental role of education, and this law allows it."

    The law, however, makes exceptions for educational use, after-school activities and for students with disabilities. French high schools can choose to force a less-strict ban on Internet- connected devices.

    Even before the new policy was voted in, French law carried out in 2010 prohibited students from using their phones while class was in session. But during the 2017 French presidential election, Emmanuel Macron promised to force a school ban on phones entirely.

    This isn't the first French law designed to beat back the influences of digital technology in everyday life. In 2017 the government passed a law requiring French companies to draft rules that limited work emails and work-related technology outside the office. Referred to as the "right to disconnect," French officials said the law aimed to reduce job-related stress and prevent employee burnout.

    "Employees physically leave the office, but they do not leave their work. They remain attached by a kind of electronic tie," said Benoît Hamon, former French education minister. "The texts, the messages, the emails: they control the life of the individual to the point where he or she eventually breaks down."

