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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Earth's next superpower

The following countries have been sitting on hidden talents. And now they're about to fly.

NIGERIA (尼日利亚)

Nigeria says it pumps out as much oil as the other two oil-producing countries, Kuwait and Iraq. All this oil is cycling cash into the Nigerian economy and creating extremely rich businessmen. Analysts say that if Nigeria can improve its schools and technology, it could balloon into the world's 13th largest economy by 2050, right between Turkey and Italy. If that reason is not enough for optimism, Nigeria's president also has the sunniest name of any world leader: Goodluck Jonathan.


As agriculture has given way to industry, unemployment in Vietnam has dropped. What's Vietnam's trick? It's ready to work. Other countries' laborers aren't as cheap as they used to be, which makes Vietnam a relative bargain for companies that need new factories abroad. However, the country has almost no railroads, its highways are in poor condition, and its largest city has just one airport, which was built before the Vietnam War. So what's the use of producing export-ready goods if there's no convenient way to ship them? The good thing is that, however, officials are widening highways, building a new airport and so on.

CHILE (智利)

Pipes, computers, motors, and your microwave all have one thing in common: They're made with copper (铜). Copper makes the world go round. And luckily for Chile, it's got about a third of the planet's copper supply. It just needs a way to dig it up and the government is pouring money into the country's mines.

(1)、Which country will Nigeria be expected to follow in respect of economy by 2050?
A、Kuwait. B、Iraq. C、Turkey. D、Italy.
(2)、What's the problem Vietnam is facing?
A、It doesn't have money to build new factories. B、Its people don't have enough food to eat. C、It is suffering from the Vietnam War. D、Its transport system is very poor.
(3)、What will Chile depend on to get developed?
A、High tech. B、Natural resources. C、Investments from other countries. D、The government's good administration.
(4)、Which of the following is the best title of the text?
A、Countries with a lot of money B、Developed countries C、Countries in great need of money D、Countries about to take off

    We all know the feeling: looking at the computer screen, pretending to be interested in our homework, even though we really feel bored. But such feelings may soon be at an end, says Dr. Harry Witchel, head of the Essex Medical School. He believes that computers of the future will notice when people feel bored and even take action to stopit.

    Before you get concerned, the machine won't be reading your mind. It will be observing the many movements you make while using a computer. It's not interested in the big movements needed to use the machine — like moving a mouse or touching a screen — but small, barely noticeable movements like closing your eyes, moving in your seat or rubbing your face. Witchel calls these “boredom movements" and says they show how interested the person is in what they are reading or watching. The higher the interest level, the less movement!

    To test his theory, Witchel invited 27 people to perform various computer-based tasks. The activities ranged from playing online games (an interesting task) to reading documents like government laws that most people would find boring.

A special video camera followed the participants' movements as they completed each task. Just as the researcher expected, the “boredom movements" greatly decreased, by as much as 42%,when the subjects were very interested in what they were reading or seeing.

    Fortunately, Dr Witchel isn't planning to use his results to create machines that report students who are not paying attention at school. Instead, he wants “movement sensing” technology to be built into future computers in order to improve students' computer-based learning experience.

    The scientist says that by measuring the students' interest level as they work, educators will be able to adjust their materials in real-time to keep students focused. Witchel also believes that the technology can provide filmmakers with honest audience opinions and in the future, help to develop more intelligent robots.


    In 2013, Gabby Frost founded Buddy Project when she was 15. At that time her best friend had been diagnosed(诊断)with a mental health condition, and that was the first time she was made aware of what mental illness was. She wanted to learn more and develop a good support system for her.

    Mental illness affects tens of millions of people in the United States each year, yet only half receive treatment, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health. Buddy Project's website says the service is not a substitute for therapy( 治疗)or other types of mental health care, and it directs people to resources for further help.

    Since founding the organization as a high school student, Frost has helped more than 200, 000 participants find a new friend. On the day when Buddy Project was launched, she used her powerful social media presence to attract nearly 3, 000 participants. "This was around the time when teens really began talking about mental health and found a supportive community online to talk about it,"she said.

    One of the biggest social barriers she had to jump over was that people didn't view her seriously because she was a 15-year-old girl, and even now, she's still a young woman. "Sometimes it's frustrating because people don't think what I do is needed or they don't think I'm professional" she said. "Most people are blown away that a 20-year-old girl is running this and that it's one person doing this but not a whole team. I'm just lucky that I've found a support system that has been able to help my mom and me with the project.

Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    After I was married and had lived in Japan for while, my Japanese gradually improved to the point where I could take part in simple conversations with my husband and his friends and family. And I began to notice that often, when I joined in, the others would look surprised, and the conversational topic would come to a stop. After this happened several times, it became clear to me that I was doing something wrong. But for a long time, I didn't know what it was.

    Finally, after listening carefully to many Japanese conversations, I discovered what my problem was. Even though I was speaking Japanese, I was handling the conversation in a Western way.

    A Western-style conversation between two people is like a game of tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you to hit it back. If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and do nothing more. I expect you to add something-a reason for agreeing, another example, or a detailed explanation to carry the idea further. But I don't expect you always to agree. I am just as happy if you question me, or challenge me, or completely disagree with me. Whether you agree or disagree, your response will return the ball to me.

    A Japanese-style conversation, however, is not at all like tennis or volleyball. It's like bowling. You wait for your turn. And you always know your place in line. It depends on such things as whether you are older or younger, a close friend or a relative stranger to the previous speaker, in a senior or junior position, and so on.

    When your turn comes, you step up to the starting line with your bowling ball and carefully bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watches politely, murmuring encouragement. Everyone waits until the ball has reached the end of the alley(球场)and watches to see if it knocks down all the pins, or only some of them, or none of them. There is a pause, while everyone registers your score.

    Then, after everyone is sure that you have completely finished your turn, the next person in line steps up to the same starting line, with a different ball. He doesn't return your ball, and he does not begin from where your ball stopped. And there is always a suitable pause between turns. There is no rush, no scramble for the ball.

    If you have been trained all your life to play one game, it is no simple matter to switch to another, even if you know the rules. Knowing the rules is not at all the same thing as playing the game.


    An online supermarket company—Ocado in the UK, has recently displayed a robotic hand that can pick fruits and vegetables!

    When an embryo (胚胎) is in the womb, the very first sense it develops is touch. The sense of touch is also the one that lasts the longest—as we get older and our vision and hearing begins to weaken, touch still remains. Humans use their touch to protect themselves, to create emotional relationships with other people, and to experience pleasure. Can you imagine life without it?

    The sense of touch comes from a network of nerve endings and special touch receptors on the surface of the skin. While there are different kinds of touch receptors (感受器), they help us judge pressure, texture and vibrations (震动). They are located in our fingertips, palms, soles of our feet, face, lips and tongue.

    When we touch something, the mechano-receptors perceive the touch and through a network of nerves, send signals to the brain. This informs the brain about the location of the touch, the amount of force used, and the speed at which it was used.

    Several different techniques have been tried in the past to create such a robotic hand—using three fingers. But this latest design by SoMa copies the human hand. The gripper (夹具) is made up of flexible materials which grasp onto the thing based on its size and shape. Then air pressure is used to control the movement of the robotic fingers to pick objects safely and without causing damage.

    The next step would be for the robot to judge how ripe the fruits and vegetables are, and apply pressure accordingly. Members of the research team are currently working on adding computerized vision to the robots, so that they can see what they are gripping.

    Does all this mean robots can replace people? According to Ocado, it helps improve productivity by removing some of the repetitive tasks done by humans.


Most parents are worried the first time they catch their kids out in a lie. According to child and teen psychiatrist Gayani DeSilva, lying can actually be a sign of healthy development in young children. "Kids lie for many reasons, and much of it is normal," DeSilva says. "People are not born with the knowledge of communicating with others and getting their needs met. They'll experiment with different communication styles and techniques until they find the ones that work best for them. Lying is one of those techniques."

As kids get older, they become more aware of how their actions affect others, and many will lie less frequently. In spite of this, parents still need to Lead their kids to form a habit of not lying. According to DeSilva, when children lie, look at them directly and ask what they need. After they tell you, gently remind them that telling you directly will be more effective than lying.

It's also a good idea to model the behavior you want to see in your kids. In other words, don't lie to your children. This will set you and your children on a course of open communication and trust.In some cases, lying is a sign of a deeper issue. A child who is neglected will lie more than a child who has attentive and responsive parents. He's not sure whether he's loved. He may lie to please others. The same goes for a child who has experienced something unpleasant. He may lie to try to hide his shame, avoid admitting his needs, or to control his surroundings to ensure his safety.

By paying attention to the reasons behind a lie, parents can figure out what need to be done. For example, while Jack might lie about completing his homework in order to play video games, he also might be trying to avoid negative feelings connected with school work, and this is just where parents should start, says therapist Gideon Javna.

