
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Valuable Gifts

    When my mother told my father she was pregnant (怀孕), the first thing he did was to buy a TV. It was 1957 and TVs were new technology. He thought that with a baby, they would go out less and he would need to find entertainment at home.

    That was the first1 he gave me.

    But when I think of other gifts my father has given me, the first would be a love of 2. He is always found reading in our study. He has been totally deaf in one ear since he was two, so we rarely listened to music. In my childhood, storybooks were king, not songs.

    The second is 3all. He treats everyone the same—CEO or cleaner, child or adult. Even when I was little, the conversation around the dinner table was noisy but adult-level. He always said my age didn't matter. If I voiced an opinion, I had to argue the case and give evidence (证据).

    The greatest gift to me, however, was that he took interest in my 4and never my looks. Most successful women had fathers who5their intelligence. My father said that my mother was the most intelligent person he had ever met. He still says that.

    They met at a dance in the early 50s when she was a teacher. Wanting to show off, he told her she reminded him of Jane Austen's Emma, then misquoted (错误地引用) the book. My mother 6 corrected him and he was in love from that moment.

    Over the years, my father taught me never to stand 7and never to accept the way things are; I should find for change. I will continue to follow his 8.

A、book B、toy C、doll D、gift
A、writing B、reading C、singing D、dancing
A、respecting B、choosing C、changing D、facing
A、hope B、hobbies C、success D、brains
A、required B、accepted C、valued D、dreamed
A、hopefully B、nervously C、politely D、proudly
A、still B、quiet C、silent D、calm
A、idea B、lead C、plan D、advice

It was a cold afternoon. I was training(训练) a football team for first graders. It was the day of our first practice. I seated the kids on a long bench on the grass. Any time I was training a new team, I spent a few minutes getting them to 1 one another, each kid saying his name and the names of all the kids sitting to the left of him.

A few minutes later, I decided to choose Alex to start at the end of the bench, go up to each kid, say that kid's 2 and then shake his right hand.

Alex was doing well and he went down the row(一排)—Dylan, Micah, David and Beau—until he reached Ben. He said Ben's name and reached out his right hand, but Ben just 3 there with his right hand 4 in his jacket. "Ben, why don't you let Alex shake your hand?" I asked. Ben stood up and said, "But I don't have that 5 ." He pulled his jacket away from his right shoulder. Ben's arm ran from his right shoulder but his arm 6 at the elbow(胳膊肘). No forearm, no hand, no fingers! I got shocked(震惊) and could think of 7 to say, but the little kids were curious(好奇的).

"What happened to your arm?" Alex asked. "Does it hurt?"

Ben took off his jacket to 8 the kids what they all wanted to see. He explained(解释) to them that he had always been that 9 and that there was nothing special. What he meant was that he wanted to be treated(被对待) like everybody else.

And he was. From that day on, he was 10 Ben, one of the players on the team.

