
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

2020-2021学年北师大版(2019)必修一模块综合检测 1


Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet as young adults.

A study, which involved nearly 1,400 high school students found those who watched TV for five hours or more every day had less healthy diets than other students five years later. Why does this happen? Should the parents take any measures?

On the one hand, people who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may snack (吃零食) more, and that may influence their long­term diet quality.

On the other hand, TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks make teenagers eat more of those foods. TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.

The researchers found a clear relationship between TV time during high school and diet quality of the young. While the heaviest TV viewers were eating the most junk food, those who'd watched fewer than two hours every day had the most fruits and vegetables.

As far as I am concerned, children should watch no more than two hours of television per day. And parents should set a good example by eating right, being physically active and curbing their own TV time.

(1)、According to the passage, heavy TV viewers are easy to         .
A、eat more fruits B、eat fewer vegetables C、eat less junk food D、eat more food high in calcium(钙)
(2)、The underlined word" curbing" in the last paragraph can be replaced by"    ".
A、adding B、checking C、controlling D、stopping
(3)、What suggestion does the author give the parents?
A、They must watch TV with their children. B、They should stop the children from watching TV. C、They should pay attention to nutrition in diets. D、They can't do what they don't want their children to do.

When it comes to cultural heritage protection, the Grand Canalof China is probably the world's greatest project of its kind. The big inland waterway system in thenorth-eastern and central eastern plains passes through eight of the country'spresent-day provinces.

The Canal runs from Beijing in the north to Zhejiang Province inthe south. Constructed in sections from the 5th century BC onwards, it wasdesigned as a means of communication in the 7th century AD. The Canal is the world's greatest civilengineering project before the Industrial Revolution.

The Grand Canal reached a peak in the 13th century, providing aninland navigation(航行) networkconsisting of more than 2,000 kilometers of artificial waterways, linking fiveof the most important river basins in China, including the Yellow River and theYangtze. It entered a bid as a UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) culturalheritage site in 2008.

The Grand Canal cultural square is located in Beijing's Tongzhoudistrict. Ever since the Yuan dynasty 800 years ago, the Tongzhou section ofthe Grand Canal has been the life blood of Beijing. Grain and buildingmaterials were all transported to meet the endless demands of the big cities.Even today, the Grand Canal plays a major role in the lives of its citizens.

"I grew up near the Grand Canal. In the past the waterwaywas a lot narrower, but now it's nice and wide and bridges are built over it. Ithink if the bid for world heritage status succeeds, it will greatly makeTongzhou more famous in the world, especially with Tongzhou aiming to be asub-center of the capital Beijing," a citizen said.

The result of the bid is set to be released next week, and nodoubt it will certainly make it into the history books if the Canal is listedas a world heritage site.


    Since Abbi Hickman was just a little girl, she has been surrounded by animals. Chickens, cats, dogs, rabbits, and sometimes goats are just some of the animals she cares for. At the age of 9, Abbi went to the Tracy Animal Shelter,in her hometown of Tracy,California,to adopt Sheldon,her favorite cat. There,she saw the poor conditions that the animals were kept in. Abbi knew that it was her duty to take action.

    Pins for Pets is Abbi's solution. For the last three years, she has organized a bowling tournament to raise funds for the Tracy Animal Shelter. She has raised more than $30,000, resulting in a better home for the animals. “Now the shelter is nicer and cleaner and animals have more space. It is far better, a hundred percent better,” Abbi says.

    To praise Abbi for her outstanding efforts, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) named her the 2015 ASPCA Tommy P. Monahan Kid of the Year. This award is given to kids who make a substantial (大量的) effort to help animals. Abbi responded to the news of her win with shock. “I was pretty excited. I' m really honored to receive it,” she says.

    Sacrificing time and effort to assist animals can sometimes be difficult, but Abbi hopes to do more. “I want to spread my free services to more shelters. I really just hope people are kinder to animals and respect them more,” says Abbi, sharing her goals for her organization.

    At the age of 12, Abbi has already accomplished so much. The advice she has for kids like her, who want to accomplish their goals, is, “Nothing is impossible. You can do anything you put your mind to. Even if it is something small, it can make a huge difference.” Abbi's work has improved the lives of animals, and she plans to keep coming up with new ways to help them.


    Computers have beaten human world champions at chess and, earlier this year, the board game Go(围棋). So far, though, they have struggled at the card table. So we challenged one AI(artificial intelligence) to a game.

Why is poker so difficult? Chess and Go are “information complete” games where all players can see all the relevant information. In poker, other players' cards are hidden, making it an “information incomplete” game. Players have to guess opponents' hands from their actions—-tricky for computers. Solving poker could lead to many breakthroughs, from cyber security to driverless cars.

    Scientists believe it is only a matter of time before AI once again vanquishes humans, so our human-machine match comes up in a game of Texas Hold's Em Limit Poker. The AI was developed by Johannes Heinrich, a researcher studying machine learning at UCL. It combines two techniques: neural(神经的)networks and reinforcement learning(强化学习).

    Neural networks, to some degree, copy the structure of human brains: their processors are highly interconnected and work at the same time to solve problems. They are good at spotting patterns in huge amounts of data. Reinforcement learning is when a machine, given a task, carries it out, learning from mistakes it makes. In this case, it means playing poker against itself billions of times to get better.

    Mr Heinrich told Sky News: “Today we are presenting a new procedure that has learned in a different way, more similar to how humans learn. In particular, it is able to learn abstract patterns, represented by its neural network, which allow it to deal with new and unseen situations.”

    After two hours of quite defensive play, from the computer at least, we called it a draw.


    American college students are becoming more adventuresome as they study abroad, showing less interests in English-speaking destinations such as Great Britain and Australia and more in such countries as China, India, Argentina and Brazil.

    Britain remained the most popular study destination in 2005, according to annual figures from the Institute of International Education, followed by Italy, Spain and France. But the number of American students studying in Britain and Australia descended a little, even as the number of American students abroad rose by 8%. The growth came in non-English speaking European countries and in Asia. China is now the eighth most popular destination for American students, attracting nearly 6,400 in 2005, up 35% from the number of the year before. Argentina and India saw increases of more than 50%.

    Allan Goodman, president of the Institute of International Education, said that a range of factors contributed to the trend, from growing awareness of globalization after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, to programs such as former President Bush's National Security Language Initiative, which trains soldiers, intelligence officers and diplomats in foreign languages. “What Americans are doing is waking up and discovering there's a world out there,” he said.

    Other figures showed the flow of students in the opposite direction, from foreign countries into American universities. The institute found that international enrollment (入学) in American higher education remained steady at about 565,000. The figures are of keen interest to universities, which depend on foreign students for teaching and research help, and to policy-makers, who consider it important, as future foreign leaders may be familiar with the United States. The year of 2005 saw big increases in students from South Korea, Mexico and Taiwan of China. India sends the most students and China is No.2. Other countries that show large percentage increases in the number of students sent to the US include Nepal and Vietnam, while Japan, Turkey and Malaysia saw declines. About 58% of international students in the US come from Asia.


    The world is a truly strange place waiting to be explored. In addition to offering a lot of extraordinary locations and people, it also offers interesting festivals celebrated by people in various parts of the world. Here is a list of the oddest festivals that can be found around the world.

    Cheese Rolling Festival: A festival that is surely going to leave you with a sore neck if not a broken one! Celebrated in England, the Cheese Rolling Festival is something that you would rather watch than take part in.

    Okay! Here's how it goes. Officials set a big cheese wheel to roll down a steep hill and participants run after it. The first one to catch it wins the competition and the cheese. Simple? Well, try it out and you will know!

    The Monkey Buffet: Now here's a country that actually feeds monkeys to their hearts' content instead of chasing them away. Celebrated in Thailand, the Monkey Buffet is an annual event that brings together a lot of locals who offer fruit and vegetables to over 600 monkeys. It's a great feast as the monkeys dig into almost 3, 000 kilograms of fruit and vegetables. The people of Thailand believe this is a way to honor the Monkey King called Hanuman.

    La Tomatina: Here's your golden chance to get even with your friends who sprayed(喷洒)paint on you on your birthday. Celebrated in Spain, the month of August has nearly 250 pounds of tomatoes go down the drain(被浪费掉)in what is perhaps the largest tomato fight in the world. The event is conducted in the town of Bunyol and attracts nearly 30, 000 tourists around the world in addition to locals. Truckloads of tomatoes arrive and you are ready to go. The entire area is covered with slush and tomatoes within minutes. It's a good time to have fun with friends and family.

