
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



All animals play. Runing, rolling and wrestling with each other is a way for them to have fun, of course. But it also seems to be how they communicate and strengthen bonds with each other.

When a dog comes up to another dog, front legs bowed and his tail high, his buddy knows he wants to play. But new research shows that this play behavior is surprisingly similar when horses and dogs play.

To study interspecies communication, Elisabetta Palagi and her colleagues from the University of Pisa found 20 YouTube videos of dogs and horses playing where their interactions lasted at least 30 seconds. They analyzed the videos, looking for specific pattern of play.

They found that while playing, both dogs and horses often had relaxed, open mouths-which is common playful facial expression in mammals. Some also copied each other's movements, like pretending to bite, playing with an object, or rolling on their backs on the ground. A 2,000-pound horse can play with a relatively tiny dog because the two are able to communicate their intentions.

"It's an important study because it shows how two animals who look and behave so differently can nevertheless manage to negotiate how to play in a way that's comfortable for both," Barbara Smuts, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Michigan, told National Geographic.

It's even more noteworthy given the large size difference between horses and dogs. The dog is vulnerable (易受伤的) to injury by the horse, and the horse has a deeply rooted tendency to fear animals that look like wolves."

Next up, the researchers write, is exploring the development and shaping of interspecies communication that “can be at the basis of a universal language of play".

(1)、What is the focus of Elisabetta Palagi's study?
A、Behaviors of mammals. B、Animal facial expressions. C、Inter species communication. D、Differences in animal languages.
(2)、Which is a shared way of communication for both dogs and horses?
A、High tails. B、Openmouths. C、Relaxedlegs. D、Hardbites.
(3)、What makes the interaction between dogs and horses especially remarkable?
A、They feel less comfortable around other species. B、Horses are often at risk of being injured by dogs. C、Dogs manage to overcome their natural fear for wolves. D、They communicate despite physical and behavioral differences.
(4)、Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A、How dogs learn to speak to other animals B、Horses and dogs-- more similar than different C、Horses and dogs share universal play language D、The development of inter species communication
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.

    If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But for each person or business that is making and selling something, it is very concrete(具体的). If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won't be long before you get the message. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn't want you to do.

A. The market may be something abstract.

B. The sellers are always smarter than buyers.

C. When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market.

D. The market is a concept.

E. One has to make his ends meet when shopping.

F. The market is telling you something.

G. Your efforts are being directed by the market.


    For most caffeine(咖啡因)consumers, its main benefit is that it helps you get more done. This is what makes it unusual, says Stephen Braun, author of Buzz: The Science and Lore of Alcohol and Caffeine.

    “Its appeal is that it helps us earn more money,” he adds. “What makes it different from other drugs is that it's used as a productivity tool –– not for pleasure.”

    Many of history's creative minds have also been connected with a large amount of caffeine consumption (消耗).

    According to one biographer, the French novelist and playwright Balzac drank as many as 50 cups of coffee a day. “Were it not for coffee one could not write, which is to say one could not live,” he once insisted.

    For seven years, the film-maker David Lynch ate at the same Los Angeles diner every day, drinking up to seven sweetened cups of coffee “with lots of sugar” in one sitting, which he said would guarantee that “lots of ideas” arrived.

    Ludwig van Beethoven was said to have painstakingly counted out exactly 60 coffee beans per cup when he brewed(煮)coffee.

    Perhaps recent tales of caffeine excess (过量) featured the singer Robbie Williams, who reportedly consumed 36 cups of black coffee and 20 cans of Red Bull a day.

    It is the routine task itself, as much as the stimulating(刺激的)effects of caffeine, that makes the process so important, says Mason Currey, author of Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. “A lot of artists use the process of making coffee as a gateway to the creative process,” he adds. “You need to get into the right mindset to do that sort of work, and the preparation process provides a focus.”

    One problem with attempting to control caffeine, says Braun, is that it affects everyone differently –– it is impossible to work out a “safe” limit that works for everyone. “Eventually, you have to become your own scientist –– there isn't an alternative to careful self-experimentation,” he says.


    From July to October every year, about a quarter of the world's blue whales feed in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. But the whales currently face a major threat in their favorite feeding area. Ships carrying cargo (货物)sail in the same area at the same time. All too often, the whales' paths and the ships' travel lines overlap (重叠), and a ship will hit a whale.

    According to a new study, these ship strikes have become a serious threat to the overall population of the world's blue whales. Only about 10,000 of the creatures still exist worldwide. Blue whales are the largest known animals ever to live on Earth. Even so, if hit by a container ship, a blue whale will likely die from its injuries.

    In 2007 alone, large ships killed five blue whales in the waters off San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that because there are so few whales already, losing three to five from the California whale population every year is a significant loss. “The estimated population of blue whales in this part of the Pacific is 2,500”, says Sean Hastings, a NOAA analyst. “So every whale counts toward this species moving off the endangered-species list.”

    Now, marine scientists must figure out how to protect the whales from the giant container ships. One very simple program is already under way in the Santa Barbara Channel, a waterway that separates mainland California from the nearby Channel Islands.

    The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary has asked large container ships passing through the area to voluntarily slow down. Sailing slower will allow the ships‟ crew (船员)more time to change course before hitting a whale.

    Several of the world's largest shipping lines are set to participate in the new program. For every ship that passes through the Santa Barbara Channel at or below the reduced speed of 12 knots (海里/小时), the company that owns the ship will be paid $2,500.


    First aid is emergency care for a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skillful medical treatment is available. It may save a life or improve certain vital signs including pulse, temperature,a clear airway(气道), and breathing. In minor emergencies,first aid may prevent a victim's condition from turning worse and provide relief from pain. First aid must be   administered as quickly as possible. In the case of the Critically injured, a few minutes can make a difference between complete recovery and loss of life.

    First­aid measures depend upon a victim's needs and the provider's level of knowledge and skill. Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as important as knowing what to do. Improperly moving a person with a neck injury, for example,can lead to permanent spinal (脊柱的) injury and  paralysis (瘫痪).

    Despite the variety of injuries possible, several principles of first aid apply to all emergencies. The first step is to call for professional medical help. The victim, if conscious(有意识的), should be reassured that medical aid has been requested,and asked for permission to provide any first aid.  Next,assess the scene, asking other people or the injured  person's family or friends about details of the injury or illness,any care that may have already been given, and preexisting conditions such as diabetes (糖尿病) or heart trouble. The victim should be checked for a medical bracelet (手镯) or card that describes special medical conditions. Unless the accident scene becomes unsafe or the victim may suffer further injury,do not move the victim.

    First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to determine whether life­threatening conditions exist. One method for evaluating a victim's condition is known by the acronym(首字母缩写词)ABC,which stands for:

    A—Airway: Is it open and clear?

    B—Breathing: Is the person breathing? Look, listen, and feel for breathing.

    C—Circulation: Is there a pulse? Is the person bleeding externally? Check skin color and temperature for additional indications of circulation problems.

