
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



When I was little, I lived in a house with a beautiful garden full of all kinds of flowers, and roses were the most beautiful of them. There was nothing I enjoyed more than sitting in the garden with my mother as she read stories to me. When I was in primary school and old enough to read, I enjoyed reading stories aloud to her.

I will never forget one day when I was in the third grade. I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had rehearsed (排练) my lines so hard with me. But no matter how easily I acted at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word disappeared from my head. Finally, my teacher took me aside. She explained that she had written a narrator's (旁白、解说员) part to the play, and asked me to change roles. Her word, kindly expressed, still hurt, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.

I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home after school that day. But she sensed my pain. Instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to take a walk in the garden.

It was May and roses were blossoming and, under the trees, we could also see yellow dandelions (蒲公英) in the grass, as if a painter had painted our garden with red, yellow and green. I watched my mother casually bend down by one dandelion. "I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds," she said, pulling it up by its roots. "From now on, we'll have only roses in this garden."

"But I like dandelions," I protested. "All flowers are beautiful —— even dandelions."

My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes, every flower is beautiful in its own way, isn't it?" She asked thoughtfully. I nodded, pleased that I had won her over. "And that is true of people too," she added. "Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that." Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled reassuringly.




"But you will be a beautiful narrator," she said,


After the play, I took home the flower.


    Scout could clearly remember the night she had to leave her home in Poland. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to escape as soon as possible. She quickly packed a suitcase with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her most prized treasure, a silk scarf. Scout and her best friend, Betty, had persuaded their parents to buy them matching scarves, which they took as a symbol of their friendship. Scout didn't know she was going to America and would not be returning.

    Scout kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Scout was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, "Don't worry, Grandma, nothing's going to happen to your scarf. You'll see that it's going to bring both of us luck." And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview.

    Leaving the interview, Eliza felt confident that she had got the job so she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. Sitting at her table, Eliza felt an elderly woman staring at her for a long time.

    "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Eliza asked.

    "I'm sorry, dear, but you remind me of my best friend," the old woman replied. "She looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like yours." Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of her grandmother's best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this woman be Betty, her grandmother's childhood friend?






Paragraph 1:

    Then the old woman introduced herself, "My name is ……

Paragraph 2:

    The old woman agreed.


    Sara Savick remembers one special Easter when she was nine years old. Her parents gave her a baby duckling in a yellow basket.

    "Mom said later that she bought the little duck because she felt sorry for it," recalled Sara. The people at the pet store colored the feathers pink for Easter. Sara named the duck Pinky.

    Sara's mother really didn't think the baby duck would survive very long. But to her surprise, Pinky grew and got stronger and stronger. Soon, the little duckling was a healthy, hungry duck with white feathers.

    "We fed Pinky oatmeal, cooked and uncooked, and small pieces of vegetables," said Sara. Pinky lived inside the house with Sara and her family. She specially fancied taking baths with Sara. Everyone treated Pinky as a family member.

    But just when everything appeared to be perfect, the night of the "talk" came. Sara's Mom and Dad sat her down, explaining that the best thing for Pinky was to live a normal duck life, with other ducks. It was not natural for ducks to live indoors with a family, her father told her. He added Pinky needed to swim in ponds and do all the same things that ducks in the wild do.

    Sara started to cry, knowing what was going to happen. Sara's parents decided to take Pinky to a park, which was two miles away. There was a pond with a lot of other ducks. Pinky would have the chance to live a natural life and Sara could still visit her.

    The big day came, Sara and her parents put Pinky in a box and drove to the park. Sara said that Pinky did not look happy; maybe Pinky was convinced that she was a human, not a duck.


⒈ 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

⒉ 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

⒊ 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

⒋ 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

    Everyone was sad when they left Pinky at the pond, even Sara's father.


Paragraph 2

    The next morning, when looking out of the kitchen window, Sara couldn't believe her eyes!



    Last year at Christmas time, my wife, three children and I were on our way from Paris to Nice. Somehow everything went wrong. Our hotels were "tourist traps" and our rented car broke down. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a dirty hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

    It was raining and cold when we went out to eat. We found a small restaurant poorly decorated for the holiday. Only five tables in the restaurant were taken. There were two German couples, two French families, and an American sailor, by himself. They were eating in stony silence except the sailor. He was writing a letter, and a half-smile lighted his face. In the corner a piano player was listlessly (无精打采地) playing Christmas music.

    All of us were interrupted by an old French flower woman through the front door. She had a worn overcoat and her old shoes were wet. Carrying her basket of flowers, she went from one table to another. No one bought any. Exhausted and frustrated, she sat down at a table.

    The sailor finished his meal and got up to leave. Putting on his coat, he walked over to the flower woman's table.

    "Merry Christmas," he said, smiling and picking out a handful of flowers. "How much are they?"

    "Two francs, sir."

    The sailor put a twenty franc note in the woman's hand.

    "I don't have change, sir," she said. "I'll get some from the waiter."

    "No, ma'am," said the sailor, leaning over and kissing the ancient cheek. "This is my Christmas present for you."





Paragraph 1:

    Then the sailor headed for our table with the flowers in his hand.

Paragraph 2:

    The piano player came alive and pleasant music filled the whole room.


    There was no question of what I wanted to be when I grew up—a radio announcer. The silky voices of the announcers served as a constant companion who brought life, music and hopes to a nine-year-old only child in the 1930s.

    My family settled in Wagga in 1938. Every Saturday at five o'clock the local radio station 2WG would air a children's programme. Kids were invited to perform their talents. I used these opportunities to polish my voice for the time when my dream might come true.

    Working in radio might involve typing. So, I went to the Wagga Commercial College to learn to type. In 1945, when I graduated, I wrote a letter to apply to the Wagga radio station for a job. Surprisingly, I received a telegram asking me to attend an interview. On the day of the interview, I waited in the reception area with mixed feelings of excitement and calm resolution to do my best. The kind-looking manager surprised me by saying, "I'm afraid we have no plans for young women announcers."

   "In any case, your preference is for classical music?" he asked. "We use all manners of music here."

    "Oh," I said in a confident voice. "I have catholic(广泛的) taste in music." He took me to meet the copy chief. "This is the man you will be working for," he smiled. I was to work six days a week from nine to five, plus Friday nights. The salary was pitiful with the long hours, but I was in!

    After a short while I settled into my responsibilities. On quiet Friday evenings, a helpful announcer offered to show me how to operate the controls at the announcer's desk. He taught me how to put the records on the turntable, bring in the relayed news, and all sorts of tricks I could ever never have mastered alone. This man became my mentor(导师). It certainly wasn't part of any formal training scheme but the experience was invaluable. Sadly, after about six months, it seemed that I would never get the chance to use these skills.






Paragraph 1:

    However, one Friday night the evening announcer suddenly collapsed with appendicitis(阑尾炎) and was rushed to hospital.

Paragraph 2:

    After that, things happened swiftly. Within a fortnight I had my own afternoon programme, Music of the Masters.


Lungs nearly burst. I struggled to lift my head out of the water. Inch by inch, my tired body reached the end of the pool.

The extent of my swimming career was purely recreational, while the competitive swimmers nearby thought nothing of the seemingly simple task of a 500-meter swim test. Pushing myself to finish what I had started, I could only think: why not take the easy way out?

Earlier that week, I had turned in my first job application at a local pool. Overqualified, I was hired on the spot. However, the tasks were boring: helping confused visitors and measuring the height of children before they went down the slide (滑梯). I was capable of more.

So a swim test was required, establishing the mere fact that I was not completely helpless in a pool. Midway through, the manager administering the test remarked, "This looks really easy for you. Why aren't you applying to become a guard?"

"The thought didn't cross my mind."

"Well, lifeguarding demands more responsibility, strength and respect. Thus the position pays $ 2 more per hour. Your swimming skills are strong enough. All you need to do is complete a certification class."

Inside I was unsure of myself, but his words inspired me — You never know what you are capable of until you force yourself to do it.

Soon I passed the swim test. All left was to practice and learn first aid, CPR (心肺复苏), and procedures for different land-based and water-based emergencies.

Work started soon. A well-intentioned yet anxious feeling in me soon passed. Days, weeks, and months went by without incident; emergencies were rare. The skills and training I had so carefully studied and acquired seemed unnecessary.

Today appeared to be another uneventful day. However, shortly after the other guards signaled to the children to exit the pool, I noticed one boy was still in the middle while the others had climbed up.




"Something must have gone wrong with him," I thought to myself.


Having the boy on the floor, I put my ear to his mouth and my fingers at his neck.


Jenny and Lisa are close friends. They're studying in high school now.

One day about half a year ago, Jenny went to Lisa's house after she finished her homework. After entering Lisa's home, Jenny found that Lisa was chatting on her cellphone. Jenny was surprised as she didn't know Lisa had gone downtown to buy a cellphone.

After Lisa finished talking over the cellphone, Jenny asked her, "When did you get your cellphone?"

"I bought it yesterday. Look! How lovely it looks!" said Lisa.

Jenny looked at the cellphone. It was pink and looked really lovely. Jenny wished she also, could have such a cellphone.

That day, after Jenny came back home, she saw her father sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. Jenny approached him and said, "Dad, could I have a cellphone? Many of my classmates have their own cellphones now."

"Of course, you can have one," said Jenny's father. Hearing that, Jenny became very happy.

"Thank you, Dad," Jenny said happily. Then she asked, "When shall we go downtown to buy one?"

The father looked up hearing that. Then he said, "Oh, no, dear! I'm not going to buy you a cell-phone. If you really want one, you should make money to buy one yourself."

Jenny immediately became upset. But she knew her father was serious. She walked away and went to her own room.

The following day, Jenny went to school as usual. When Lisa saw her at school, she looked a bit upset. Lisa came to her and asked why she was wearing a long face that day. Jenny said, "I asked my dad to buy a cellphone for me, but he said I should work for one myself."

But Lisa didn't seem to be surprised at all, and she said, "Don't get surprised, because that's how I bought my own cellphone."

Hearing that, Jenny remembered Lisa once told her she was helping look after the Smiths' one-year-old son in the past summer. Now she knew why she worked part-time that summer. Lisa wanted a new cellphone and she worked to make money for it.

Paragraph 1:

That day after Jenny came back home from school, she went to her father. Paragraph 2:

Jenny started to work part-time.

