
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Many people love travelling to different countries, but if you plan to go abroad, you should know how to behave in different situations around the world.

Most travelers enjoy meeting new people, but sometimes you can be rude without saying anything. In Russia, you should never shake hands in a doorway, and if you're travelling in Thailand, never touch people's heads or point your feet at people. When the Japanese meet new people, they like giving business cards-but you should read the card carefully, not just put it in your pocket.

In most countries in Europe, people expect a lot of eye contact when you talk to them, but in many Asian countries, a lot of eye contact seems unfriendly. And in South America, people usually stand quite close to each other when they talk, but in countries like the USA, you need to give people more personal space. Also, it's rude to interrupt Japanese people while they are talking to you. You must wait until they finish before you start speaking.

In restaurants in China, you can leave a bit of food on your plate, it's OK to start smoking before other people finish eating, which you mustn't do in the UK. When in India, remember to eat with your right hand. Also avoid leaving empty bottles on the dinner table in Russia—that's bad luck.

When you're travelling in Asia, if someone invites you to his or her home, don't forget to take off your shoes when you arrive. And if you visit an Arab family's home, don't admire anything valuable because your host will feel he should give it to you as a present.

With so much to think about, it's not surprising that many people prefer going on holiday in their own countries—or you might just decide to stay at home.

(1)、What does the underlined word "interrupt" mean in Chinese?
A、跟随 B、附和 C、讨论 D、打断
(2)、What is the correct order of the subheadings (小标题) from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 5?

① Eating out② In the home

③ Body language④ Face-to-face communication

A、②③④① B、④①②③ C、③④①② D、①②③④
(3)、What does the writer want to tell us?
A、Practice makes perfect. B、Where there is a will, there is a way. C、Two heads are better than one. D、When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
(4)、What is the best title for the passage?
A、Culture Shock B、Table Manners C、Public Rules D、Body language

    English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, "Where there's tea, there's hope." Similarly, a Chinese saying goes that "Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day."

    Tea is, without doubt, welcomed all over the world. According to Statista, a German website for statistics (数据), global tea production reached about 5.8 million tons in 2018. It has become the most consumed beverage (饮品) in the world – after water, of course.

    According to the UN, tea is much more than just a hot drink. It's a big part of many cultures around the world. You probably know that people in China use top-grade tea to show respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile, the British tradition of afternoon tea is an important part of that country's identity. Making Malaysia's pulled tea has become a sort of art form, where drinkers take pride in its entertainment aspects.

    Apart from its cultural significance (意义), tea is also a medicine, used from ancient times to modern day. "Tea is cold and lowers the fire," Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen once said. The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked to drinking green tea, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US.

    Hot or cold, bagged or loose-leaf, tea is more than a drink – it's a social custom and also a magic medicine, a link to the past and a way of life.


Chinese tourists flock(涌入) to Morocco(摩洛哥) during Spring Festival

In the Chinese restaurant of Chefchaouen, one of the, top tourist attractions(旅游景点) in Morocco, an area of less than 100 square meters was full of more than a hundred Chinese tourists, with a lot more waiting outside, during the Chinese Spring Festival.

"Boss, can I have my Kung-Pao Chicken now?" "Boss, is my beef noodles ready?" Some visitors were not patient cough to wait long for their ordered foods. Restaurant owner said that during the Spring Festival, beer business was much better than usual.

Another Chinese restaurant owner in Fes, Morocco's central city, had the same experience. The waiters said during the Spring Festival, a large number of Chinese tourists waited in lines for meals every day.

In the southem Moroccan town of Marrakech, tourist buses full of Chinese tourists can be found everywhere during the Spring Festival.

In Majorelle Garden, a famous tourist attraction, two girls from Ningbo, a city in East China's Zhejiang province, said they chose Morocco as their Spring Festival travel place to taste the country's special food.

Morocco's Minister of Tourism Mohamed Sajid said it hopes to attract (吸引) 500,000 Chinese tourists each year by 2020.

Sajid also said Morocco is working to improve hotels, transports and tourist reception. He said direct flights(直达航班) between Morocco and China are being discussed, which is one of the key factors to attract Chinese tourists.

 请阅读下面的短文, 并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中, 使原文的意思完整、连贯。

A. Try doing a little bit of exercise. 

B. Drink some tea during the break. 

C. Here are a few things you can try. 

D. The only safe answer is to get a good sleep. 

E. You can try some eggs, vegetables or toast. 

F. Drinking it helps improve your energy level. 

You will probably know the feeling—it is time for school, but your eyes are only half-open. Your arms and legs are heavy and your brain is still asleep. So what can you do to stay awake when you are tired? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

Eat breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it is also the easiest to skip(省略). Start your day off with a healthy breakfast. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They can keep you from feeling hungry and tired in the morning. 

Use water

When you are tired, water is your friend. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It is even better than drinking lots of coffee. Coffee is fine in the morning, but it is best to drink water after lunch to make sure you can get to sleep. 

Get moving

 {#blank#}4{#/blank#} A few minutes of physical activity can improve oxygen circulation(氧循环)and keep your body active. It doesn't need to be anything difficult. A few push-ups and a short walk may be a great help. 

However, there is still something that you can't do when you are tired. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Besides, if you find you are often feeling tired and you are not sure why, it is a good idea to speak to a doctor. 


Doorbells are the bells (铃) for people to ring at a door. When someone hears it, he or she can open the door. Do you know that you can ring a doorbell for fish, too? 

Every spring, millions of fish migrate (洄游) along the river in the city to find better places to lay eggs. But in the river, there are many locks (水闸). They stop fish from swimming through. Weerd Lock is in Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands (荷兰). When fish get there, they have to wait a long time before the lock opens for boats to pass through. The lock keeper there is glad to open the lock for fish, but he cannot tell when fish want to get through. So in 2021, Mark van Heukelum, a scientist, came up with a good idea to help solve this problem—by using the fish doorbell. 

Under the water near the lock, there's a camera. People from around the world can visit a website (网站) to see fish through the camera. When you see a group of fish waiting, you can ring the doorbell on the screen. And when the lock keeper notices it, he will open the lock for the fish. 

In its first spring season in 2021, people around the world rang the fish doorbell more than 100,000 times. If you want to join them to help fish, visit the website and ring the fish doorbell next spring. 

