
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



In a small room, Jenny was lying in bed waiting for an operation (手术), nervous and worried. To her surprise, a new patient was sent into the room. After a kind greeting (打招呼), they began to talk. The 80-year-old newcomer was named Susan. She had two children. Her son was boss of a big company and her daughter worked in a TV station. As her children were too busy to take care of Susan, she lived in an old people's home. Susan was proud of her children who had wonderful jobs and made a lot of money. Jenny really envied (羡慕)Susan. Compared with Susan, Jenny was nothing but an ordinary (普通的) woman from the countryside. Her children were just ordinary workers.

Soon, it was supper time, Jenny's daughter cooked several dishes which were her favorite. Jenny invited Susan to share her supper, but she did not accept the invitation. Susan was expecting her daughter when she received a call. Unfortunately (不幸), her children couldn't come to visit her. Worse still, Susan had missed the mealtime in the hospital. She lay in bed, disappointed and silent. Jenny's daughter offered to buy her some food but she had no appetite (食欲) at all.

The next day, Jenny and Susan would go through a series of regular medical checks (一连串的常规检查) before the operation. Jenny's daughter took care of her carefully while Susan was still alone. Out of sympathy (出于同情), Jenny's daughter helped to queue up (排队), fill in different forms and register (挂号) for Susan. For several days in hospital, even during her operation, Susan's children didn't come. Susan really envied Jenny as her daughter looked after her all the time until she recovered and moved out of hospital.

Care from the loved ones can really make one happy and encouraged, especially for old parents. So don't forget to look after your parents even while you are busy working.

(1)、Jenny met Susan ____.
A、at a restaurant B、at a hospital C、at a supermarket D、at a school
(2)、The relationship between Jenny and Susan is ________.
A、relative B、classmate C、stranger D、friend
(3)、Based on the article, who worked in a TV station?
A、Jenny's daughter B、Susan's daughter C、Susan's son D、Jenny
(4)、Concluded from the passage, Jenny had ______.
A、only a daughter B、at least two children C、two daughters D、a daughter and a son
(5)、Why did Susan feel upset and disappointed?
A、She had missed the mealtime in the hospital. B、She had no appetite to eat. C、Her children didn't come to visit her. D、She felt nervous about her operation.
(6)、What made Jenny envy (羡慕) Susan?
A、Susan had more children. B、Susan didn't require an operation. C、Susan was healthier. D、Susan's children had better jobs and made more money.
(7)、What does the underlined word "recovered" mean?
A、手术失败 B、已经挂号 C、恢复健康 D、缴费住院
(8)、Why did Susan envy Jenny?
A、Jenny's daughter looked after her mother all the time.   B、Jenny recovered after the operation. C、Jenny's daughter helped Susan in hospital. D、Unknown
(9)、Which of the following is right?
A、Jenny often had meals served by the hospital B、Susan lived in the countryside. C、Jenny's daughter was warm-hearted.              D、Susan lived with her children.
(10)、The best title of the article is ____.
A、Care and Love for Parents B、Operation in Hospital    C、Rich and Poor D、Two Women

keep your body strong   start clubs   play with   a group of students   save and develop

    Every night in Jinan University in Guangzhou, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}play diabolo (空竹) as a crowd watches in amazement.

    Chen Zhelun, 25, a Malaysian-Chinese started the diabolo club, which helps to increase the popularity of this traditional Chinese game. He is one of many students expressing their interest in the country's cultural heritage (遗产) by {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    The diabolo, which came from China, is popular among Chinese living in Malaysia.

    "We played diabolo from primary school onward. I thought I could find someone {#blank#}3{#/blank#}in China, but only a few students knew about it. So I started a club to develop it," says Chen.

    To Chen's surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd—more than 1,000students have joined the club.

    "It {#blank#}4{#/blank#}and it's fun," says Chen.

    But some prefer quieter activities. Every weekend, one classroom in Shenzhen University is always crowded, but it's unusually silent. The members of Lanting Calligraphy Club are writing Chinese characters with traditional brushes.

    As head of the traditional Chinese local operas club, Kong Yanquan plans to put modern elements (元素) into traditional culture to get students to join his club.

    "I think it's everyone's duty {#blank#}5{#/blank#}China's traditional culture among young people," he says.

