
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



⒈Do not drink up the tea at once

Tea is not plain water, it can nourish (养育,抚养) your mind and keep you calm. If you're not thirsty, then do not drink up the tea at once. On the one hand, it may be hot and bums your lips. On the other hand, it is generally considered a rude behavior. You should take a sip and appreciate the flavor, from good smell to sweetness till the long after taste, you may find words are too plain to describe this fascinating feeling and process.

⒉Do not spit the tea out of your mouth

It is also considered that the biggest impoliteness of the guest is to spit the tea out of mouth, especially, in front of the tea server. This bad manner may also leave a very bad impression on the host.

⒊Do not smoke

Smoking cigarettes during the tea drinking is disrespectful. If you are a heavy smoker, you should ask the host for opinions. You should not start smoking unless the host or the hostess allows you to.

⒋Do not be absent-minded

Keep calm and relaxed when drinking tea, instead of being absent-minded and dispirited. Tea is not only an amazing drink, it can also be your friend. When you feel uneasy, it helps you calm down; when you feel distracted, it makes you relax; while when you find your inner peace, it will bring you indescribable flavor. What a wonderful friend!

(1)、What can you do in a Chinese Tea House?
A、You can smoke when guests invite you to. B、You can spit the tea out of your mouth if it doesn't suit you. C、You can enjoy listening to MP4 and try to have a short period of sleep. D、You find inner peace in your mind and relax yourself.
(2)、The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means ________.
A、favor B、good taste C、bad smell D、ceremony
(3)、In the writer's opinion, tea can also be your friend because ________.
A、when you feel unrest in mind, it helps you calm down B、when you find your inner peace, tea tastes better C、when you can't focus on something, tea makes you distracted D、when you have no friends, make friends by drinking tea with them
(4)、Drinking up the tea immediately you are served is something improper because of the following but ________.
A、tea is not plain water, it is a healthy drink B、you may have your lips burned C、you can't drink tea directly in front of the tea server D、it is hot

    Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman

    This novel tells the story of Shawn McDaniel,a 14-year-old boy with brain disease.He is highly intelligent,yet unable to move his muscles anti communicate.Through his first-person description,he remains positive about his life, even when people treat him like his brain is damaged.This short novel forces young readers to think about the assumptions they make about people with disabilities,and also addresses euthanasia(安乐死)and quality of life as relevant social problems.

     Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

     Frank McCourt's New York Times bestselling memoir(回忆录)tells the story of his life growing up as an extremely poor child in Ireland and how he overcame those circumstances.He wrote the story to inspire young readers to make the most of what they have,and call on them to continue trying and overcome any difficulties they may face.

    The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch & Jeffrey Zazlow

    In 2006,when he was only 45 years old,Randy Pausch suffered from cancer and learned he had only three to six months to live.Inspired by a professor's inspirational lecture,Pausch co-authored a book named The Last Lecture with Jeffrey Zazlow within a few short months.In spite of his disease,the book,is surprisingly encouraging.It encourages young readers to focus on what's truly important in life.

    The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

    This story has become a classic clue to its honest look at the everyday lives of teenagers.Through the eyes of the 15-year-old writer,Charlie,the novel details the daily trails that many teenagers face,but it also deals with social problems like drug abuse.It also focuses on the roles that friendship,family and love play in helping us get through difficult times.


    Andy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was unaware of everything else around him.

    He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present. He came to a stop and looked up to the sky. What he saw frightened him. A huge group of bees filled the sky like dark cloud and seemed to be heading angrily towards him.

    With no time to waste Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding quickly without knowing how to escape the group. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping quickly, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his fear increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive(敏感的) to bee stings (蜇). Last time a sting had put him in hospital—and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his father's words came to him. "When you are in a dangerous situation, don't panic. Stay calm, use your brain and think your ways out of it."

    On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly from the chimney(烟囱) of the Nelson family home. "Bees don't like smoke," he thought. "They couldn't get into the house." Andy raced towards the Nelson house, but the bees were gaining around. Andy knew he could not reach the house in time. He guessed that the bees would catch up with him soon.

    Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a small pond used by Mr. Nelson to water his vegetable garden. Off his bike and into the cool water he jumped, disappearing below the surface and away from the bees. After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees have gone. Pulling himself out of the water, he walked up the hill and rang the doorbell. Mr. Nelson took him inside and rang his mother.

    "You'll really need that fishing break to help you recover(恢复)," laughed his mother. "Thank goodness you didn't panic!" But Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow.


    On a hot summer weekend, Jorge Ayub saw the public beach north of Boston already crowded with nearly 1 million people drawn to the annual sand sculpture festival. Traffic on the nearby road was heavy, bands played music loudly, and later that night fireworks would light up the beach.

    And on the sand were four pairs of tiny shorebirds. These chicks(小鸟) were still too young to fly and a precious addition to the national endeavor to save a bird once down to 139 pairs in Massachusetts. It was Mr. Ayub's job. "Everyone made it," Ayub, a coastal ecologist reported at the end of the long weekend over the nests.

    Once common, piping plovers(笛鸻) were hunted and then squeezed out of their habitats(栖息地) by coastal development until, in 1986, the federal government listed the Atlantic Coastal birds as threatened. The bird's recovery has been halting. After three decades, the Atlantic population stands just under the 2,000-pair goal set by federal law.

    But the star has been Massachusetts, which has seen plovers increase to 687pairs from 139 pairs in 1986. One reason for that: "chick-sitting" in which conservationists sometimes spend all day watching over the birds.

    That progress has made Massachusetts the only East Coast state that decided to relax some Endangered Species Act restrictions: for example, to reduce the fenced-off areas and vehicle limits that have annoyed residents(居民).

    “Look at the stretch(一片土地), "Anyb says. "We had six nesting pairs between here and that bathhouse 600 yards away. By regulation, each nest should have 100 yards of fencing. We could have put up fencing and closed the beach all the way to the bathhouse."

    Instead, the plovers are surrounded in much smaller areas by "symbolic fencing". None of the 52 seawall entrances to the beach are closed. "If we put up too much fencing, people will be upset, and they are going to destroy it or walk right through the nesting areas," Ayub says. "By opening the beach, people are happier and the species does better."


    Olympic National Park, with its temperate rainforests and breath-taking views, exerts a natural pull on many Pacific Northwestemers. But Seattle writer Rosette Royale found it repellent. To Royale, the park seemed like a damp, dirty and unpleasant place. "I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to carry a 50-pound pack into the wilderness and camp there for days," he said. "It didn't make sense."

    Then he met Bryant Carlin, a vendor (小贩) for Real Change, the Seattle weekly sold on the street by vendors who are homeless or low-wage earners. He was also a skilled outdoorsman and a nature photographer who would take weeks-long photographic journeys to the park. The two men connected in the fall of 2011 when Royale interviewed Carlin for a feature story in Real Change about Carlin's photography.

    That first time they met—and for years afterward—Carlin invited Royale to go camping with him. Each time, Royale said "Thanks, but no thanks." Until one day, in the spring of 2015, Royale surprised himself by saying yes. "Little did I know," said Royale, "that saying 'yes' would change the course of my life."

    Royale and Carlin went on five separate journeys to the Olympic wilderness. They camped in spring, summer, fall and winter. For Royale, the trips were exhausting and terrifying. But the trips were also inspiring, and helped Royale—a black, strange man—to develop a relationship with the outdoors that he had never experienced before.

    For Carlin, the trips were an opportunity to throw off the label of "homeless". In Olympic National Park, sleeping outside just means you're a camper. But there was one aspect of Carlin's life in the city that he couldn't escape: alcohol abuse. While he never brought beer on their camping journeys, the effects of years of drinking weren't so easy to leave behind.


There's no doubt that Dolly Parton knows how to light up a stage; however, she's also spent a number of decades trying to bring a spark to children's education.

Through programs such as the Buddy Program and the Imagination Library, the American singer is sharing her passion for giving kids a better chance in life across the states and further in the UK, Australia, Canada and Ireland.

Among other charity efforts, Parton was inspired to introduce the Buddy Program after seeing the alarming dropout rate in her hometown of Sevierville, Tennessee, in 1990. That year 34% of schoolkids dropped out of high school—a decision they reached around fifth or sixth grade. The figures were so shocking that Parton decided to inspire kids with her new program. So, in the same year, she invited the fifth and sixth graders to her amusement park, Dollywood. She gathered the pupils and asked them to pair up with a friend as part of a motivating buddy system. If both children went on to graduate, she said she would offer them both a $500 check as a reward. That year the percentage of kids abandoning their education dropped to an unbelievable 6%, and continues to be around that rate today.

It was after the success of the Buddy Program that Parton wanted to address the issue of early education even further. To help give kids from disadvantaged backgrounds a better chance at school, the singer started her Imagination Library in 1995. Over the following 25 years the program has seen babies and toddlers enjoy new books every month thanks to her generosity.

And the singer shows no sign of stopping. In 2020, she donated $1 million to Vanderbilt University to try and help research in the fight against COVID-19.

