
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A man and a boy checked into hotel. Later, they went to the hotel restaurant for dinner. The waiters1that the two guests were very quiet and that the boy was unhappy. He seemed to have2interest in his food.

After dinner, the boy went back to his room, 3the man went to a waiter and asked to see the manager. The waiter asked if there was problem with the service or the room. But the man said that there was no problem of that sort.

When the4 came, the man took him aside and explained that he was spending the night in the hotel with his fourteen-year-old son. His son was seriously5.He was very soon to receive treatment which would cause him to lose his hair. And the boy planned to shave(剃头) his head that night,because he did not want to feel that the illness was6him. The father said that he would shave his own head as well, in support of his son.

The man7that the hotel staff would not stare at him or his son when they came to the restaurant for breakfast with their shaved heads. The manager agreed that he woulds tell all the staff about it and that they would act properly.

The next8the father and the son entered the hotel restaurant with their shaved heads. They saw some waiters attending to their duties9 .They had all shaved their heads, too!

No matter what business you are in, you can10 people and make a difference.

A、knew B、noticed C、forgot D、said
A、much B、more C、some D、little
A、while B、though C、unless D、if
A、son B、waiter C、manager D、host
A、shy B、sad C、angry D、ill
A、beating B、catching C、hitting D、meeting
A、heard B、hoped C、ordered D、believed
A、morning B、afternoon C、evening D、week
A、after all B、in person C、on purpose D、as usual
A、treat B、force C、help D、save

    Gavin Thomas, an 8-year-old American boy, is an online star in China. Chinese fans know him as "fake(假的) smile boy".

    Gavin first came to people's attention when he was only two years old. His uncle, Nick Mastodon, posted a few shot videos of him on Vine, a popular video-sharing site in the US. In one of the videos, Nick put a gecko(壁虎) on Gavin's head. His nervous yet funny reaction soon won him a lot of fans online.

    Gavin is in primary school right now. "We take a lot of photos. My uncle Nick and I make videos together. My family thinks it is really cool for me to have many fans online and my friends in class know that I make videos and take photos," Gavin said.

    On July 12, 2018, Gavin opened an account (账户) on Sina Weibo. In less than four hours, he got more than 400 thousand followers. One day later, it reached 1 million. 4 months later, the number doubled again.

    "I saw Gavin's smiling photo about one year ago when one of my friends sent it to me. My friend was working on the weekends and used the photo to complain about his boss," said Tian Qian, a primary school teacher in Beijing. Gavin's smile expressed her friend's feeling at that moment.

    "We live in a fast-paced (快节奏的) city and are under a lot of pressure. Gavin's smile makes us feel relaxed," Tian said. I have been following him on Weibo and it's very enjoyable to watch his videos. We are happy that he is bringing joy to our lives."


Today I turned eight. Today whatever I say goes. 

My grandma is cooler than most grandmas and laughs a lot,1 is the exact opposite. He's that old and serious. "Kids are impolite these days, and have no 2 ." he always says. "All they do is playing video games all the time." But I 3 play video games on weekends!

Anyway, the minute we park on the driveway, I get out and run straight to Grandma 4 Dad, who's still on the phone dealing with his business in the car as usual. "Happy birthday, honey!" Grandma holds me into her arms and says 5 that she's made my favorite chocolate cake.

And then I 6 Grandpa, who is asleep in a rocking chair, snoring (打鼾) like thunder. Can you believe it? On his only grandson's birthday! 

"7 , sleepyhead!" I call out. But more snores followed. An angry storm is coming up inside me.

"Oh, it's Parker's 8 !" Grandma calls out to Grandpa. He coughs. It seems to be ages for him to get to his feet and say, "boy, come here." But I don't 9

"You and I," says Grandpa,rising slowly, "are going on a walk." 

"All right." I know what he's about to say: respect the elders, blah blah blah. But to my 10 , he says in a soft voice, "your parents are always very 11 , aren't they?"

"Hold my arms and help me into that chair. "For a second, I stood still. 12 when I see his legs shaking as he bends his knees, I rush over to hold his arms, I set him down nice and slow. "13 ," he says. He's breathing hard, like he's just climbed a mountain.

I sit down next to him. He covers my hand with his warm one. "Tell 14 all about the video game you like," he says. "Then I'll tell you some stories of my own. And we'll both listen to each other and ask good questions. Deal?"

15 in disbelief. And for some strange reason, it feels more like my birthday than ever.


Rock climbing(攀岩) did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity. While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing,most people just climb low mountains for fun. 

If you have ever done rock climbing,you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice. What most people don't know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind(意志). 

To climb successfully,one must use wonderful skills. One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up,the closer you are to the rock face,the easier it is to climb. 

Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb,you'll find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem—solving may love rock climbing,because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape,rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby. 

