
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    One of the biggest mistakes people make when they're trying to impress someone is that they think people only pay attention to the important or "big” things they do. But the1is that the little things are also very important. It's the little things we do or don't do every day that2us into who we are. People will remember the little things you do and that can make the3. Here are some little things you should pay much attention to.

    Be on time. 4you're late for something, you re giving someone the opportunity to judge you without you even being there. If you say you're going5 at a certain time, then be there at that time. waiting for someone when they should already be there is6.

    Don't break your promises. There are too many people making promises that they know they can't7. They do so because it makes the other people feel better at that moment. The problem is that down the road, when you don't follow through, that person will feel disappointed and8angry. If you can't keep a promise, don't make it. If you do make a promise, do9you can to keep it.

    Respect others10includes your elders, friends, co-workers. family members, etc. This can be hard when you have to be around someone who has different opinions11you, or who acts in a12you don't agree with. But you can still be polite. If you respect others, you will win respect for13.

    Say "Please" and "Thank you" often. These are small things but they go a long way. Expressing your thanks to people, even for the smallest acts of14, shows that you see the good in people. It15that you pay attention to the things people around you are doing and saying.

A、reason B、fact C、goal D、activity
A、exchange B、put C、shape D、come
A、difference B、sentence C、face D、difference
A、Before B、Unless C、If D、While
A、somewhere B、nowhere C、everywhere D、anywhere
A、unpleasant B、unlucky C、unable D、unusual
A、have B、keep C、make D、break
A、never B、ever C、even D、seldom
A、anything B、nothing C、something D、everything
A、This B、These C、What D、Which
A、as B、to C、for D、from
A、minute B、way C、second D、word
A、myself B、ourselves C、yourself D、themselves
A、kindness B、happiness C、darkness D、loneliness
A、speaks B、shows C、says D、sees

Car pool(拼车)

    "Beep, beep," goes the car horn(喇叭).You've got dressed,but you've not had time to eat breakfast. You run out of the front door with your schoolbag, and jump into the waiting car. Inside, your Friends say "hey" as one of their parents drives you to school. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    Car pools are a common way of transportation for many students in the US. You, along with many of your friends, can sit in one car.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} And your parents may take turns to drive you all to school {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  If you're late, you can eat that breakfast you don't have time for at home. If you're behind on your homework. this is your last chance to finish it before class. Some simply add to their sleep time before classes begin.

    Besides walking or cycling to class, car pools are green if you can't take the school bus. Instead of four cars taking four students to school each day, they can all squeeze (挤) into one. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} 

More importantly, car pooling teaches students valuable life lessons not taught in class. It can teach students about being on time. It can also teach them the bad influence of being late. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} 

A. What do friends do in the car?

B. This is the daily car pool to school.

C. Of course, it's better to take the school bus.

D. Why is car pool so popular in the USA?

E. Think of how much oil that can save!

F. You share the journey to school each day.

G If you're late, then all of your friends will be late too.


    Don't throw away your old phones. You are actually throwing away real gold! Smartphones have many kinds of useful metals. People can recycle them to make new electronics.

    But many people may not know this. In Australia alone there are more than 25 million unused mobile phones lying around, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. The gold in these phones can add up to a value of more than $80 million. There are about 2 billion smartphone users around the world, who change their phone once every 11 months on average. So in China, eighty million old phones come along every year.

    However, it's not easy to get the useful things out of the phones. Smartphones have not only useful things but also harmful materials. Guiyu, a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the world's biggest dumping grounds for electronic waste, Reuters reported. Many recycling centers in Guiyu simply break the old electronics by hand and don't think about the pollution it causes. It's reported that 81 percent of children in Guiyu are harmed by lead poisoning(铅中毒).

    Veena Sahajwalla, a professor at Australia's University of New South Wales, has made a mini factory. It makes smartphone recycling cleaner and easier. The mini factory is very small and easy to move around. It breaks the phones and automatically(自动地)removes the phone's useful things. That way, humans do not get poisoned.

    Well, have you ever wondered what happens to the old phone after it's no longer yours? A part of your old smartphone could soon be proudly worn around the neck of one of the world's top athletes. Organizers of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics say that medals for the event will be made from recycled phones. They will also be made out of people's thoughts for avoiding waste. They think there is an important message in this for the future.

