
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Fun and practical, these apps are worth downloading.


    When working on your homework, you might sometimes find that your smartphone is distracting (使分心) you. An app called Forest can help you stay focused. When you set a new task in the app and set a certain amount of time to finish it, a tree seed (种子) will be "planted" in the app. If you keep finishing your task, the seed will grow into a tree. But if you close the app and play with your phone instead, the tree will wither (枯萎) and even die. Once you finish the task, your tree will be "planted" in the app. Gradually, you will have a forest! You can share your achievements with your friends and try to "plant" different kinds of trees.

    Rocket Alarm Clock

    It's hard to get out of bed every morning. You might hit the "snooze" button ("止闹"按钮) on your alarm clock again and again just to get a little more sleep. However,the Rocket Alarm Clock app can help!

    The app's alarm cannot be easily turned off. You have to shake your phone wildly, solve difficult math problems, or even blow into your phone's microphone to turn it off. For example, in one of the app's modes (模式), there are some UFOs that are attacking the earth. You have to blow hard on your microphone to get rid of the UFOs and turn off the alarm.


    This app makes reading news feel like chatting with a friend. News stories pop up (弹出) just like a text message from a friend. If you're interested, you can click "read on". If not, just click "next one".

    What's more, the app's news stories are presented in interesting ways. There are emojis, audio clips and memes to help you better understand each piece of news. If you want to comment (评论) on the stories you read, you can join different groups and discuss the stories with others.

(1)、How many apps are mentioned in this passage?
A、Two B、Three C、Four D、Five
(2)、What is the app called "Forest" invented for?
A、It will help plant trees. B、It will help you stay focused. C、It can tell you how to grow a tree. D、It can share your task with your friends.
(3)、If you want to turn off the alarm of "Rocket Alarm Clock", you should do the following EXCEPT         .
A、shake your phone wildly B、solve difficult math problems. C、blow into the phone's microphone D、hit the" snooze" button again and again
(4)、What can you do if you want to comment on the stories you read?
A、Click "read on" B、Join different groups C、Read news in interesting ways D、Use emojis, audio clips to understand news
(5)、The apps above are probably for          .
A、phone users B、forest planters C、news reporters D、heavy sleepers

I went to Grand Canyon (大峡谷) National Park in July 2012 for the first time and I knew I wanted to work there as a park ranger(管理员). Park rangers protect the park's animals, plants, land, buildings, and people.

Now, as a park ranger for Grand Canyon National Park, I share the science, history and beauty of this park with thousands of visitors from around the world.

National parks are like outdoor museums. Park rangers have all kinds of jobs, depending on where they work and what they studied during college. I teach school field trips(实地考察), work at visitor centers and help people stay safe during their visit.

My favorite part of my job is showing children their first look at the Grand Canyon during school field trips. Children are often amazed at the canyon's size and colors. Sometimes, they think it looks like a painting.

Being a park ranger requires a lot of energy. I walk several miles and talk with hundreds of people each day. Park rangers must enjoy working with people and speaking in front of groups. Nearly 5 million people visit Grand Canyon National Park every year.

Park rangers must also be prepared for any situation. Recently, I broke a traffic jam(堵塞). It was caused by a huge elk(麋鹿)standing in the road. Elks can become dangerous when they get scared, so I asked visitors to stop their cars and take pictures from far away. Believe it or not, I also help protect people from monkeys. It is not allowed to feed animals in national parks. But sometimes, visitors try to feed monkeys.

