
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Everyone, likes to feel that he or she is special. Unfortunately, many of us grow up believing that we're not special at all. We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had nicer clothes or more money. Like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, or the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz (《绿野仙踪》), we believe we're not good enough just as we are. In the movie, the Scarecrow wishes that he had a brain. The Tin Man wishes he had a heart, and the Lion wants courage. In the end, each of them realizes that he already has what he needs.

    Most parents want us to be the best we can be. They sometimes try to encourage us to do better by comparing us to others. They mean well, but the message we often get is that we're not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is by being better than someone else, but we are often disappointed. There will always be someone out there who is better than we are at something. There are plenty of people around who may not be as smart as we are but who are better at sports. Or they may not be as good-looking, but they have more money. It is impossible for us to be better than everyone else all the time.

    Like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, we all want what we believe will make us better people. What we don't realize is that often we already have inside us the very things that we seek. Parents sometimes forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough just as we are. Maybe no one told them that when they were growing up, or maybe they just forgot. Either way, it's up to us to remind them from time to time that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are ... is enough.

(1)、Parents often ____________ to encourage us to do better.
A、read us The Wizard of Oz B、compare us to others C、buy us plenty of things D、tell us we are common
(2)、The writer of this article wants to tell us that _____________.
A、the Cowardly Lion doesn't have courage B、smart people are more special than others C、it is important to be better than everyone else D、we are all good enough just the way we are
(3)、This article was most probably written by a_________________.
A、patent B、teacher C、teenager D、sportsman

A tornado (龙卷风) is a kind of strong storm with air which moves in a circle quickly. They can move over 200 miles per hour and cause a lot of damage (损坏). As they move across the land, they can easily pick up cars, trucks, and even houses, and then throw them very far. It is important to find a safe place if a tornado gets close.

A safe place could be a basement ( 地下室) or the lowest floor. If you are in a home without a basement, try to find a first-floor bathroom or a small room without windows in the middle of your house. You should curl up (蜷缩) into a ball and cover your head and neck with your hands.

But there are some people who actually want to get close to tornadoes. They are scientists who want to learn more about tornadoes. One of the best ways to do this is to get as close as possible to the tornado. They use special tools to measure (测量) what is happening in and around a tornado.

One special tool is called a tornado probe ( 探测仪). Inside the tornado probe, there are sensors (传感器) to measure wind speed, temperature, pressure, and direction.

Some probes even have cameras, so the scientists can see and understand what it's like to be in a tornado.

To be able to get these measurements, the scientists have to get a tornado probe near or into a tornado. Scientists will try to guess where a tornado will go next. Then they drive to that location and put down the probe. If they do not guess correctly, they pick up their probe and try another place. If they are right, the tornado will go near or even right over the probe. Then they take all of the measurements

from the probe and use them to predict where future tornadoes may form (形成) and travel. And they can give people some warning to keep away from a dangerous tornado.


Walking around the city,you will see girls wearing hanfu on the underground or people wearing T—shirt with Chinese characters in the streets.A new trend (潮流) is getting popular in China.It's guochao or China—Chie.Guochao adds traditional Chinese culture into products

Guochao got people's attention in 2018.Before that,the market was controlled by foreign companies.There were few Chinese brands.To win the market share,many Chinese brands followed the footsteps of these Western brands.In 2018,but also included elements(元素) of traditional Chinese culture.It quickly caught people's attention at home and abroad.And it created amazing sales.

Later,many Chinese brands,from food,started to add Chinese culture into their products.Even the film and music industries made every effort to create Chinese styles."We want our products to be the ones that young people would like to share."They said.

These brands got what they wanted.Young people gradually converted their attention from Western culture to guochao.They accepted it with pleasure.What's more,they started to develop interest in traditional Chinese art and literature.Now they wear traditional clothes,practice Chinese calligraphy(书法)

No matter how guochao develops,there is one thing that won't change——people's confidence in our country's development and culture is growing.


As the weather gets warmer,there are few things that are better to do than travel.But traveling might not be that fun for everyone,especially for those who have motion sickness(晕动症).

Motion sickness is also called travel sickness.It is a common experience for many people.Depending on how you travel,it can be called carsickness or seasickness.People with motion sickness feel very uncomfortable while they are in motion.They feel sick and dizzy,like the room around them won't stop spinning.

It is generally believed that motion sickness happens when your senses become confused (困惑的)with each other,Scientific American reported.

We use different parts of our body to sense movement.Our eyes tell us if we are moving.The inner ears (内耳) contain a special liquid that helps us sense our direction and balance.Our muscles react to movement.

When you move around,these body parts work well together.But when you are in a car or an airplane,they get confused.Your inner ear signals that you're moving.This mismatch gives us motion sickness.

But some people are less sensitive to motion sickness.This may be because they have certain genes (基因) that prevent mismatching senses,Bethann Hromatka,told the Atlantic.

Although there are many ways to deal with motion sickness,scientists believe that the key is to simply try to adapt to it.For example,some astronauts do special exercises that give them mild motion sickness.After a week or two,the astronauts become used to it and don't feel uncomfortable anymore,a NASA flight doctor,told the BBC.

