
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A. when you cross the road together with them.

B. Children learn about road safety by watching others.

C. After knowing about traffic rules,

D. keep your children from getting hurt,

E. When your children are a little older,

    Young children don't have the skills or knowledge to stay safe in heavy traffic. The following tips (忠告) will be helpful for you to keep your children safe in heavy traffic. As parents, make sure that you always set good examples. Your children will follow you and think it's OK to do like you. Teach your children to pay attention to traffic lights This helps them understand when it's safe to cross. Make sure that you walk between your children and the traffic, and hold their hands all the time.

    you can start to tell them the importance of traffic knowledge. Let them start to understand the reasons why they need to be so careful. Talk with them about road signs and traffic rules.

    Ask your children to play in a safe place. Never let them ride bikes on the road without an adult present at rush hour.

    The most important thing you can do is so parents encourage them to follow traffic rules. they'll volunteer to obey them. In this way, they'll be careful enough to keep themselves away from danger.


    Littering is a big problem in cities around the world. People know it does harm to the environment, but few do something for years to make a difference. However, "Butt Lady" sets an example to all.

    The true name of "Butt Lady" is Sally Dawly. She lives in Auburn, a city in California, US.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} because she had spent most of her free time picking up cigarette butts (香烟头) from the streets of her city. After picking up one million cigarette butts in three and a half years, she has set a new goal for herself-two million cigarette butts.

    Dawly got tired of going on her walks and seeing cigarette butts everywhere, so in 2014 she started to take action. Armed(装备)with a broom(扫帚), dustpan and a pair of tongs, the anti-littering activist walked down the streets in search of cigarette butts, picked them up and threw them in the trash can. To see how many butts she picks up, the Butt Lady has been using a counting device (装置).{#blank#}2{#/blank#} after picking up as many as 3,000 butts a day. She said she wanted to shout "Come on people. Don't throw your butts.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}."

    Dawly knows it's not easy to completely solve her city's cigarette butt littering problem in no time, but she hopes her efforts will help smokers think twice before throwing away butts on the street.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} as she has got more and more supporters in the city.

A. She sometimes felt really bad

B. In fact, her efforts have paid off

C. Better yet, stop smoking

D. She was so great

E. She got a nickname


    In many children's stories, a girl meets a prince and falls in love. They get married and live happily ever after. As a child, Meghan Markle may never have imagined marrying a prince. But that is exactly what happened on May 19th!

    Who is this young lady who just married into Britain's royal family (王室)? Meghan Markle was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1981. Her mother, Doria, was a doctor, and her father, Tom, was a television lighting director. For 10 years after school each day, young. Meghan spent time at the studio where her father worked. This experience allowed her to become very comfortable with the acting business. For that reason, she knew she wanted to become an actress from a very early age. As a child, she felt strong about something else, too: People should be treated fairly. This passion (热情) to help others is still a big part of her life today.

    Her acting career (生涯) began in 2002 when she made her first appearance on TV. Other small parts on TV and in a few films followed. Nine years later, Markle got her big break. She won a lead role in the popular TV series Suits.

Meghan Markle — The Actress Who Just Married a Prince

What she {#blank#}1{#/blank#} on May 19th

Britain's royal family

Her birth place

Los Angeles, {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Her parents' {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

A doctor and a television lighting director

Why she wanted to become an actress from a very early age

Because of the experience of becoming very{#blank#}4{#/blank#} with the acting business

Nine years {#blank#}5{#/blank#} she got her big break

Beginning her acting career

