
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Kobe Bryant, one of the most famous basketball players was killed in a helicopter crash (直升机坠毁)in California, along with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven other people. Bryant was on his way to attend a youth basketball competition with his daughter. Bryant and his wife, Vanessa, had four daughters.

    The cause of the crash is unknown until now. The helicopter carrying Bryant and the others crashed into a hilly area in bad weather conditions outside Los Angeles. Bryant lived in south of Los Angeles and often used helicopters to travel around the area to save time and avoid Southern California traffic.

    Bryant was 41 years old. He was an 18-time All-Star player. He won five NBA championships (总冠军)and two Olympic gold medals. He was widely considered one of the greatest basketball players during his 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. When he finished his last game in NBA in 2016, Bryant was the third-leading scorer in NBA history with 33,643 points. He is widely expected to be chosen to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂)this year.

    The basketball world and the Los Angeles community felt terribly sorry for the loss of this super star. NBA Commissioner (,总裁)Adam Silver said Bryant was one of the greatest stars in the game. But he added, he will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world to pick up a basketball and compete to the very best of their ability.

(1)、How many people died in the helicopter crash?
A、Seven B、Eight C、Nine D、Ten
(2)、What did Bryant want to do that day?
A、He wanted to go to a youth basketball competition. B、He wanted to attend the basketball game in NBA. C、He wanted to go back home. D、He wanted to travel to Southern California.
(3)、Why did Bryant often use helicopters?
A、Because ifs safe and fast. B、Because it took less time and could avoid busy traffic. C、Because his family like traveling very much. D、Because he has a big family.
(4)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、The crash is because of the bad weather conditions. B、Bryant won five Olympic gold medals and two NBA championships. C、Bryant is chosen to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame this year. D、Bryant will inspire the people who like basketball all the time.


    Kyle walked up and down as he waited for his turn at the back stage. This would be his most important piano performance yet. At ten years old, he was the youngest performer in the Christmas concert. Although his teacher Ms. Neal said he was good enough at the song he would play, he still practiced it more than 30 times that week. When he closed his eyes at night, the music played over and over again in his mind

    Now, the day finally arrived, but Kyle was not sure he was ready. He kicked a small ball which was picked up from a Christmas tree, and then looked himself in a mirror—trying to make his bow tie more smooth and beautiful. He thought of his mom who bought him the new suit with this bow tie. He would make her feel proud of him. He noticed that his hands were shaking. How could he play the notes of the song if his hands were shaking? He took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but his hands shook more.

At this time, Ms. Neal walked up to speak to him. “I have something for you,” she said, putting a smooth black stone into Kyle's hand. “It's a special stone. There's no other one like it in the world. You've practiced so much, so you don't need anything else.”

    The stage lights reflected on it. “Thank you.” Kyle said.

When Kyle's name was called, he rubbed the stone, stepped onto the stage, and played better than ever. After his performance, he noticed that Ms. Neal had a whole bag of black stones. “Why did you say this one was so special?” he asked.

His teacher smiled, “Like your talent, it is special because it belongs only to you.''


    Miss Mitra didn't want to be a Sunday school teacher any longer. The students there were all rude and never listened to her. "I give up." She shouted at the students. "Cool." Rick said. He was the most impolite kid in this school. Two months later, Miss Betty Ray came to the school. She looked young. The students thought that she wouldn't stay very long.

    "Have any of you ever been out of state?" She asked in a friendly tone. A few hands went up.

    "Anyone has traveled to California?" One hand went up as the disrespectful(无礼的) laugh reduced.

    "Anyone visited outside the country?" No hands went up now. The silent kids were puzzled.

    Betty took a map of the world from her bag.

    "What else do you have there? Lunch?" Someone cracked.

    Betty smiled lightly and answered, "Cookies for later." "Cool," Rick quipped(困惑的).

    Then she pointed at a place on the map, "I was born here, and I lived here until I was about your age."

    "Is that Texas?" Someone asked.

    "No. Quite a long way from here. It is Mumbai in India."

    Betty fumbled again in her bag, this time pulling out some old wrinkled pictures along with a box of chocolate chip cookies. They passed the pictures around, viewing each with great interest.

    The kids studied them as they bit into the sweets.

    The hour quickly slid by as she told them her stories about faraway places and what the people were like there and how they lived.

    "Wow, this is as exciting as TV!" One young girl told her.

    Sunday after Sunday, Betty came to class, tying her lessons to their everyday lives. She told the kids how they could make a difference right now. The students grew to love her.

    Betty taught that Sunday school class for thirty years. At last, her hair grew into a natural gray.

    Every now and then, she received a letter from a former student. There was a doctor, a research scientist, a homemaker, a businessman, and many teachers among them. One day she pulled out a blue envelope from her mailbox. And there was a photo in it. Squinting her eyes, she smiled at the man in the photo, still seeing the boy in him. Standing in the rubble(瓦砾), in the city of Delhi, India, he came to help the homeless people in the earthquake. Some words were written in the upper part of the photo, "Because of you, I am here now."

