
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    In Germany, there is a special museum. It is the only one of this kind in the world and only very y few people know it. Every year, the number of people who come to visit the museum is only about one thousand. What kind of museum is it?

    It is a museum about taxes (税收). In this museum, you can see the history of taxes and all kinds of taxes in different countries in the world.

    After visiting the museum, people can draw a conclusion (得出结论). That is from 3000 B. C. (公元前), the kings, dictators (独裁者) and finance ministers (财政部长) could tax people freely. They taxed people heavily because of such things as wars, weddings (婚礼) or road building. They needed money and they got money by taxing their citizens (公民).

    In the early times of Egypt, farmers had to pay heavy taxes if the water level (水面) of the Nile River rose. The kings said that if the water level rose, there would be much more earth in farmers' fields. So the farmers could get a good harvest and they should pay more taxes.

    A strange kind of tax 一 Window Tax appeared (出现) in England. It lasted more than one hundred years. How? If there were more windows in the wall, the people must pay more taxes. So in those years, people built windows in the wall as few as possible.

    Russian people once paid a tax for their beards (胡子). The people who had paid this tax would get a special piece of paper. But what about the people who didn't pay for their beards? Of course, their beards would be cut. But without a beard for a man is a way to scorn (蔑视) God. He would also be punished.

(1)、Which is RIGHT about the museum?
A、It is in Germany. B、It is a museum about taxes in German history. C、It is the only museum in the world. D、It is very famous in the world.
(2)、Which is the best title for this museum?
A、A German museum. B、A tax museum. C、The only museum. D、A very small museum.
(3)、The history of taxes may have lasted ________________ years at least.
A、3,000 B、5,000 C、6,000 D、2,000
(4)、Which of the following is RIGHT?
A、Only Egypt, England, and Russia have taxes. B、The taxes are free now. C、The taxes were heavy. D、The taxes were completely used for people.
(5)、Which of the following is RIGHT?
A、Egypt 一 Window Tax, England 一 Water Level Tax, Russia 一 Beard Tax B、Egypt一 Water Level Tax, Russia 一 Window Tax, England 一 Beard Tax C、Egypt 一 Water Level Tax, Russia 一 Beard Tax, England 一 Window Tax D、Egypt 一 Beard Tax, Russia 一 Water Level' Tax, England 一 Window Tax

    We often find that weekends and holidays feel so short while classes and work feel so long. Actually, though, we know that this is not true. But we still wonder where that strange feeling comes from.

    In fact, this is one of the ways that we're tricked by time, according to the website. All that S interesting. The website lists several wrong impressions (印象) we often have about time. Let's have a look.

    First of all, emotions affect (影响) our time-keeping abilities. Negative emotions (消极情绪). especially anxiety and boredom, make time seem longer because they make us concentrate (集中) more on the passage of time. However, when we are enjoying ourselves, we pay more attention to what we are doing and are likely to lose track of (失去对……的意识) time.

    Here is another example. In 2007, a group of scientists carried out a test. In the test, people fell 50 meters into a safety net and were then asked about their experience. Although the experience took shorter than 3 seconds, the people thought it was much longer than it actually was.

    This is because of the way our bodies reply to danger, according to the scientists. Our bodies produce a chemical called adrenaline (肾上腺素) when we are faced with danger. It allows us to concentrate better so that we can stay alive. As a result, we are able to remember far more details (细节) over a short period of time, which makes it seem like time is going more slowly.

    Another situation when we make mistakes about time is when we take afternoon naps (午觉). Have you ever had trouble telling what time it is after a long nap? That's because the best amount of time for a nap is 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, you enter a new stage of sleep called slow-wave sleep. If you wake up mid-way in this stage, it will take a while before you can correctly perceive (感知) time again.

    Yes, time can be mysterious (神秘的) and there is no way to control it. So, perhaps the best thing to do is to make good use of every minute.

 Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

Every year, wildfires destroy millions of hectares of forest land. Homes are damaged, and thousands of people die. Smokejumpers help to stop this. 

Smokejumpers are a special type of firefighter. They jump from planes or are lowered by helicopters into areas that are 1 to reach by car or on foot, such as the middle of a mountain forest. They race to put out fires as fast as they can. 

At a fire site, smokejumpers first examine the land and decide 2 to fight the fire. Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading or to slow its progress  3 ground—based firefighters arrive. Using basic equipment such as shovels (铲子) and axes(斧头), smokejumpers clear land of burnable material, like dry grass and dead trees. They carry water with them, too, but only a limited amount. 

Most smokejumpers are men. The most important factors are your height and  4 .Smokejumpers employed in the United States must be between 54 and 91 kilograms so they don't get blown away by the strong winds or get 5 when they land. 

The work is dangerous, and the hours are long. But for these firefighters, smoke jumping isn't just a job. They6 being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As 28-year-old Russian smokejumper Alexi says, "This is the best job for tough guys. "

