
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    This is a good and challenging opportunity for someone who is enthusiastic about taking their next step into Sales. Business and Marketing.

    Be Interactive is a leading sales and marketing firm and is seeking a top performing sales agent to join us. Our company is famous for representing some of our country's most well-known clients (客户) through our unique approach of providing a most effective access to market across our country.

    Why work at Be Interactive

    Here at Be Interactive, we value the importance of work-life balance and we take pride in recognizing and rewarding hard work. Be Interactive is spending much money on their members and we offer free personalized coaching to help develop your skills in sales and business to reach your full potential.

    You will he surrounded by like-minded professionals and learn from our Top Leaders. There is NO SENIORITY and we 100% believe in promotion from within to help you fast track your future.

    About the Role

    While relevant experience is preferred, this opportunity does not require the applicant to have extensive experience of Sales and Marketing. However, if you have a drive and enthusiasm in this industry, we are looking for YOU!

    Some of your responsibilities will include providing an outstanding level of customer service, creating and building strong professional relationships with all personnel. Business to Business and Event Promotional work.


    ˜ Fluent in English

    ˜ Eager to build their skills in Sales. Business and Marketing

    ˜ Great interpersonal and relationship skills with clients

    ˜ Positive attitude

    ˜ Motivated and hard-working

    ˜ Willing to learn

    Apply now

    If you feel like you have the motivation and the drive to succeed, we will do the rest! Just hit that apply button and register your information. APPLY TODAY!

(1)、What is the main purpose of this text?
A、To introduce a leading sales firm. B、To advertise for a sales agent. C、To explain the responsibility of a salesperson. D、To guide the readers to a linked website.
(2)、What's the appeal of Be Interactive?
A、Sales skills can be improved. B、Relevant experience is a must. C、Good relationships between the staff are to be built. D、Members are promoted as their working years increases.
(3)、Who is the least likely to be employed by Be Interactive?
A、A person who speaks good English. B、A person with a strong desire to learn. C、A hard-working person full of enthusiasm. D、A person lacking communication skills.

    “Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says “Have a nice day!” with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.

    “Have a nice day. Next!” This version(版本) of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out the door. The words come out in the same tone with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone else's is the management's attempt to increase business.

    The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting is at an end. Sometimes the expression saves us when we don't know what to say. “Oh, you just had a tooth out? I'm terribly sorry, but have a nice day.”

    The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says “Have a nice day” to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you don't know has tried to be nice to you.

    Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, it's nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don't care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.


    I live a different life in every season. Life in the summertime is often full of pests. Like most Long Island homeowners, I want to ensure my suburban life with pest-free living. So it was with wide-eyed surprise that I greeted the smiling exterminator (灭虫者) who rang my bell.

    “We'll be serving your neighbors, Mike and Sarah (I'm not familiar with either one by name),” he waved in the other direction. “Since we'll have a team here tomorrow, we're offering a discount. ” He came out with numbers beginning from $299 then in seconds to $89.

    “You've probably been seeing the ant hills around.” he moved toward my front walkway and lawn. “And have you seen the bees that dig nests in the ground?” he continued with his head shaking up and down pushing me to do the same.

    “What we do is spray three feet out from your foundation and three feet up.” As he was talking, and without breaking eye contact, he opened his iPad cover and began operating at the screen to show me frightening images. “It also kills other pests, like spiders. It is the best pesticide (杀虫剂),” he said, pausing for effect.

    He then went into soft talk to close the deal, correctly foreseeing that I would be concerned about safety and the environmental impact on my vegetable garden, plants and our little patch of planet here on Long Island. “The products are environmentally responsible, safe with children and pets,” he said.

    I'm unkind when it comes to unwanted visitors entering on my out-of-doors moments. Any insect found in my house or on my deck is bound to be poisoned or pancaked.

    Unfortunately for the exterminator, just as I was considering buying the pesticide, Billy, my fearless husband, pulled into our driveway, which made me ask for a business card out of politeness instead.


    For those who may not be familiar, there is no such thing as a bicycle grants(补助金). As a matter of fact, there are a number of organizations and programs offering bicycle grants to bicyclers all over the world. Now of course, you can't simply receive money, because you want to buy a new mountain bike. Usually, those awarded grants are working on improving the quality of life. People are excited about the bicycle grants. This type of influence and achievement is gaining the attention of various companies that want to help by providing the necessary funding.

Eastman Kodak Company

    Kodak has developed a fund called the “Kodak American Greenways Awards". They are cooperating with the National geographic Society and the Conservation fund. Each year, they present grants as high as $2,500. The “seed” grant award is awarded to organizations that focus on improving blue ways, greenways, natural areas, and trails.

    US Government

    The government has developed their only program for bicycle riders, called" The US Department of transportation's Recreational Trails Program". The government's program is primarily focused on funding trail projects. The benefits of the fund is recreation, which includes bicycling, hiking, in-line skating, snowmobiling, all-terrain(地面)vehicle riding, and so forth. The great addition to the fund is that they distribute the funding to all the states. This means that everybody has the opportunity of receiving bicycle grants.

    Bikes Belong Coalition

    The Bikes Belong Coalition makes putting more people on bicycles their priority. They advocate for a better environment, recreation, sports, and better health, by way of bicycling. At the same time, they provide funding for supporting projects and bicycle facilities. Some of the projects they accept are paved lanes and bike paths. Applications for their grants can be submitted by either a facility class or a supporting class. Also, Bikes Belong Coalition are not quick to award bicycle grants to those who have been awarded in the past 3 years. This is partially due to their limited amount of funding


    A person can use all five senses while spending time with dolphins. We can see them play in the waves, hear them call, and feel their skin. Dolphins can sense you, too, but not in all the same ways. They have good eyesight, for example, but no sense of smell. Sensory biologists try to understand connections between animal behaviors and the senses. One team of these scientists recently made an unexpected discovery about certain dolphins.

    The researchers found that Guiana dolphins can detect electric fields, an ability that may help them find fish to eat. The secret to this newly found sense, say the scientists, is hidden in the dolphins' snouts (口鼻部).

    "We were really surprised to find this in the dolphin. Nobody had expected it," said Wolf Hanke, who led the new dolphin study.

    Hanke and his team suspected the dolphin's electro-sense might have something to do with small dimples (酒窝) on the animal's snout. "We thought they must have some functions," Hank said. To find out for certain, his team studied two Guiana dolphins.

    The scientists first studied the dimples of a 29-year-old dolphin that had died of natural causes. Under a microscope, the dimples looked familiar: they were similar to the sensors used by other animals to detect electric fields.

    Next, Hanke and his team tested a live dolphin, a 28-year-old named Paco, to see if he could recognize an electric field. They taught Paco to swim close to a device that could create a weak electric field in the water. Then the team taught Paco to swim away from the device if he detected any changes. When the scientists created an electric field, Paco swam away—showing that he knew something had changed. When there was no electric field, Paco stayed there. When Paco's snout was covered in plastic, he didn't react to the electric field.

    Paco's behavior told the scientists that the dolphin used his snout to detect the tiny electric field. "This is a major breakthrough," Peter Madsen, a sensory biologist, said.

