
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you're trying to get work done. , there are several ways to handle things. Let's take a look at them now.

    .Tell the person you're sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time.

    When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you'll find them then.. It can help to eliminate(消除) future interruptions.

    When you need to someone,don't do it in your own office., it's much easeier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are

     If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. . If someone knocks and it's not an important matter,excuse yourself and let the person know you're busy so they can get the hint(暗示) that when the door is closed, you're not to be disturbed.

A.If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no

B. When you want to avoid  interruptions at work

C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area

E. It's important that  you let them know when you'll be available

F.It might seem unkind to cut people shirt when they interrupt you

G.Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not


Ways to protect cell phones from damage

    While people use cell phones frequently, very few take the necessary measures to prevent damage. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are some simple ways for you to protect your cell phone from damage.

Keep cell phones out of the rain

    If you must talk on the phone while it's raining, try to move indoors.  {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Otherwise, you may have trouble with the numbers or the cell phone speaker. Imagine dialing (拨打) one number and getting different results.


    Many people like to put their cell phones in the pants or jeans pocket. However, storing a cell phone there will put it at risk of damage. You may forget that it is still in your pocket and just sit on the cell phone. As a result, your cell phone screen will get damaged.

Do not handle cell phones while eating

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} This is especially true for those times when you are eating messy things and get the ingredients on your hands. One accident can cause lots of damage for your cell phone.

Get a protective cell phone case

    There are many kinds of cases available on the market. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It will provide a protective cushion (垫子) that may save you from paying money to fix or buy a new phone.

A. Do not put cell phones in your pocket

B. Do not throw cell phones onto hard surfaces

C. Many people often talk on the phone in the rain.

D. You can also cover the phone up with your hand.

E. Just choose one that fits the size of your cell phone.

F. One mistake may end up costing you more money.

G. Food and drinks should not be near your cell phones.


    Our personal strengths are part of what makes us unique as individuals, and part of the value we offer to the world around us. If we're not aware of our personal strengths, we can't use them well.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}


    The activities we enjoy often slow the skills we naturally have. Take a few moments to think about the things you really love doing and look at the potential parts that enrich these experiences for you.

    Ask trusted friends and family.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Many of us come from cultures where it's polite to be modest, and this can make it hard to make out our own strengths without any outside help. Ask trusted friends or family what they think your personal strengths are, and see if any of the answers surprise you.

    What qualities do you like in yourself?

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}For example, if you like the fact that you stick to your goals, even when the going gets tough, one of your personal strengths might be determination.

    What makes you proud?

    Think about three examples in your life when you really felt proud of the way you acted or responded. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}What values did you display and why do you feel proud of the way you acted?

A. Notice what you enjoy.

B. Take a look at a list of personal strengths.

C. Sometimes it's hard to judge our strengths exactly.

D. Most of us have role models in our business and personal life.

E. What was it about your action or response that made you proud?

F. We potentially miss out on true achievements in our lie and careers

G. The qualities you like about yourself will show some of your personal strengths.


A. Would you like them to stop?

B. Would you mind explaining that again?

C. It is difficult to deal with people who are angry at you.

D. If so, maybe people think that your English isn't polite.

E. It can often be difficult to refuse an invitation from a friend.

F. It will get the result you want and there won't be any trouble!

G. You're really busy at work, but your workmate needs your help.

    Did you once make you friends angry or unhappy because of your words? Are you having trouble getting people to reply to your requests? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Learn how to say things the right way with this great guide!

    Could you give me five minutes? vs Go away.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} When you're busy and can't do anything else, just saying "Go away" is certainly not right. You can keep everyone happy by saying "Could you give me five minutes?"

    Excuse me. vs Move.

    Telling someone to "Move out of the way" is very impolite. The next time someone is in your way, saying "Excuse me" is a good idea. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    I'm afraid I can't. vs No.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} People will think it impolite to simply say "No". The next time you have to refuse an invitation, you'd better say, "I'm afraid I can't."

    Would you mind...? vs Stop it!

    Someone doing something you don't like, and perhaps being impolite. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} To get the result you want, it's not a good idea to shout "Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!" and it's a good choice to ask them politely with the sentence, "Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?"


    According to a sales report from askci.com on 2018's Double Eleven, the national shopping day, women's down garments were among the top 10 hit products.

    Statistics show that down garments have been popular for many years in both northern and southern China. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Especially during a fiercely cold winter, {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, cares about being stylish?

    All you need is warmth — the very light from heaven, which down garments can provide you with. However, as living standards rise, more expensive garments filled with goose down, instead of duck down, have appeared in the market.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. What's the difference between the down from these two creatures? First, the down from mature geese is larger and thicker, which makes garments filled with goose down much warmer. Second, goose down is more flexible and fluffier than that of ducks. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, goose down has no strange odor. Geese are often "vegetarians" and eat clean, while ducks are omnivorous, which could give their feathers and down a strong scent. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

    However, duck down is still a good choice if you live in place where winter is windy, yet not that cold.

    If you still want be stylish…

    Although most down garments can make people look big and sloppy, you could choose longer ones for a slimming look. For colors, metallic hues are more fashionable and pair more easily with other street-style outfits in your wardrobe.

A. Goose or duck

B. It seems the strong warmth provided by down garments has been nationally approved

C. These are the advantages that account for the higher prices of garments made with goose down

D. When you shudder in the wind

E. How to choose your down garment

F. The last difference is key for people sensitive to smells

G. You may like goose garment better


Life Lessons

    Life is not easy when you are pursuing something worthwhile and ready to learn from the best experiences. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are some life lessons which people will learn the hard way in majority of cases.

    It takes consistent time and effort to be successful in any area. However, People usually get discouraged when it takes more time than they thought it would. At this time, people refer only to people who have already achieved what you want to be, which most people fail to do. Look at any successful person and you'll notice one thing common in all of them. They took time to learn and mastered their skills like no one else. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Be brave to take the road less travelled. In our whole life, we always want to follow the same path that everyone suggests, do the same things everyone does, take the same career path everyone takes, wear the same clothes everyone wears, and hang out with the same people we work with. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} But when you get bored of life, you will realize that you are not meant to do what everyone does and that your destiny is different from anyone else's out there in the world. But the price you pay to realize this is high because it takes a great amount of courage to follow your own path.

    You don't have to live your life in a way society wants you to. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Parents sometimes force their children to select a career they don't want because other children have selected that career. Worst of all people follow them without even asking. There is no harm in old rituals(惯例) and beliefs but when you pursue them before your interest, sooner or later you'll realize that you should first do what you think is right.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} However, if you are smart enough to learn early and wish not to waste your precious time learning them the hard way, learn them now and apply it to your life as soon as possible.

A. You have to break the rules sometimes.

B. After all, life lessons are always learned the hard way.

C. There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.

D. The reason why we follow others is that we are scared to fail.

E. It always takes tests and then fails us to learn anything worthwhile.

F. The general rule goes that the harder you try, the greater results you get.

G. Many old beliefs are being performed these days and are followed blindly.


    College is a time to study hard and go to class. But a new survey finds that US students spend more time, working paid jobs than studying. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Many students finish school deep in debt.

    Work vs. School

    Researchers surveyed 1,507 students ages 18 to 34. All were presently admitted to college or graduate school. Results showed that 85 percent of students worked while in college. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} That was more than twice the time they spent in the library. It was almost two hours more than they spent in class. And it was 1.4 hours more than they spent studying at home.

    Deep in Debt

    People in the US spend more on college students than almost every other country in the world. The cost of college is at an all-time high. So is the level of student loan (贷款) debt. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It is even worse for younger adults with entry-level jobs. US students also build up personal debt while in school. They spend an average(平均)of $4,321 to pay back that debt.

    Students Bear the Burden(重担)

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} American parents pay for an average of $17,314 of college costs. Students spend almost $100,000. Almost 75 percent of US parents use their day-to-day earnings to help pay for their children's schooling.

    Very Worried

    Students reported feeling very worried about their finances. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Young ladies felt more stress(压力)than young men. They pay more for student loan debt.

A. US colleges cost a lot to attend.

B. US college students spend more time studying.

C. Researchers also surveyed almost 10,500 parents.

D. They spent about 4.2 hours a day working paid jobs.

E. Students are responsible for paying back more of their debt.

F. Student loans are the second-largest source of US family debt.

G. Six in ten students said they worried "frequently" or "all the time".

