
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Entertain yourself on cold wet days

    Getting bored on cold wet days? Feeling there is nothing to do? TEENS will help you get rid of the boredom. Here are some fun ideas to get you active, both inside and outside.


    Help your mom cook a dinner in the kitchen. Washing vegetables may be a good choice for you. You can also learn to make a simple meal, like egg-fried rice. When you eat a meal you have cooked, you'll feel very proud.


    Choose an interesting story. Then invite your friends to perform it together. You can be the director and your friends can be actors. When you are ready, ask your family and your friends' family to enjoy the play.


    Collect your family photos. Choose some special ones with your family and make a photo wall. It's a great chance to listen to family stories behind those photos. You can also DIY a photo album and keep the photos safe for a long time.


    Do you want to be an inventor? Be creative about finding new uses for old objects. Try to invent something with your imagination. For example, you can make a garbage can or a storage box with cardboard. You can also find a problem at your home and create something to fix it.

A. Make a photo wall

B. Creative inventor

C. A happy cook

D. Play a drama

E. Draw and guess

(1)、  ②   ③   ④  

(2)、Do you feel bored on cold wet days? What do you like to do on such days?(不少于5个单词)


   Thousands of years ago, the kings of Egypt built strong tombs for themselves. Over these tombs they built pyramids. They thought their bodies would be well kept in these tombs until they could come back to life. They also hoped the world would look on the pyramids as monuments to them and would remember them forever.

   There are about 80 pyramids in Egypt. But the Great Pyramid is the biggest of all. It is nearly 5, 000 years old. It is about 137 meters high today, but it was once higher. It is made of 2, 300, 000 huge stones. Most of them are higher than a man and weigh about two and a half tons each. Some weigh as much as fifteen tons. It took more than 100, 000 men twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. 

When you look at the pyramids, you can't help wondering how the Egyptians were able to build them thousands of years ago. How did they cut, carry and lift such huge stones? Each stone fits so well, yet they didn't have our modern machines! Scientists have studied the pyramids, but nobody can tell just how the Egyptians built them so long ago.

   Inside the pyramids are the rooms for the bodies of the kings and queens. There are lots of wonderful treasures in the pyramids, too. Thieves have broken into some of the pyramids and taken away many of the treasures to foreign countries. They have even stolen the mummies. Today some of the mummies and treasures are on show in museums in different countries. When the kings had the pyramids built for them, they perhaps never thought this would happen.




{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Junko Tabei is a famous mountain climber from Japan. She was the first woman to reach the top of the mountain, Himalayas, in 1975.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Mr Wong loves skiing. Last winter, he went to Europe with his wife and enjoyed themselves in a skiing park in France.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Mr. Lin lives in Guangzhou. He likes traveling. Last May Day, it took him about 2 hours to drive to the mountain. He was interested in Danxia landform.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Judy went to Japan for a vocation last year. She lived in a hotel in Tokyo, and the snow-capped mountain can be seen from there on a clear day.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Mr. Chen is a businessman in Shenzhen and has a happy family. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, Mr. Chen drove 3 hours to the mountain and prayed(祈祷) for his family to have good luck.

A. Mount  Danxia

It is located in Shaoguan city, not far from Guangzhou. It is famous for its Danxia landform, a world famous UNESCO geopark of China.

B. Mount  Emei

It is a mountain in Sichuan Province. Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Buddhist(佛教的) Mountains of China. The Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area was famous in the world.

C. Mount  Fuji

It is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 meters, not far from Tokyo. It is the symbol of Japan. The top is covered by snow for several months of the year.

D. Qomolangma

The highest mountain in the world, which is 8844.43 meters high. It is covered with snow all year round. Although it is very hard to climb the mountain, it is an honor for climbers to get to the top of it.

E. Mount Tai

It ranks the first place of the ten famous mountains in China, located in Shandong. Every year, millions of people from home and abroad go to the top of it and watch the sunrise.

F. Mount Xiqiao

It is one of the four famous mountains in Guangdong. It has the highest Guanyin statue(塑像) in the world. It is a favorite place for the people in Guangdong to bless for their luck.

G. The Alps

The Alps lies from France to Slovenia. They are the highest and most extensive mountain range system in Europe. It is a wonderful place for ski lovers.

Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

    A king in Africa had a close friend that helped him grow up. The friend had a habit of looking at everything that happened in his life positively(肯定地)and saying, " This is good. "

    One day the king and his friend went out hunting. The friend would prepare the guns for the king. The friend did something wrong in preparing one of the guns, and after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown off. On seeing the situation the friend said as usual, "This is good!" The king replied, "No, this is not good!" He was very angry and sent his friend to jail.

    About one year later, the king was hunting in a forest. Cannibals(食人者)caught him and took him to their village. As they were going to kill him, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. They never ate anyone who was less than whole. So they sent the king back.

    When he returned home, he felt sorry for his treatment of his friend. He went quickly to the jail to speak with his friend. "You were right," he said. "It was good that my thumb was blown off. "And he told the friend all that had just happened." And so I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad of me to do this."

    "No," his friend replied, "this is good! " "What do you mean? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?"

    "If I had not been in jail, I would have been with you, and I would have been eaten!"

