
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Once there was a king who wanted to find the answers to his three most important questions in life. The three questions are: "When is the right time for every action?" "Who is the most important person?" and "What is the most important thing to do?" The king asked his men, but their answers didn't satisfy him. In the end, he decided to visit a wise hermit (隐士).

    When he got close to the hermit's hut (茅舍), he ordered his bodyguards (保镖) to wait behind. He found the hermit was digging. He asked the hermit his three questions, but the hermit didn't answer. Seeing how old and weak the hermit was, the king began helping him. He dug for hours, but still didn't get the answers. Just as the king was about to leave, a wounded man ran to them and fainted (昏倒) in front of them. The king helped the wounded man up and took care of him. After the wounded man woke up, he said he had wanted to kill the king but was hurt by the king's bodyguards. He asked for forgiveness (原谅) and promised to serve the king faithfully.

    Afterwards, the king repeated his questions to the hermit once more. The hermit replied, "If you had not helped me dig earlier, you would have left and been killed by the man. So the most important man back then was me, and the most important time was when you were digging. The most important thing was to be kind to me. When the wounded man arrived, he was the most important person, and saving him was the most important thing. By doing so, you made peace with an enemy." The king finally had his three answers. The most important time is the present, as it's the only time we have the power to act. The most important person is the one you are with, and the most important thing is always to___________.

(1)、The king wanted to find the answers to___________.

①the most important time          ②the most important action

③the most important thing          ④the most important person

A、①③④ B、②③④ C、①②③ D、①②④
(2)、The hermit didn't answer at first because he___________.
A、didn't know the answers B、didn't want to help the king C、was too busy digging to talk D、was waiting for a good chance
(3)、Which is the best to fill in "___________" in the last sentence?
A、be kind and helpful B、be peaceful and happy C、be wise and creative D、be well-known and rich

    "Face it,Andy.You sold your heart the day you put on that first pair of Jimmy Choo's."That line from the movie The Devil Wears Prada is an example showing how a shoemaker has become famous in the fashion world.

    Jimmy Choos (Zhou Yangjie)was born in Malaysian and he is a Malaysian Chinese,born in 1961 into a family of shoemakers.He created his first pair of shoes at age 11.His family couldn't pay for his schooling,so he dropped out at a young age.He had to work with his father to support the family.But his dream to be a fashion designer never disappeared,so he did all he could to enter an art college and finally took up a position in the fashion world through his talent and willpower.

    Choo graduated from a college in London and had a small workshop there.He hit the international fashion scene when Vogue magazine described his designs in eight pages in 1988.His work was immediately popular and got love and support from Diana,Princess of Wales.

    Jimmy Choo shoes are known for their very high heels(鞋跟)and pointed toes.However,he does some flats and lower﹣heeled shoes for other women.Choo co﹣founded Jimmy Choo Ltd.with Tamara Mellon,UK Vogue editor,but left the company in 2001.

    Jimmy Choo shops have opened around the world,so his designs are easier to get to those who want a designer shoe,and can afford his prices.Choo also has a website where shoppers can view his ready to wear designs.The brand(牌子)of Jimmy Choo has been comparable to top brands,like Channel,LV,etc.But it's still young and has a bright future.

    We can't imagine how hard it is for Choo to stand out in the worldwide fashion! He must have made greater efforts and had more difficulties than others.And so he did.So stop complaining about why good luck isn't always falling on you and devote yourselves to your work now.


    Facebook says it is working on technology to allow us to control computers directly with our brains. It is developing "silent speech" software to allow people to type at a rate of 100 words per minute, it says. The project, in its early stages, will require new technology to detect brainwaves without needing invasive operation. "We are not talking about monitoring your random thoughts," assured Facebook's Regina Dugan. "You have many thoughts, and you choose to share some of them. We're talking about monitoring those words. A silent speech interface(界面) — one with all the speed and flexibility(灵活) of voice. "

Ms Dugan is the company's head of Building 8, the firm's hardware research lab. The company said it intends to build both the hardware and software to achieve its goal, and has employed a team of more than 60 scientists and academics to work on the project.

On his Facebook page, Mark Zuckerberg added, "Our brains produce enough data to stream four HD(高清) movies every second. The problem is that the best way we have to get information out into the world-speech can only send about the same amount of data as a 1980s modem. We're working on a system that will let you type straight from your brain about five times faster than you can type on your phone today. Finally, we want to turn it into a wearable technology that can be produced in quantity. "

Technology is going to have to get a lot more advanced before we can share a pure thought or feeling, but this is a first step. Other ideas detailed at the company's developers conference in San Jose included work to allow people to "hear" through skin. The system, comparable to Braille, uses pressure points on the skin to pass information. "One day, not so far away, it may be possible for me to think in Chinese, and you to feel it instantly in Spanish," Ms Dugan said.

