
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    "In my eyes, my mother is like UItraman, a superhero in a cartoon series, who is fighting bad guys every day." Youyou, a five-year-old boy said.

    1mother, Lu Jingjing, a dermatologist at Wuhan Children's Hospital, worked at the mobile cabin hospital at the Wuhan International Conference & Exhibition Center, taking care of COVID-19-infected 2.

    Lu, 3the mother of Youyou and a one-year-old daughter, was sent to do support work at a community center on Feb 2 and left home for the cabin hospital two4later. Since then, Youyou5asking his mother through video chat, "Mom, how many viruses  did you beat today?"

    While she was packing to leave for the cabin hospital from home on Feb 4, Youyou cried and tried to stop Lu from leaving, knowing it would be6for him to see his mother for a long time.

    Lu patiently7to him what the virus was, and told him that she would fight the virus with the cartoon superhero, UItraman.

    "He then8and let me go because in his mind, UItraman is9in the battlefield and can definitely help me win," Lu said.

    From then on, her son kept asking through video chat how many viruses Lu had killed every day and helped her add them up.

     "He may not know clearly about why I'm away from home, 10he knows that I'm fighting against the super virus with other doctors. Every time he said ‘Mom, I miss you', I couldn't stop bursting into tears," she said.

    Lu didn't let her parents know11she was working with COVID-19-infected patients.

    "I am a dermatologist so my parents think that the virus has12to do with my department and I am staying away from infected patients," she said. When they asked for a video chat, Lu13said she was working and let her husband and children chat with them, instead.

    "None of us have been worried about the14of getting infected. It's our responsibility to protect our country. We strongly believe that we15beat the virus and the patients will go home soon," Lu said.

A、His B、Her C、My D、Your
A、sons B、daughters C、parents D、patients
A、about B、for C、with D、as
A、minutes B、days C、weeks D、months
A、has avoided B、has stopped C、has kept D、has finished
A、hard B、strange C、possible D、simple
A、written B、offered C、explained D、shouted
A、calmed down B、woke up C、set off D、ran away
A、the most active B、the most careful C、the kindest D、the strongest
A、and B、but C、because D、so
A、why B、where C、how D、that
A、something B、nothing C、anything D、everything
A、sometimes B、hardly C、always D、never
A、risk B、cause C、experience D、importance
A、mustn't B、shouldn't C、can D、may

A Move to Safety

    The Turners sat at the kitchen table. The sun was shining and filled the kitchen with a warm light. It was a perfect day for having a picnic or going surfing. But in the Turners' kitchen, no one seemed to be paying attention to the 1 .

    "Okay, girls," said Mrs. Turner. "I can tell by the expressions on your faces that you have a pretty good idea of why we need to have this family 2 ." Linda and Kala exchanged looks and slowly nodded.

    "Your mom and I have had many talks lately about the possibility of 3 ," said Mr. Turner. "We were hoping that it wouldn't come to this, 4 we don't have other choices."

    "But Dad," said Kala, "Kilauea has been an active volcano(火山)since 1983! Nothing has happened to us or to our house yet. I think we'll be 5 here."

    "But your dad and I care about all the recent warnings giving by the government. Even though we've been safe up to now, there is no way to guarantee(保证)that a larger eruption(喷发)isn't coming up," said Mrs. Turner.

    "Mom, this is our   6 . I can't even remember living anywhere else!" Linda said, fighting back tears.

    Mrs. Turner put an arm around her daughter's shoulder. "This won't go 7 for any of us," she said. "Dad and I love this house, too. We have so many happy memories here. But we're tired of living with such uncertainty. The most 8 thing in the world to us is that our family stays safe."

    Mr. Turner 9 . "Girls, there are other places in Hawaii where we'll feel safer. We'll have to 10 our house, but you know home is wherever we go as a family. We'll make new 11 , and we'll find things to love about our new home."

    The girls were quiet for a moment as they considered 12 it would mean to move. "There are so many things I'll 13 here," said Kala quietly.

    "We all will," said Mrs. Turner. "But one of the places that your dad and I have looked at is only a few minutes' walk to the beach."

    Kala and Linda couldn't help 14 when they heard that. They both spent every spare minute they had surfing. If their parents told them that they could actually live in the water, they would have been perfectly happy.

    Mr. Turner walked around to the other side of the table. He put one large hand on each of his daughter's shoulders. "I'm proud of you two," he said. "Thank you for trying to 15 why this is so important to your mom and me."

    Linda and Kala smiled. Dad was right: home was wherever the family was.


    It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain 1 almost a month. The crops were dying. If we 2see some rain soon, we would lose everything.

    I was making lunch in the kitchen when I saw my3 son, Billy, walking towards the woods. He was walking with a great effort... trying to be as still as possible. Minutes later, he was once again walking towards the woods. I4 stand it any longer. I went out of the house and followed him.

    He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill (溢出)the water he carried.

    As I came closer, I saw 5 sight. Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked straight up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. But the deer 6 hurt him nor even moved as Billy got down. And then I saw a baby deer7on the ground, thirsty, lift its head to lap up(舔) the water in my boy's hands. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him back to a tap. Billy opened it and let the drip slowly fill up his “cup”.

    8he stood up and began to turn back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes9with tears. Very quickly, he explained10he was not wasting water. The week before, he had made 11 same trouble with our horses,12caused him a lecture from his father about the importance of not wasting water.

    This time, I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him 13 the baby deer alone , for it was 14job. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they 15 by other drops... more drops... and more. I looked up at the sky. All I can say is that the rain came that day saved our farm, just like the actions of one little boy saved the little deer.

