
试题 试卷


题型:阅读填表 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    When we say someone is in a blue mood (情绪), it means he or she is unhappy or sad. Are you feeling a little blue? Here are some fast and easy ways to cheer you up.


    When you exercise, your brain gives out a chemical (化学品) called endorphin (内啡肽), This chemical makes you feel happy. That is why exercise is good for you.

    Have a talk

    If something or somebody is troubling you, don't quarrel (争吵) with other people. It is a good idea to have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend or a family member. Learn to tell them your feelings, and it's a useful way to make you feel better.

    Have some hobbies

    For example, playing pop music or drawing something will make you smile. Act like an artist. Draw, paint, or make something. Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less nervous.

    Laugh more

    Laughing is the best way to improve your moods. It is said that children laugh 400 times a day, and adults only laugh 20 times a day. What happens? Experts say if we laugh more, we will be happier and healthier.

    Think positively (积极地)

    Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful scene or a time. Never think about anything terrible that you can't change. What's more, leave your room, go outside and do your favorite things. Sun and fresh air are good for you. Be a kid for a day. Play games, watch comedy movies or read jokes online

Ways to Cheer You up


The chemicalout by your brain makes you feel happy.

Have a talk

Having a heart-to-heart talk is a useful way to make you feel.

Have some hobbies

Being active and creative makes you feel more satisfied and less.

Laugh more

It is said that children laughtimes a day than adults.

Think positively

Leave your room, go outside and do your.

“Life's a long, long journey(旅程)” so we are told, and most of us would not set off on a journey, even a short one, without some idea of where we wanted to go. Yet many people travel on life's journey with no sense of direction at all.
Setting personal goals can give your life a sense of direction. Goal setting is used by top sports players, successful business people and achievers in all fields. Before you set personal goals, think about what you want to achieve with your life.
Try to set goals in some of the following categories.

Education—Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high-school? Are you still growing and learning?
Family—What kind of relationship(关系)do you want with your parents and other family members?
Creative—Do you want to achieve any artistic goals?
Career—What job do you want to take when you grow up? What do you need to make your dream come true?
Public Service—Do you want to make the world a better place?
Physical—Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?
Pleasure—How do you want to enjoy yourself?

   Write down the goals and think about them carefully. Are they realistic? When will you be able to achieve them?
   To help make the process (过程) more manageable, divide your goals into smaller tasks. For example, if you want to reach a main goal in five years, set a three-year goal, a one-year goal, a three-month goal and a one-month goal. Then create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today. When a goal is achieved, take the time to enjoy your success. This helps you build the self-confidence.
   Remember, your goals can change as time goes on. But be sure your goals are things you hope to achieve, not what your parents, family or teachers want.


    The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot lies in the northwestern part of Yangzhou, with its south gate facing Great Rainbow Bridge Road. It covers an area of about 123.6 hectares. The Slender West Lake was named a National Key Scenic Spot in 1988 and National Tourist Area in 2010.

    The Slender West Lake used to be a long river named the Baozhang Lake, which is 4 kilometers in length and less than 100 meters in width. A famous poet Wang Hang in the Qing Dynasty once composed a poem, from which the Slender West Lake gets its present name and for which it is well known all over the world.

    During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many gardens were built along the Slender West Lake. Following the lines of the natural landscape, a lot of houses along the moats(护城河) were built in different locations during different periods. Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty both visited the Slender West Lake.

    The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot is a symbol of the lake gardens in China. In a word, the Slender West Lake not only represents the beauty of natural landscape but also has a long history and rich culture.

The Slender West Lake


●The Slender West Lake, about 123.6 hectares in {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, lies in the{#blank#}2{#/blank#}of Yangzhou, whose south gate{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Great Rainbow Bridge Road.


●It used to be a long river {#blank#}4{#/blank#} the Baozhang Lake.

●It gets its present name from a poem and becomes{#blank#}5{#/blank#}both at home and abroad .


●Many gardens were built along the Lake during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

●{#blank#}7{#/blank#} buildings appeared along the moats during different periods.

●Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong both  {#blank#}8{#/blank#} to the Slender West Lake.


●It {#blank#}9{#/blank#} the lines of the natural landscape and creates the beauty for the Slender West Lake. 

●It also has a long history and  {#blank#}10{#/blank#} culture.



Photography Club — We are looking for artistically inclined students to join our new club. We plan to meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening after school from 6 to 8 pm. Each member must have their own equipment.


Hiking Society — Members meet every Saturday to discuss their hiking trips and twice a month, we arrange trips to different parts of the province for members to go on breathtaking scenic mountain walks. Get to understand our local geography, keep fit and have fun.


Film Club — The club is perfect for students who love artistic movies. Every Tuesday and Friday evening we hold a seminar in which a great new movie or a classic film is discussed and reviewed.


Dancing Club — We are the largest club in the university with over 400 members. Members are invited to dancing practice every Monday evening from 7 pm to 10 pm and we hold dance parties with students from other universities once a month. Perfect way to keep fit and meet new friends.


English Society — A new group organized by the University English Dept. gives all students on campus a chance to practice and improve their English. We plan to have regular foreign guests come to our weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and we show English language movies that can help you both practice your English and be entertained as well.


Book Club — Members meet each week to discuss and recommend books to each other. Meetings are lunch times on Fridays. Membership is free. All members qualify for a 20% discount on all books purchased from the Xinhua Book Store.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Cherry wants to join a club that will keep her fit and active but because she has a part-time job every workday evening, she is only available to take part on the weekends.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}David is a new student at the university, whose major is English literature. He is a little shy so she is hoping to join a club that can help him get to know new people and build his confidence.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Bonnie is majoring in drama and wants to be a scriptwriter when she graduates. She is interested in discovering new stories that she may one day be able to turn into movies. As her home is far from the university, she is only free during the day to take part.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Betty is studying film making and one day hopes to become a director. But she thinks her ability to create beautiful visual images is not strong enough, so she has recently purchased a camera to help her practice.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Jack is a first year geography student who would like to learn more about the geography of the local area. He is also worried about passing the English test that all students must take at the end of their first year of study. He has to return to his home to help his parents every weekend, so he is only free during weekdays.


    When talking about inventors, who do you first think of? Forget Thomas Edison. Meet the teenage inventors at the 24Jiangsu Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest (青少年科技创新大赛).

    Wang Xingyu, 14, from Kunshan No. 2 Middle School, invented "a safe line' in the zebra crossing. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} "I put a spray tube (喷管) in the zebra crossing. When the light is red and  somebody crosses, it sprays water. If the light is green, it will not work, "said Wang. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} "Theres a water channel (管道) in the ground, so the water will be collected and used again, "he said.

    Zong Wangchen, 15, from Nantong Special Education Middle School, also got his invention idea from daily experience. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} When he walked on the sidewalk for the blind, he often came across obstacles(障碍物 ). Once he even hurt his nose. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Users tie radar on their knees and wear the loudspeaker around their necks. When they meet obstacles, the radar will see them and the loudspeaker will make a sound to tell the users.

    Chen Huijuan, an official from Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology, was surprised at these inventions." {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Get inspiration(灵感) from small things in life and you can be an inventor too. "he said.

A. But does it waste water?

B. His eyes could only feel a little light.

C. Though some ideas are simple, the creations are very good.

D. He often saw people running through the red light, so he thought of an idea.

E. To help himself and the blind, he made something that has radar(雷达) and a loudspeaker.

