
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    You have probably read about robots replacing human labor as a new era of automation takes root in one industry after another. But a new report suggests humans are not the only ones who might lose their jobs.

    In New Zealand, farmers are using drones (无人机) to herd and monitor cows and sheep, taking up a position that highly intelligent dogs have held for more than a century. The robots have not replaced the dogs entirely, Radio New Zealand reports, but they have appropriated (盗用) one of the animal's most powerful tools: barking. The DJI Mavic Enterprise, a ﹩3,500 drone favored by farmers, has a feature that lets the machine record sounds and play them over a loudspeaker, giving the machine the ability to act as the dogs.

    Corey Lambeth, a shepherd on a farm, told RNZ the machines are surprisingly effective. "That's the one thing I've noticed when you're moving cows that the old cows stand up to the dogs, but with the drones, they've never done that," he said, noting the drones move cows faster, with less stress, than the dogs do.

    The drones come in handy for more than just herding (放牧) cows and sheep. The robots allow farmers to monitor their land from afar, monitoring water and feed levels and checking on the animals' health without disturbing them. Jason Rentoul told RNZ that a two-hour herding job that used to require two people and two teams of dogs could be accomplished in 45 minutes using a single drone. "Being a hilly farm where a lot of stuff is done on foot, the drones really saved a lot of man hours," he said.

    For now, farmers say, there is still a need for herding dogs, primarily because they have a longer life span than drones, can work in bad weather and do not require an electrical socket every few hours to recharge.

(1)、What is the main advantage of the drones over herding dogs?
A、The drones can take up a job that the dogs hardly do well any longer. B、The drones can frighten the old cows which are not afraid of the dogs. C、The drones can finish a herding job more efficiently than the dogs. D、The drones can work on a hilly farm and extreme weather while the dogs can't.
(2)、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A、Herding dogs will gradually lose their position on the farmland. B、The drones can only copy the dogs' barking with the current technology. C、The drones are multi-functional and leave the animals undisturbed. D、The market for the DJI Mavic Enterprise is pretty small because of its high price.
(3)、According to the passage, why can't the drones replace the dogs entirely?
A、Because the drones can't bark as loudly as the dogs do. B、Because cows are not used to seeing the drones. C、Because the drones are much more expensive than the animal. D、Because the drones' power is limited and they need charging from time to time.
(4)、What is the author's attitude towards the drones in the passage?
A、supportive B、objective C、critical D、doubtful
    Now that American education has entered the era of the MOOC—the Massive Open Online Course-the opportunity for cheating appears greater than ever. The all-knowing Google search engine is never more than a few keystrokes away. So how can a teacher manage such a large number of examinees so far away, let alone searching out cheaters taking tests across the Internet?

    Using technology, of course. While special services via webcam(摄像头) and cheating detecting software have been developed now, Mettl, an online company, has developed advanced techniques for netting cheaters, which the company claims are even more reliable and easier to use. Whatever small attempt to cheat, he or she will be found out.

    Mettl has adopted a handful of technologies on its test—taking platform, creating a mini monitoring state in an exam. Here's how it works: A test-takersigns on to Mettl and selects hisher exam from the site's library of pre—loaded tests. Facial and keystroke recognition technology confirm the person that has signed in is the very person, and the system records both the test—taker(through the webcam)and the test—taker's screen throughout the test.

    Mettl's technology uses the test—taker's webcam to detect how many people are using the computer. Soon, it will track eye movement well enough to sense whether the test-taker is looking away from the screen, perhaps to Consult a smart phone or a friend in secret. Mettl also monitors the test-taker's screen and can detect when the test-taker has changed a computer or moved from the test. The system will soon be able to record sound, thus detecting whether the test-taker is talking or being talked to.

    If any irregularities are detected, the system flags the incident and reports it back to the test's administrator. This can bring any number of things, depending on the test-giver's wishes: a completeshutdown of the exam, a warning message that appears on the test-taker's screen, even human instructions from the control center.

    Mettl is hoping its technology will help it break into the country's big MOOC markets.


    “Is there anything else you need, honey?” my dad asked  me as he put three twenty­dollar bills in my hand. I was traveling  back home from a family visit, and after treating me to breakfast  and filling my car with gas, it was obvious that my dad wanted  to make sure that I would be okay on the road.

    “No, Dad. You've done so much already. Thank you!” I was overwhelmed once again by his kind acts of providing  everything I needed, despite the fact I just turned 40. Yet I realize that in my father's eyes, I will always be his little girl. He takes deep pleasure in knowing his children are all right.  Now that he has enough money, he loves to give whenever he  sees a need.

    But this was not always the case.  Divorced from my mother when I was 11, my dad couldn't be around his kids as  often as he would have liked. Money was also tight; even weekend visits were rare. However, my dad stayed in constant  communication with us and made sure he was involved in our lives. Though he couldn't always be there in person, I knew  he was only a phone call away. I could always count on that.

    Even now, almost 30 years later, I treasure knowing that I can pick up the phone and call Dad, and he'll be there for me. I have a wonderful husband, but that hasn't changed how   Dad sees me. I'm still his child and he loves to see that my   needs are met.

    I remember a time when I was shopping in a hardware store(五金店)with Dad. I mentioned my plans to paint one wall in my house. Well, that's all it took for Dad to take   action. By the time I got to the checkout(结账) line, all the supplies I picked out were put out of my hands and placed with things he bought.

    Then there was the time when I took him with me to do some grocery shopping for just a few “ items”. By the time we  were finished, my shopping cart was full of groceries from  every shelf in the store! My sister and I joke that if you don't want Dad to buy it for you, avoid even mentioning you want something.


    Paparazzi, (狗仔队)or “paps”, are photographers who take pictures of famous people when they are not at the center of public attention. Paps are different from professional photographers or journalists because they never take ordinary photos.

    The goal for paparazzi is to get pictures that no one else will get and then sell the pictures to the buyer who offers the most money — normainly a small newspaper, magazine or website.

    There is no law against paparazzi taking pictures in public places. However, there are laws that protect certain individuals. For example, child protection laws stop improper pictures of anyone under 16 from being published.

    There is also no law that stops paparazzi from following celebrities(名人) and taking their pictures either. However, if paps are secretly following them and taking pictures of their faces, they could get into trouble.

    Most paparazzi hang out on streets and hot spots for celebrities, waiting for the opportunity to take a picture of a star. Many stay on the streets until the early hours of the morning when celebrities are leaving nightclubs and looking a little worse for wear. However, some have other ways to make sure they get pictures. Many paps are in contact with “informers” who know the locations of celebrities at any given time. They then pass the information on to paparazzi. An informer could be anyone — from a restaurant waiter to a salesman.

    Most of the time, paparazzi get a bad reputation for following celebrities. But sometimes stars or their managers will contact paps themselves and tell them exactly where and when they will go. What a love-hate relationship between paparazzi and celebrities!


    Believe it or not, school uniforms are absolutely not only clothes for students. They stand for the culture or beauty appreciation standard of a country. Let's take a look at school uniforms in different nations.

    School Uniforms in England

    Style of English school uniforms is rather classic, simple and elegant. Boys wear conventional western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear neckties. Girls also wear western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear bow-ties. This classic clothing style unconsciously affects English students' temperament (气质) and also sense of beauty.

    School Uniforms in Korea

    Do you still remember the classic scenes in My Sassy Girl? If you've watched it, you will know how stylish Korean students' uniforms are. Boys wear nice white shirts and western-style trousers. Girls wear white shirts, lovely skirts of latest design and bow knots.

    School Uniforms in Malaysia

    Students in Malaysia obey rather strict rules. Girls' dresses must be long enough to cover the knees. Shirts must cover the elbows. Compared with Thai students, they are much more conservative.

    School Uniforms in Japan

    For students, school uniforms in Japan are not only symbols for schools, but also symbols for the current fashion trends, even affecting students when choosing a school. Japanese school uniforms for girls originate in sailor suits. So they are also called sailor suits or sailor uniforms. Cartoon elements are used on them. Japanese school uniforms for boys are classic dark-colored clothes with stand-up collars, similar to Chinese tunic suits.


    If a woman has an extra piece of cake,don 't blame it on greed, blame it on her brain.

Scientists have found that women's brains react to food very differently — and much more strongly — than men' s. Academics found that decades of dieting pressure on women and advertising have programmed certain parts of the female brain to react strongly when faced with any kind of food. Men,on the other hand, are not usually as obsessive (着迷的)about what they eat.

    Dr. Rudolf Uher and his colleagues at the Institute of Psychiatry in King's College London used brain scanning technology,known as functional magnetic resonance imaging ( FMRI),to look at the brains of eighteen men and women.

    The volunteers were given images of food to look at, as well as food to taste. Their brain reactions were observed by the scientists. They found that the female brains reacted much more strongly than those of males. The same reaction did not happen when they were shown non-food images. The team believe this means women think more about food than men tend to. Dr. Uher said, “This could be related to biological differences between men and women. But the more likely explanation is that women have a more complicated reaction to food because of social pressure. ”

Professor Carey Cooper,psychology and health professor at Lancaster University,said,“for centuries women have had a providing role — preparing and cooking food for their families. And it's part of that role to make sure the food is safe. They will therefore be much more sensitive to food than men are, and I would not be surprised if that was now built into their DNA. If the female brain react to food because it historically has developed neural (神经的)pathways to do this, then food will be the way they express their stress. Food actually,is a comfort for women. ”

    But other experts have said that more research must be done before the results can be proved. American scientist Angelo del Parigi of the John B. Pierce Laboratory in New Haven, Connecticut, said, “Looking at an FMRI alone cannot make sure whether the stronger reaction in women is due to innate (天生的)differences or a learned process. ''


    Many of us know about Russia's Lake Baikal from our textbooks, or by listening to Chinese singer Li Jian's hit song, Lake Baikal. But over the past decade, the world's deepest freshwater lake has been in the spotlight for an extreme sport.

    Each March since 2005, about 150 people from around the world sign up for the Baikal Ice Marathon. They come to explore the lake's breathtaking beauty and challenge themselves in unpredictable conditions.

    The 26-mile (41. 84-kilometers) journey starts on the lake's eastern shore. In March, the ice is a meter thick and iron-hard. Runners cross this frozen surface, finishing on the western side of the lake.

    Known as the "blue eye of Siberia", Lake Baikal has exceptionally clear waters. This means its ice is almost perfectly transparent. "Seen from above, a runner on the ice looks as if he or she is jogging through space," The New York Times noted.

    The landscape might be beautiful, but it's also harsh. Strong winds blast (侵袭) across the lake and frostbite (冻伤) can occur within half an hour. Runners say the cold climate is what draws them. They want to test their limits.

    "When you are in such an environment, you don't have cars around you, you don't have the noise around. I think these extreme races allow you to be alone with nature," Alicja Barahona, a 64-year-old runner from the US, told ABC News.

    The location offers some strange and unique characteristics for this marathon. The finish line is visible from the start. But the endless white offers no progress markers. The race also ends with little fanfare (喧闹). Tourists crowding the ice are mostly addicted to snapping series (自拍) and just ignore the runners.

    For some runners, the absence of spectators makes the race more challenging, because it's lonely. They must fight with themselves. "You are alone on Baikal. It is your race. You are alone with yourself. All you need to do is to defeat yourself," Veronique Messina, a French runner, told the Telegraph.

