
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Most kids in Britain have pet bears. This animal is both furry(毛茸的)and friendly. But it cannot move or make any noise. That's because it is a teddy bear. Most teddies are in the shape of a small bear. They are usually brown and stuffed(填充)with cotton. Kids love them very much.

    Paddington bear is one of the most famous teddy bears in the world. Yet there are many types. Do you know Winnie the Pooh?He's another popular bear!

    Cute, soft teddy bears were born in the 20th century. However, they don't have just one place of birth. Both American and German toymakers made the teddy bear at the same time!

    Teddy bears have long been a popular kids' toy. They are in songs, stories and films. There are even teddy bear museums around the world. And it's not even just kids who hold teddy bears. It's a popular present for lovers, usually on Valentine's Day.

    In the UK it is popular for a newborn baby to get a teddy bear as their first gift. The day I was born, my grandmother handed me a teddy bear. She made it herself. That makes him the same age as me! I took him everywhere I went, holding his arm at nighttime and falling asleep with him. And I still have that bear with me today. It is the best gift I have ever gotten.

(1)、What do we know about teddy bears from the story?
A、They are small and black. B、They are filled with wool. C、They can move or make noise. D、They are very popular in Britain.
(2)、What's the correct Chinese translation of the underlined word "present" in Paragraph4?
A、物品 B、玩具 C、礼物 D、现在
(3)、Which fact is NOT mentioned about the writer's teddy bear?
A、He got his teddy bear at birth. B、His grandma made a teddy bear for him. C、His teddy is as old as he is. D、His teddy bear looked like a big bear.
(4)、The story mainly talks about       .
A、how to make a teddy bear B、the history of the teddy bear C、the popularity of the teddy bear D、the introduction of teddy bears

    It is increasingly popular for Chinese young people to share their experiences on social media (媒体), such as the "moments"(朋友圈)on popular instant messaging service WeChat. "I have been reading 'Jane Eyre' for 40 days with 48,000 words finished Li Anqi said. Li has been sharing her reading experience on WeChat moments every day since January. Working in Yinchuan, capital of Northwest China? s Ningxia, Li wants to learn English very much, but cannot get rid of (摆脱)the everyday work of school lessons.

    "I found many of my WeChat friends had been reading books or learning English on mobile reading apps, and I did not want to fall behind," Li said.

In January, she spent more than 100 yuan buying an online reading class at the Bohe Reading app, which tells customers they can: "Finish reading your first English book here."

    At her reading class, teachers assign reading homework and give instructions to 430 class members every day.

    A survey report released on Thursday said 70.9 percent of primary and middle students in China use the Wechat instant messaging App.

    At the same time, 75. 9 percent of Chinese children have their own mobile phones, according to China National Children's Center.

    The figures were based on a survey of nearly 9000 children across China.

    However, 28. 8 percent of them never read news online and 43. 2 percent have never touched newspapers.

    The center called for efforts to address the digital divide between urban and rural education and protect children's privacy (隐私)as Internet users.


The greatest source of inspiration for me has always been my father. Though he's been gone for 17 years, his 1 still resonate (产生共鸣). He taught me how to run my own race in life. But the most inspiring thing he taught me was to 2.

One incident is 3 in my mind. It happened when I was a teenager. My sister and I weren't very fond of a so-called friend of 4. Dad was a very generous man, and as he'd done with so many people, he'd given this fellow great help. But when he asked for a favor 5, the guy didn't deliver.

Dad's outlook (人生观) on most things was "Live and let live." In this case, however, his calmness 6 Terre and me, and we let him know it.

"How can you be nice to that man?" we said to him. "You've been so kind to him, and he's not being kind back. Why would you want to give him the time of day again?"

My father shrugged (耸肩) and said to us, " I do not bend my back with 7." I didn't get it at first, but over the years I came to understand the 8. Holding a grudge (怨恨) doesn't 9 the person you're angry with, but it changes you. It makes you heavier and gives you more weight to drag around.

After my father died in 1991, a (n) 10 came from a fellow I'd had a quarrel with years before to 11 his sympathy. He wrote: " I thought I'd tell you how sorry I am 12 the loss of your father. I know he 13 the world to you. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts."

Much moved, I wrote back. I thanked him for his 14. And then, because he'd 15 our disagreement, I recalled Dad's inspiring words. "I am my father's daughter," I wrote. "And like him, I do not bend my back with yesterday."

