
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Our dog Abbey died last month. My 4-year-old daughter Lucy missed her a lot and asked if we could write a letter to God to make sure he could look after Abbey well. . She dictated (口述) these words:

Dear God,

    Will you please take care of my dog?. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her.. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

                                                                                                                                                                        Love, Lucy

    We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Lucy and addressed it to God Heaven. Yesterday, we received a package addressed, “To Lucy” with this note:

Dear Lucy,

    Abbey has arrived in heaven.

. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. You don't need to worry about her. She's being looked after very well here. Thank you for the beautiful letter. . You have a wonderful mother. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.

                                                                                                                                                                               Love, God

A. She isn't sick anymore

B. I told Lucy that I thought we could

C. She likes to swim and play with balls

D. She died yesterday and is with you in heaven

E. Thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me


    As a kid, I read a story of a bird. It described a male bird which takes a lot of pain to build a house and the female bird takes care of the baby in it. When the baby bird learns to fly, the whole family flies off to a different place leaving behind the beautiful nest for other birds to grow their family in it. It made me confused(困惑的): How could they so easily give up their house built with so much effort?

    One night, I got this dream. I was walking on the endless road with beautiful trees on the either side. Attracted by the greenery, I went on, then I saw a wonderful house. I explored the house. There was a sloping(斜的) roof which matched with the greenery around; the large central open yard reminded me of the activities that might have taken place there which felt lively even now. The small water body that kept the house cool added to the beauty of the house — of course, it was all dried up now. Such liveliness turns the house into a home. People say “THE HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS”, and now I felt it and was attracted deeply.

    When I woke up from the dream, I was clear about everything. I realized what message my dream wanted to convey(传递) me. And years later, when I chose my career, I thought of the story of the bird and my dream, then I was sure what to do. I decided to choose architecture as my career. I wanted to do the same thing that the male bird in the story did, to take pain in building a beautiful house and let others stay in it. My dream comes true and the happiness that I gain now from this career is great.


    Do you know any 9-year-olds who have started their own museums? When Theodore Roosevelt was only nine and two of his cousins opened the "Roosevelt Museum of Natural History". The museum was in Theodore's bedroom. It had a total of 12 specimens(标本). On display were a few seashells, some dead insects and some birds' nests. Young Roosevelt took great pride in his small museum.

    Born in New York in 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was not always healthy. "I was a sickly, delicate boy, "he once wrote. Roosevelt had a health condition called asthma (哮喘). He often found it hard to breathe. Instead of playing, he watched nature and then read and wrote about it.

    Roosevelt's interest in nature sometimes got him into trouble. Once, his mother found several dead mice in the icebox. She ordered him to throw them out. This was indeed "a loss to science", Roosevelt said later.

    Because Roosevelt was often sickly as a boy, his body was small and weak. When he was about 12, his father urged him to improve his body. Roosevelt began working out in a gym. He didn't become strong quickly. But he did decide to face life's challenges with a strong spirit. That determination stayed with Roosevelt's whole life. And finally his body did get strong. As an adult, he was an active, healthy person. He enjoyed adventures and loved outdoors.

    In 1900, at the age of 41, Roosevelt was elected Vice President. A year later, President Mckinley was shot and killed. Roosevelt became the 26th president of the USA. At 42, he was the youngest leader the country had ever had.


    Tim Berners­Lee is not the most famous inventor in the world. However, his invention has changed our lives. He was born in London, England in 1955.When he was a small boy, Tim was interested in playing with electrical things. He studied science at Oxford University. He made his first computer from an old television at the age of 21.Tim started working on early computers. At that time, they were much bigger than now. He worked in England then Switzerland. Tim was really interested in two things, computers and how the brain works. How could the brain connect so many facts so quickly? He had to work with people all over the world. They shared information about computers. It was hard to manage all the information. He answered the same questions again and again. It took a lot of time. It was even difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerland to share information. Tim also forgot things easily. Could a computer work like a brain? Could it “talk” to other computers?

    There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use. In 1989, Tim Berners­Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) all by himself. This had a special language that helped computers talk to each other on the Internet. When people wanted to share information with others, they used the World Wide Web. The Internet grew quickly after that.

    Tim Berners­Lee doesn't think he did anything special. He says that all of the ideas about the Internet were already there. All he did was to put them together. He says that many other people worked together to make the Internet what it is today. Most inventors want to become rich. But Tim gave away the World Wide Web for nothing. He now works in America. He helps people share technology and wants the Internet to be free for everyone to use. Maybe he is the most important but least famous inventor in the world today!

