
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excited about thethings that will be discovered in the f


The Cheater

      Donald was not very good at math. He could not understand the teacher's explanations. “Never mind,”Donald told himself. “I'll cheat in the math exam, then I won't be in trouble.”

      The day of the exam came, and Donald sat next to Brian Smith, who always was at the top of the class in math. Donald carefully copied Brian's answers on to his own exam paper.

      The teacher collected the papers and graded (打分) them. Then she said, “Well, I've decided to give a prize to the student who got the highest grade. It's difficult for me to decide who to give the prize to, because two students, Donald and Brian, got the same grade.

“Let them share it,” one of the other students said. “I've thought about that,” the teacher said, “but I've decided to give the prize to Brian.” Donald stood up and said, “That's not fair. I got the same grade as Brian.”

“That's true,” the teacher said. “However, Brian's answer to Question 18 was ‘I don't know'. Yours was ‘Neither do I'.”

Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage.

(1)、Donald decided to cheat in the math exam because ______.

A、he was always at the top of the class in math B、he understood the questions C、he was not very good at math
(2)、Donald got a high grade in math because ______.

A、math was his best subject B、the questions were easy C、he copied from another boy
(3)、The teacher knew it was Donald who cheated because ______.

A、his answers were the same as Brian B、he wrote “I don't know” as an answer C、he wrote the words “Neither do I”
(4)、In the end, we can learn that______.

A、both Brian and Donald won the prize B、Brian won the prize C、neither Brian nor Donald won the prize
    On my eighth birthday, Dad bought me an accordion(手风琴) and said excitedly, "Once you learn to play, it'll stay with you for life." But I didn't want to play it. I just wanted to play games, But Dad asked me to take accordion lessons.
    One day, I found a box in a corner. When I opened it, I saw a beautiful violin. "It was your father's," Mum said. "His parents bought it for him. I guess he got too busy on the farm to learn to play it."
    I had to practice half an hour every day, and every day I tried to get out of it. But Dad didn't allow. I asked why. He answered, "Because you can bring people joy. You can touch their hearts." He added softly, "Someday you'll have the chance I never had: you'll play beautiful music for your family. And you'll understand why you've worked so hard." I was speechless.
    The lessons stopped after I finished high school. When I grew up, I got married and moved into a new house. I put the accordion in the attic(阁楼).
    One afternoon, my two children found the accordion by accident (偶然). They got very excited. "Play it. Play it," they laughed and said. I started to play some simple songs. I was surprised I could still remember them. Soon the kids were dancing. Even my wife was laughing and clapping to the beat.
    At that moment, my father's words came back to me, "Someday you'll have the chance I never had. And you'll understand." I finally knew why Dad had asked me to practice hard. Dad never learnt to play his violin. But I told my family, "This is my father's music."


    The smart phone(智能手机)company Xiaomi Technology was set up in Beijing in 20 1 0.

Now it has become one of leading mobile phone companies in China. Some people skip work and school to wait in line to buy its main product:Mi phones.

The man behind this craze(狂热)is Lei Jun. The 47-year-old is the co—founder(联合创始人) and CEO of Xiaomi. Lei was born in Xiantao, Hubei, in 1969. At the age of l 8. he entered Wuhan University to study computer science. A book that he read there changed his life. It was Fire n the Valley, which tells the story of the co—founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. Encouraged by the book. the 21-year-old set up a company. But it soon failed because he lacked(缺少)a long—trill plan.

After graduation, Lei joined King soft, a software company. In l 6 years, he became one of the top IT company leaders. But that's not the only thing he wanted. “I had my dream not realized and it was calling for me every night, ”said Lei. At the age of 38, he left Kingsoft and started his own company. This time, he knew what would make a promising new company:following the trends but keeping innovating(创新). He entered the smart phone market.

  Lei is a big fan of the iPhone. But instead of creating a copy of it, he kept thinking about how to make it better.

    At the age of 41, he co—founded Xiaomi. Now,  there are more than l4 million Mi phone users. Lei helped make online shopping popular in China. “People become great because they have dreams, ”said Lei.

