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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


    Parents often assume that time spent with their kids will gradually decrease in adolescence. But a new study suggests that while teens try to avoid spending a lot of time together with their parents, private parent-child meetings may actually increase in their early adolescent years. And that may raise a teenager's self-esteem (自尊) ansocial confidence, especially if it is time spent with Dad, the researchers added.

    The researchers created a long-termstudy in which they invited families in 16 school districts in central Pennsylvania to participate. In each family, a teenager, a younger sibling, their mother and their father were interviewed at home and then asked about their activities and self-worth five times over a period of seven years.

    The study authors were surprised to discover that when fathers spent more time alone with their teenagers, the kids reported they felt better about themselves. Something about the father's role in the family seemed to improve self-esteem among the teenagers in the study, said study author Susan McHale, a professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University.

  “Time spent with Dad often involves joking, teasing and other playful interactions. Fathers, as compared to mothers, were more involved in leisure activities and had more friend-like interactions with their children, which is crucial for youth social development,” the study showed.

    But Marta Flaum, a psychologist in Chappaqua , New York, said, “How these findings reflect the real world is areal question. The sample in the study is so small and so unrepresentative of more families in the country today that I'm not sure how much we cangeneralizing from it. In my community, in Westchester County, I don't see parents and teenagers spending much time together at all. Parents are often working so hard and have less time to be together with their kids.”

    However, Flaum encourages parents to make time for their kids no matter how much work they have to do. “Research like this reminds us of how important it is. The time we have with themis so short, ” she said.

(1)、According to the study, when teenagers spend more time alone with their fathers, ________.

A、their social skills will be improved B、their fathers will better understand them C、they will be willing to help their siblings D、their family will spend more time together
(2)、What is Flaun's attitude towards the findings of the study?

A、Unconcerned B、Favorable C、Puzzled D、Skeptical
(3)、What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably refer to?

A、The research by Susan McHale. B、The work to be done. C、Parents' encouragement. D、Parents' making time for their kids.
(4)、Where is the passage more likely to have been taken from?

A、A science magazine B、A news report C、A research plan D、an advertisement

    For many years, scholars have regarded My Mortal Enemy as somewhat of an enigma. Written in only a few months during the early spring of 1925 and published in 1926, Willa Cather's shortest novel was sandwiched in between The Professor's House (1925) and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927). While the subject matter of these latter two works can be traced to Cather's experience in the desert Southwest, My Mortal Enemy seemingly has nothing to do with these subjects or her Nebraska roots; it appears to have come out of nowhere, puzzling those who have tried to fit this rather irregular work into a logical progression of Cather's artistic development. The question of what caused Cather to write such a novel at this point in her career, for example, has still not been answered definitively. One commonly held hypothesis (假说) was first voiced by Marcus Klein, who in his 1961 introduction to the novel wrote that for Cather, “The story of Myra Henshawe must have been a personal crisis”. Klein, though, acknowledged that he could not prove his theory, “because there is available no record other than the novel”. Emmy Stark Zitter has recently argued that in My Mortal Enemy and Sapphira and the Slave Girl(1940) Cather exercises the autobiographical impulse (冲击) by putting details of her own life into her fiction, but, like Klein, she is unable to name which “details” of her life Cather drew on in writing My Mortal Enemy.

    As hinted (暗示) in the above statements by Klein and Zitter, much of the general uncertainty about the meaning of My Mortal Enemy can be traced to the absence of a persuasive theory as to who the real-life models for the novel's characters were and what Cather's relationship to them was. Cather herself wrote in a 1940 letter that, in James Woodress's paraphrase, “she had known Myra's real-life model very well, and the portrait drawn in the story was much as she remembered her”; Cather also added that the woman had died fifteen years before My Mortal Enemy was published, and that many relatives of this model later wrote to her to say that they recognized the “real” Myra from her description in the novel. Given such hints and Cather's liking for drawing on her experiences in Nebraska for characters, settings, and plots, it is quite understandable that scholars have thus looked to Red Cloud and Lincoln for possible sources of the people and events depicted in My Mortal Enemy.

    In light of the evidence presented in this article, though, I believe that Cather intended her comments about the model for Myra Henshawe to serve as red herrings (转移注意力的言语) that would protect her relationship with the couple who were the prototypes (原型) for the Henshawes, both of whom were still alive in 1925. Mark Madigan has recently confirmed how Cather in 1905 had to hold off publishing “The Profile (传略)” because of fears that the main character might recognize herself and commit suicide, and twenty years later Cather would have been well aware of how her description of the Henshawes might have affected both the real-life wife (who died in 1929) and husband (who died in 1949) if they had recognized themselves. It is my argument that the Henshawes were modeled after people Cather knew not in Nebraska but rather in New York: S. S. and Hattie McClure. Myra's uncle, John Driscoll, was modeled after Hattie's father, Professor Albert Hurd.

    Possibly most important, identifying the Henshawes as the McClures allows us to more conclusively identify Cather herself with Nellie Birdseye. Nellie and Cather, both Midwestern onlookers and recorders, experienced four distinct stages in their relationships with the Henshawes and the McClures (especially with S. S.) My Mortal Enemy, I believe, was an extended attempt by Cather to deal with certain aspects of her own past and to move on in a world stripped of romantic illusion.


    Texting while walking is something that most of us are guilty of. We can't help replying to that message we just received. However, while it's fun to keep up with the latest gossip, we may actually be putting ourselves in danger.

    A team of researchers from two UK universities recently found that people who use their phones while on the move walk differently than usual.

    “Recently, a person in front of me was walking very slowly and weaving (迂回行进), and I thought, 'Is this person drunk?'” Matthew Timmis, co-author of the study, told the Guardian.

    It turned out that the person was just texting. Inspired by this, Timmis and his team set out to discover the effects of phone use on how we navigate streets.

    A group of 21 volunteers were asked to walk around a simulated (模拟的) street, complete with obstacles such as a step. The participants traveled the course a total of 12 times each, either writing or reading a message, making a call, or with no phone at all.

    It took the volunteers 118 percent longer to complete the course when using a phone. They also focused on the step obstacle 60 percent more and paid attention to the travel path 51 percent more when they weren't using a phone.

    Although there were no accidents, Timmis believes we should still be aware of what's going on around us.

    “The big risk here is suddenly-appearing hazards (危险), like a pedestrian (行人) suddenly walking in front of you,” he told the Guardian. “You are not going to be able to respond to that as efficiently, which increases the risk of injury.”

    To bring attention to the dangers of “text walking”, a temporary “texting lane” was set up in Antwerp, Belgium in 2015. And earlier this year, a special crosswalk featuring flashing red lights on the ground to get the attention of texters was set up in Wuhan, Hubei province.

    “Texting while walking can lead to collisions with poles or other pedestrians. You could even be endangering your own life when you cross the street without looking up,” a spokesperson for the company that made the Antwerp texting lane told Yahoo News.


    Are you the type of person who always says “yes”? I've come to learn that it is very important to learn to say NO! It's okay. People are still going to like you. They may even respect you more because they know you are honest.

    I'm not saying to say “no" to someone who really needs your help. I'm talking about refusing that meeting that you really do not want to attend or that birthday party that you don't want to be a guest at.

    Think for a moment how you feel when you say YES to something that you really don't want to do. If you're like I once was,you can't sleep at night and you think about it too much. It weighs on your mind. You try to find ways out. Whatever you're saying to yourself, if you really wanted to go, you wouldn't have all of these thoughts.

    So, why not just say NO from the beginning? Maybe you feel like if you don't show up at the meeting (by the way, it is not one you must attend) your boss isn't going to like you or your co-workers won't respect you. Maybe you feel as if your mom, dad or sisters won't love you as much if you don't do everything for them that they ask every occasion.

    If these people are your true friends, family members, or a good boss, they will like or love you the same no matter what. People treat you the way you usually use, and if you're someone who always says “yes” then that's what they're expecting.

You need to do what is right for you. Of course we do have real responsibilities in life to do, but we do not have to do everything others want us to do.


    In an unmanned supermarket, a customer waits to pay. With the use of advanced digital payment technology, including biological recognition and in-depth learning, the man leaves in a minute. There's no cashier in the store. At a large university, students use a hand-scanning machine that authorizes their entry into the gym. Those people are using "smart machines" which identify people by their physical characteristics. These new devices use fingers, hands, faces, eyes and voices. Some machines may even use smells. This new technology, called biometrics, gets information from parts of the body.

    In the past, biometric machines were used mainly in government agencies or in prisons. But now that the cost of the technology is lower, these machines are starting to be used everywhere, from border services to schools.

    Some people, however, are concerned that these machines will mean the destruction of personal privacy. They worry that the machines will get personal information about them, know it seems like these machines are invading our privacy, but actually, biometric machines help to protect it," says Jay Tarkett, who works at a company that develops the machines, "They can be used instead of passwords on a computer, for example. They can also identify criminals at airports. So, really, they help to promote public safety, and all the information stored is kept confidential by the machine itself."

    Some people don't like the idea of using fingerprints because they associate them with criminals, and feel like they are being accused of something, In addition, they don't work for some people, such as bricklayers, who wear down their fingerprints. Yet, face recognition does work well because the subject doesn't really have to do anything, To cash a check at a bank, for example, the customer has to do nothing more than look at a machine similar to an automatic teller. If the face matches the picture kept on file, the customer gets the money with no problems, The need to carry identification with you from place to place, then, would all but cease. It has been found that the hand scan works well ill the college gym. Before this machine was used, students at the college entered the gym using cards similar to credit cards. The problem was that students often lost or forgot their cards. With the hand-scanning machine, however, the problem was solved right away.

    But the machines are still new, and there can be problems. For example, voice recognition works on the phone, but it is not precise, and can be tricked. Another constraint(限制)we notice;, with machines that use face recognition in particular, is that they can be fooled if people color their hair or gain a lot of weight. However, this particular problem may be solved by a new type of technology that scans a person's iris, the colored part of the eye. It can even identify the person from a few feet away, recognizing a customer as he or she approaches the ATM.


    On the eve of our daughters' weddings, I gave both of them what I considered to be excellent marital advice: never leave your husband unsupervised (无人监督的) with pruning shears (修枝剪).

    If only I had taken my own advice. I recently let my guard down. Thirty﹣some years of marriage can do that to a woman. Give a man pruning shears and electric trimmers (电动修剪器) and he will give new meaning to "armed and dangerous."

One day earlier this year, my husband said that the crab apple tree was dead.

    "Why do you think it is dead?" I asked.

    "Look at it. There's not a leaf on it."

    "There's not a leaf on anything. It's March," I said.

    "It looked sick last fall and with this bitter winter we had, I'm convinced it's dead."

    The truth is he's never liked the crabapple. Sure, it has beautiful blooms in the spring, but then it gets a disease, the leaves curl, and it drops those little apples that sit on the driveway.

    Each passing week he pronounced the tree dead. Eventually I began to believe him. Though he agreed it would be a regrettable loss, there was a twinkle in his eye. He armed himself a couple of weeks ago and began trimming. A branch here, a branch there, a small limb, then a large limb. I watched and then decided to check the wood on some of the branches closer to the trunk. I broke one off and saw green.

    The crabapple was not dead. It just hadn't had time to leaf out. The tree was now falling to one side, but it was not dead. I would have told him so, but he had moved on to a maple. Once the man starts, he can't stop. One trim leads to another.

    "Please, stop!" I called.

    He smiled and nodded, but he couldn't hear because he had started the hedge (树篱) trimmers and was getting ready to fix a line of hedges.

    Zip (飕飕声), zip, zip.

    "What do you think?" he shouted.

    "It's supposed to be a privacy hedge; now all that will be private are our ankles."

    He started the trimmers again.

    "Stop!" I called, "Come back!"

    "Why?" he shouted.

    "You're in the neighbor's yard."


Education in 2080 is distinctive from education in the 2020s. Until about 2035, the main function of education systems was to supply the economy with the next generation of workers. In 2080, the purpose of education is the well-being of society and all its members. To make this a bit more tangible(可感知的;有形的) for you, I would like to give an example of what a child's education looks like in 2080. Her name is Shemsy. Shemsy is 13, and she is confident and loves learning. 

Shemsy does not go to school in the morning because schools as you know them no longer exist. The institution was abolished as it was widely thought of as more like a prison or a factory than a creative learning environment. Schools have been replaced with "Learning Hubs" that are not restricted to certain ages. They are where intergenerational learning happens, in line with the belief that learning is a lifelong pursuit. 

Every year, Shemsy designs her learning journey for the year with a highly attentive "teacher-citizen". Shemsy is actively engaged in designing her education and has to propose projects she would like to be involved in to contribute to and serve her community. She also spends lots of time playing as the role of play in learning has finally been recognized as essential and core to our humanity. Shemsy works a lot collaboratively. Access to education is universal, and higher education institutions no longer differentiate themselves by how many people they reject yearly. Variability between students is expected and leveraged (利用) as young people teach one another and use their differences as a source of strength. Shemsy naturally explores what she is curious about at a pace she sets. She still has some classes to take that are mandatory for children globally: Being Human and the History of Humanity. 

We invite you to think about your vision for education in the year 2080, what does it look like, who does it serve, and how does it transform our societies?

