
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版英语必修四 Module 1 Life in thefuture.同步练习


    We  are what we eat because what we eat every day has great impact on our health.Therefore,we should make everyeffort to change our bad eating habits. we all know,baked or fried foods may be (taste) , but eating toomuch of them will (probable) result in some illnesses. Moreover, some foodthat costs us a great deal of money and is not healthy is junk food.

(compare)withpeople in the West, Chinese people used to eat more grain and vegetables, but(little)meat, which is a good eating habit. However, things are quitedifferent now. With the rapid economic (grow)of our country, we now areeating a lot of food that is high in sugar and fat. We (run) the risk ofeating out without considering the balance of our diet.

      The food we choose affects our health, so wemust keep mind that the food we choose should give (we) the nutrientswe need.


Some Ways toDeal With Hardship and Pain in Life

     Regardlessof the difficulties you way face, it's getting back up and moving forward thatcounts the most when you need to deal with hardship.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

   Writeor talk about how you feel

Keepingmy feelings to myself used to make me feel lonely, but when I found someone whoactually cared about me, it became natural to share how I felt with him andthat contributed to my ability to overcome troublesome situations.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Although talking to strangers aboutyour issues may seem crazy, it actually isn't.


Itis said that running away from your problems will never help,and though that's partially true,it doesn't mean that you need to make yourself go so deeplyinto a situation that you run out of air to breathe and lose the ability toweigh the pros and cons of your choices.That happens more than we like to admit,which is why it's important to separate yourself from asituation long enough to think clearly without having people hanging over yourshoulders.

   Remindyourself that you're not alone

Regardlessof who or what you depend on,youneed to remind yourself that you are not alone; you have people who do care.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Sometimes it's strangers who may share thesame feelings as you do.Think about it­you may not know any of these readerspersonally but they could be in the exact same situation as you,so in fact,noone is truly alone.

Acceptthe results and get back up again

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Whether the results of your choices proved tobe helpful or not, it's time for you to accept them and get back up.This timeyou have a new experience to add to your book of life so the next timesomething tries to knock you down,itwon't be easy because you will be strong and determined to push forward.Lifewill go on,time will never standstill,and it rests upon you to make the right decision of movingforward.

a.Separate yourself from the situation.

b.Tell yourself to accept the hardship.

c.Finally,it'stime to accept what has happened.

d.All in all,rememberthat life is short.

e.Not only did I speak to him about how I felt,but I decided to blog about it.

f.Here are some things I've tried just to help me believe in abrighter future and get over a tough situation.

g.Even if it's just one person,that'senough to give you reason to remind yourself that you will never truly bealone.

