
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, close to 50 percent of people are shy. Almost 80 percent of people feel shy at some point in their lives. These days, shyness is becoming more and more common. Now, scientists are trying to understand shyness. They have some interesting ideas about why people are shy.

    Is it possible to be born shy? Many scientists say yes. They say 15 to 20 percent of babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and more watchful than other babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents. As a result, scientists think that some shyness is genetic.

    Family size might cause people to be shy as well. Scientists at Harvard University studied shy children. They found that 66 percent of them had older brothers and sisters. The scientists said that these children were often bullied(欺侮) by their older brothers and sisters. As a result, they became shy. At the same time, children with no brothers and sisters may be shy as well. Growing up alone, they often play by themselves. They are not able to learn the same social skills as children from big families.

    You may also be shy because of where you were born. When scientists studied shyness in different countries, they found surprising differences. In Japan, most people said they were shy. But in Israel, only one of three people said so. What explains the difference? One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different opinions of failure. In Japan, when people do not succeed, they feel bad about themselves. They blame (责备) themselves for their failure. In Israel, the opposite is true. Israelis often blame failure on outside reasons, such as family, teachers, friends, or bad luck. In Israel, freedom of opinion and risk-taking are strongly supported. This may be why Israelis worry less about failure and are less shy.

    For shy people, it can be difficult to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can get over your shyness. They suggest trying new things and practicing conversation. And don't forget—if you are shy, you are not the only one.

(1)、What can be learned from the passage?
A、Most little babies are born shy and quiet.  B、If you are shy now, you will be shy forever. C、Many shy children have older brothers and sisters.   D、Most Israeli people are shy of expressing opinions.
(2)、We can learn from the passage that ________ may cause shyness.
A、genetics, grown-ups and birthplace B、genetics, family size and birthplace C、family size, grown-ups and failure D、genetics, family size and freedom
(3)、Scientists suggest that shy people can get over their shyness by ________.
A、blaming their failure on outside reasons B、trying new things and practicing conversation C、getting themselves away from their shy parents D、trying to understand reasons for their shyness
(4)、Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage? (P = Paragraph)
A、 B、 C、 D、

    There are world records at the Olympic Games. But what are the word records in animal kingdom?

    The largest and heaviest animal on earth is the blue whale. It weighs between 110 and 120 tons. Its heart is the size of a Mini Cooper, It's got the biggest mouth in the world as well. About 100 people can fit inside it. But it doesn't eat people! In fact, the biggest thing it can eat is the size of an apple.

The giraffe is smaller than the blue whale but it is also a record breaker. It's the tallest living land animal. It's got the longest neck-about 2 metres long, and it's got the longest legs-about 1.8 metres long. Drinking is difficult, but eating from the top of trees is easy! And its tongue is 50 c m long!

    The most dangerous animal in the world isn't a lion or a bear. It's an insect! The mosquitoes (蚊子) that carry malaria kill over 1 million people a year. After that, the most dangerous animal is the venomous snake. They kill 50,000 to 125,000 people a year.

     A. the mosquito           B. the giraffe                C. the blue whale


the heaviest:①{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

the tallest:②{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

the most dangerou:③{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

④{#blank#}4{#/blank#}: 110 to 120 tons

neck: 2 metres long

carry malaria

heart: size of a Mini Cooper

leg: 1.8 metres long

kill ⑤{#blank#}5{#/blank#} people a year

mouth: hold 100 people

tongue: 50cm long


    Traveling(旅行) is one of the most important activities and people were interested in it many years ago. Modern traffic develops(发展) fast, so traveling to different places has become much faster than before.Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthyduring a trip? The following advice may be useful to you.

    Before leaving

①Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

②Take some medicine that you need with you. They can be used when you get ill or have other problems.

③Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.

④Prepare(准备) proper (适当的)food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a long time. They don't go bad quickly. Bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a nearer one.

While traveling

①Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

②Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Itcan help you become more relaxed.

③Tap(水龙头)water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.

④Keep food in good condition(状态). Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

The title

How to keep in good {#blank#}1{#/blank#} during a trip


What to do

Before leaving

Wear {#blank#}3{#/blank#} shoes, a hat and sunglasses

Don't take some medicine {#blank#}4{#/blank#} with you

Don't wait to exercise for weeks or months {#blank#}5{#/blank#} you leave

{#blank#}6{#/blank#} proper (适当的)food.


Try to eat {#blank#}8{#/blank#} food or good fruit.

{#blank#}9{#/blank#} can help you become more relaxed.

Drink bottled water and always clean the cover

Keep food in good condition.  Don't {#blank#}10{#/blank#} hot food hot and cold food cold.


    There are some skills for students to listen to the teachers in class, which means you're going to have to practice them. Just as you would have to practice basketball to be a better player, you also have to practice listening. How to listen in school? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    One of the things you'll need to do is to make sure that your mind doesn't wander(漫游). It's easy to start thinking about other things, especially when you are not interested in the subject. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

   Next, listen for the main ideas. If you want to catch every little piece of information, you'll feel tired and bored. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Not only does this show respect to the teacher, it also helps prevent your mind from wandering. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Or it could just be someone talking to their neighbors who shouldn't be, it can even be some birds outside the classroom window, or a group of kids who are talking loudly as they pass the door to your room.

    Finally, you need to take notes because you will not remember everything the teacher said. You'll have to take down the notes so that you can study it after class. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    Listening isn't always easy, but if you follow these simple steps, you'll be much more successful in your classes.

A. Here are some suggestions.

B. You'll also need to look at the teacher.

C. Taking notes also makes you pay attention to the class.

D. It might be a friend who is trying to pass you a note.

E. So make yourself pay attention to what the teacher is saying.

