
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难


阅读 A、B、C 、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Only a few days ago, the first-ever China Huafu Day was held to encourage young Chinese people to wear and take pride in hanfu, the traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group (汉民族).

    The organizers said, "Traditional culture is the lifeblood of China. We hope young Chinese people can wear our traditional clothing during festivals to show China's unusual culture to the world. This will also make them understand the culture better and feel proud of being a Chinese." The event invited people to post their pictures in traditional clothes. By April 22nd, it had already got over 155 million page views, with thousands of people sharing their pictures.

    Historically, hanfu has influenced many of the neighboring cultural clothing including the Japanese Kimono and Korean Hanbok. However, hanfu started to fade when Manchu people took control of China. Luckily, there has been a rise in popularity over recent years. According to Hanfu Information (HI), a hanfu promotion (宣传) group, over 21,000 sets of hanfu were sold online earlier this year. Another online survey by HI in 2017 showed that over 88% of people believe that wearing hanfu is a good way to learn about Chinese culture. It's true that the number of hanfu fans is growing.

    The organizers say they will make China Huafu Day a yearly event and they have set the third day of the third month of the traditional Chinese calendar as the date of the event.

(2018.4.22 13:20 By Wu Tao)

(1)、The first China Huafu Day took place in ___________.
A、February B、March C、April D、January
(2)、What does the underlined sentence mean?
A、The event achieved little success. B、Few people had heard of the event. C、Few people were interested in the event. D、The event was enjoyed by many people.
(3)、Paragraph 3 mainly tells us __________.
A、the types of traditional clothing B、the development of hanfu in China C、wearing hanfu is a good way to learn about China D、HI is a popular group among young people
(4)、What can we infer from the passage?
A、Hanfu is very popular with foreigners. B、The 4th China Huafu Day will take place in 2021. C、The young like to wear hanfu during festivals. D、Hanfu has a strong influence on people's everyday life.
(5)、In which column of a newspaper can we most probably find the passage?

    Grandparents are respected in many human societies. But telling stories about old times and overfeeding grandchildren seem like human qualities. Are these classic grandparent behaviors really limited to humans?

Do any animals know their grandparents the way people do?

For most species on Earth, the answer is certainly " No" . " Usually, there aren't grandparents around anymore when an animal is born,"  said Mirkka Lahdenpera, a biologist at the University of Turku in Finland. " Even if an animal's life span does overlap (重叠) with its grandparents', most species spread out to avoid competing for resources, so the chance of running into a grandparent is slim." 

But there are a few clear exceptions, primarily among mammals (哺乳动物) that live in close social groups. In troops of langur monkeys in India, older females lived together with their daughters and grandchildren. The grandmother langurs defend the group's babies against attacks and even give their own grandchildren special treatment.

Many whale species, too, travel in family groups that include both grandmothers and grandchildren.

Elephant herds are also famously matriarchal. They are led by a grandmother, who can live to around 80 years old, and are generally made up of her daughters and their young. The females in a herd form close bonds and work together to raise their young.

Lahdenper found that the babies of young mothers were eight times more likely to survive if their grandmothers lived near them than if they didn't. When the young mothers were older and more experienced at raising babies, this beneficial grandmother effect disappeared even if the actual grandmothers were still around.

Indeed, most evidence for the benefits of grand parenting comes from mammals. But in 2010, researchers found that in troops of insects called gall-forming aphids, older females defend their relatives after they've stopped reproducing (繁殖).

And what about grandfathers? Studies of humans in recent decades have shown that a living grandfather can improve a person's mental health and other indicators of well-being. But there's no evidence of that in the animal kingdom. Male animals rarely socialize with their own children, let alone any grandchildren.

