
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Dear editor,

    My English teacher is very strict with us. Several days ago, when we were in class, Tom asked me a question. But my English teacher thought we were speaking in class. She asked us to stand at the back of the classroom for a few minutes. This made me unfair. After that, I feel nervous in her class, so I don't like her class. However, I really want to learn English well. What should I do?



Dear Mike,

    I am sorry you are having difficulty with your English class. Every teacher wants his or her students to study hard. So I think you should have a talk with your English teacher and tell her what you were doing with Tom that day. If she knows your worries, maybe she will help you with your English. And she will be pleased to hear you want to learn English well. Of course, you should know that what your teacher did was good for you. When you are not trying as hard as you can, she has to stop it and try to help you. Wish you have a better life!



(1)、What's wrong with Mike?
A、He doesn't like learning English. B、He meets trouble with his English teacher. C、He doesn't know how to get on well with his English teacher. D、He doesn't like English any longer.
(2)、Mike feels nervous in English classes because ____.
A、he doesn't like his English teacher B、he can't speak in class C、his English teacher punished(惩罚) him D、his English is poor
(3)、In the editor's opinion, the English teacher asked Mike to stand for a while because _____.
A、she didn't like him B、she didn't think Mike was learning English hard at that time C、Mike was bad at English D、Mike was making much noise
(4)、The teacher will _____ if Mike has a talk with her.
A、be even angrier B、ask him to stand for some time once again C、be pleased D、say sorry to him
(5)、Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to(根据) the passage?
A、Mike dislikes English classes, but he wants to learn English well. B、Mike wants the editor to tell his English teacher the truth. C、The editor gave Mike some advice, but it didn't work. D、The teacher hates Mike much more than before.

keep your body strong   start clubs   play with   a group of students   save and develop

    Every night in Jinan University in Guangzhou, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}play diabolo (空竹) as a crowd watches in amazement.

    Chen Zhelun, 25, a Malaysian-Chinese started the diabolo club, which helps to increase the popularity of this traditional Chinese game. He is one of many students expressing their interest in the country's cultural heritage (遗产) by {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    The diabolo, which came from China, is popular among Chinese living in Malaysia.

    "We played diabolo from primary school onward. I thought I could find someone {#blank#}3{#/blank#}in China, but only a few students knew about it. So I started a club to develop it," says Chen.

    To Chen's surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd—more than 1,000students have joined the club.

    "It {#blank#}4{#/blank#}and it's fun," says Chen.

    But some prefer quieter activities. Every weekend, one classroom in Shenzhen University is always crowded, but it's unusually silent. The members of Lanting Calligraphy Club are writing Chinese characters with traditional brushes.

    As head of the traditional Chinese local operas club, Kong Yanquan plans to put modern elements (元素) into traditional culture to get students to join his club.

    "I think it's everyone's duty {#blank#}5{#/blank#}China's traditional culture among young people," he says.


    Do you know what makes lightning (闪电)? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Lightning strikes happen when ice and water in clouds rub (摩擦) together, and cause atmospheric (大气层的) changes. When this happens, it creates a static charge (静电). Lightning can strike inside the cloud, between two clouds or between a cloud and the earth. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Lightning can be very dangerous. Every year, lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches a temperature of 28,000℃. About 1,000 people are hit by lightning every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Scientists think that there are more than three million lightning strikes every day in the world. An American man, Roy Sullivan, who worked in a park, survived from the most lightning strikes. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}And he keeps the highest world record.

    Lightning is sure not something to play with. When lightning strikes, it's best to stay inside a large building. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Also, do not lie down on the ground, or the electricity may go through you and cause a heart problem.

A. It's the last kind of strike that is the most dangerous for humans.

B. Lightning makes people shocked, and it happens all over the world!

C. Between 1942 and 1977, he was hit seven times!

D. Why does lightning strike (击打)?

E. To stay safe, do not stand under trees, on hills or near water.


"Spell ‘champion,'" Scott told his elder sister.


Unsure about it, Scott still cheered, "You'll win the spelling bee (拼写大赛)!"

Lucy thanked, happy but worried, wondering if her dog Senator would be looked after well when she was away for a week.

"Dad and I will keep him perfectly!" said Scott, dreaming of getting his own pet if he could prove himself.

It was time to leave. Dad wished Lucy good luck.

"See you in a w-e-a-k," Scott said.

"W-e-e-k," Lucy corrected him and said, "Bye!"

Each morning Scott woke up early to feed Senator, leaving a note to remind Dad. After that Scott continued to sleep.

A week later, Lucy returned and told the family she failed. Then she found her dog sick. Scott felt sorry but confused, because he'd been a strict direction-follower.

They came to the animal hospital. After the examination, Lucy was angry, "A terrible stomachache! How could Senator put on two pounds in such a short time?"

Dad said, "I only fed him two scoops of dog food every morning."

Scott shouted, "Dad! You fed him again? Didn't you read my note? It says I've fed him!"

It took Lucy a while to understand before asking Scott how to spell "fed".

"F-e-e-d? Scott! ‘Fed' is spelled f-e-d. But your note says f-e-e-d, telling Dad to feed the dog!"

"So Senator was fed twice?" Dad asked.

Scott said sorry, "I just wanted to be responsible so I could get a dog for my next birthday."

"OK. I'll teach you how to spell correctly and train myself for next year's spelling bee," Lucy said.

"You have a few months to practice before you get one for your birthday," Dad added. 

Scott burst into laughter.

"Having a little brother isn't so bad," Lucy told Senator, "if he can help f-e-e-d!"


Many people take running as a way to keep fit. They like to run in hot weather and enjoy the feeling of being wet through with sweat (汗) while running. Cold weather during winter months, with low temperatures and freezing cold winds, may keep people from running in the open air.

However, a new study shows that the drop in temperature is a good reason to run. In fact, running in cold weather helps improve one's performance. Many runners might find it easier to run in winter than in hot weather. The body needs less water on a cold day than in warm weather. In addition, lower temperatures reduce stress on the body. When you run in cold weather, your heart rate is lower.

John Brewer is a professor of applied sports science at St. Mary's University in London. For this study, he and other researchers put a group of people into a room where summer and winter weather conditions are recreated. The test subjects were asked to run 10,000 meters under both conditions and their biological measurements were recorded and studied.From the study, every movement runners make produces heat. The heat can be really damaging unless the body can lose it. One way in which people lose heat is by sweating. The body loses heat through sweat. The body also loses it by transporting the blood to the surface of the skin and it puts more stress on the heart, especially in hot conditions because it's much harder to lose heat when the outside environment is warm. As the result shows, running in hot temperatures results in 6 percent higher heat rates.

When running in cold conditions, the body does not have to work hard to move blood to the skin surface. Therefore, it requires less energy. The most important thing for people who run in cold conditions is to wear the right clothing. Keep as dry as possible when exercising in low temperatures. Wear warm and light clothing to keep sweat away from your skin. So don't let winter weather keep you indoors. Simply get ready for the low temperatures and start running.

