
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

    Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954, in Hong Kong, China. His parents left mainland China for Hong Kong a short time before he was born. His parents named him “Chan Kong-sang”, which means “born in Hong Kong”. They wanted to celebrate a safe trip to Hong Kong.
    At first, Jackie's family lived in the French Embassy(大使馆).His father was a cook, and his mother was a housekeeper. When Jackie was seven years old, his family moved to Australia. His father got a job in the American Embassy. Later, back in Hong Kong, Jackie's father sent him to the China Drama Academy. Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day. The students practiced Kong Fu and learned how to do many stunts(特技表演)there.
     When Jackie was 17, he began to do dangerous stunts for films. In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, but he wasn't very successful. He went on to make films in Hong Kong and had great success. Finally, in 1995,Jackie Chan became famous in the United States. Today, Jackie Chan has both Chinese and American fans and his films make millions of dollars.
(1)、When did Jackie Chan's parents move to Hong Kong?

A、They moved to Hong Kong a short time after Jackie Chan was born. B、They moved to Hong Kong a short time before Jackie Chan was born. C、They moved to Hong Kong after they came back from America.
(2)、What did Jackie Chan learn in the China Drama Academy?

A、Dramas B、Dancing C、Kong Fu and stunts
(3)、Which is true according to the passage?

A、Jackie Chan is about forty years old. B、He wasn't very successful when he first went to Hollywood. C、He became famous at the age of 17.
(4)、From the passage we know that_________.

A、neither his American fans nor his Chinese fans like his films. B、everybody in the world likes his films very much C、his films are popular not only in China but also in America
(5)、We can learn from the article that _____.

A、Jackie Chan's mother was also born in Hong Kong . B、At first, Jackie's family lived in France. C、the time when his family moved to Australia was around 1961.

    It was a sunny winter day. I had gone down the tower when a blind man came toward me. He kept close to the wall, touching it lightly with his arm. I stood still and looked at him walking toward the tower.

    "What does a blind man want to climb up the tower for?" I wondered (疑惑). "Not the view(景色) certainly, perhaps he wants to jump. "Thinking of some terrible reasons, I thought I should 1 him.

    He went up slowly and 2 from time to time. I followed him a few steps behind. When he got to the first corner of the bell tower, I came close to him. "Excuse me, "I said as politely as I could, "but I wonder 3 you came up."

    He smiled, "Perhaps climbing up the tower. You have noticed — and yet, not being blind, perhaps you won't — how the sun shines into the tower 4 the windows here and there, so that one can 5the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter. But behind the wall there is shade(阴影). There is no place so good as this for feeling the difference between light and darkness. Though I'm blind, I also want to feel the 6 brought by the sunlight. In fact, it isn't my first time to be here." He said and seemed as    7 as a child.

    I had never thought that even a blind man could have his way to 8 the beautiful life. But we often paid no attention to its value because we never 9 it.

    We went down the 10 together and I left him. From then on, I began to treasure what life has given me.


    The famous scientist and thinker, Charles Darwin, was born on February 12, 1809. His family lived not far from the River Severn, England.

    Darwin's father was a well-known doctor and the son of an still greater doctor and scientist. Darwin's father hoped that his son would also become a doctor.

    As a boy, Darwin liked to go for walks in the fields and forests. He watched nature, and compared what he saw with everything he had read in science books. He also liked collecting very much. He collected many things, birds, eggs, stones and leaves. His father did not like that, a Darwin not studying very well at school.

    At the age of sixteen, Darwin was sent to Edinburgh University to study in order that he could become a doctor. But he was interested in the history of nature.

    Then he was sent to study in Cambridge University. There he studied until 1831.

    Some time later he heard that the ship Beagle was going on a trip to South America and needed a centrist. His professor advised him to go. He said the trip would be just for Darwin, So when the ship left England in December 1831. Darwin was on it. He research lasted almost five years. The Beagle studied the waters in the sea near South America. It also visited New Zealand, Australia and islands in the Pacific. Darwin saw many new plants and animals. He collected all kinds of plants.

In 1842 Darwin went to live in Kent, where he continued his studies of changes in nature. Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same, and that they really change.

    By 1859 Darwin had finished his famous book "The origin of Spedes "(《物种起源〉). It made a great hit in the world of science. He was opposed by the church and even by some scientists. But later, more and more scientists agreed with him.


    "With one more world championship, I can apply for the Guinness World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录), "said Chen Yongning, a 93-year old ping pong lover in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province, Red Star News reported on April 2nd, 2019. With 80 years of experience and a racket that he bought from a stationery shop for 15 yuan, Chen won World Veteran Championships in 2016 and 2018.

    "I'm not tired. I play with my hands and arms, and my feet don't move," said Chen after playing ping pong for 40 minutes with a younger player Ye. "Chen is physically strong. He can usually play several games with us," said Ye, explaining that Chen is energetic, though he is troubled by backache.

    Chen started to play ping pong when he was 13 years old. While he was playing with friends in his school playground, the headmaster saw Chen very carefully follow the rules of a game he was playing, while the other children tried to play tricks on each other. The headmaster called him over, gave him a ball and rackets, and asked Chen to play with him. Chen didn't know how to play ping pong at that time, so he just followed the headmaster's lead. Ever since that moment, Chen said, he had fallen in love with it.

    As he grew up, Chen worked in Shanxi Agricultural College (now Shanxi Agricultural University), where there were excellent ping pong facilities. He sharpened his skills and took part in various competitions in his spare time, winning a number of local medals.

    Chen has a son and a daughter. Both of them love their father and are successful in their own fields. One of them will go with Chen to the 20th World Veteran Championships which will be held in France next year.

    Chen has already decided he won't stop playing ping pong unless he is 100 years old.

