
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

     We make traffic rules to keep order on the roads. These rules also help keep us 1  on the roads.
People have to  2  many traffic rules. In China, you must walk  3  the sidewalk or on the side of the road. Look carefully (仔细地) before you   4  the street.
      If you are riding a bike, don't ride in the middle (中间) of the roads or run through (通过) the road when the traffic light is   5 . When you ride a bike  6  a friend, don't look around and talk.
     If you drive, you must slow down at the traffic lights. You must always  7  a seat belt安全带). Without (没有) belts, 8 the driver and the other people in the car may hurt themselves when the car stops suddenly (突然地).
     When you take a bus, you must be 9 . Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to a  10  When it's full (满的), you shouldn't get on it or you may fall down.

A、happy B、safe C、dangerous D、quiet
A、miss B、show C、obey D、take
A、on B、in C、at D、across
A、walk B、cross C、walk cross D、across
A、brown B、black C、green D、red
A、with B、and C、about D、from
A、bring B、dress C、wear D、take
A、 every B、both C、each D、between
A、glad B、interesting C、careful D、wonderful
A、school B、sign C、corner D、stop

    Maria Mitchell was born in 1818 during a time when many people thought that woman did not need to learn . But , Mitchell's father thought that both boys and girls should go to school .1 he tutored her at home as well as sent to her to school .

    Mitchell's father , recognizing her interest in astronomy (天文学) at early age , encouraged her interest and taught her how to use a telescope . As an 2 she worked as the first librarian at the Nantucket Atheneum library from 1836to 1856 , all the while still looking at the sky at night , studying the stars and the planets.

    In October 1847, Mitchel saw a bright star through the telescope . She was sure that she had 3seen that star before. Excited , she ran to tell her father . She carefully wrote notes about the star. The next night , it looked as if the” star” had 4It also seemed to have a tail (尾巴)!Now , Mitchell was sure that she had found a comet , not a star.

    At eh time , the king of Denmark was offering a prize to the first person to find a comet that could only be seen through a telescope . Mitchell won the prize! It was a gold medal . But , she won something else too . She won people's respect when they saw that she was 5her work . Later , the American Academy of Arts and Sciences voted her in as its first female member .

    In 1856, a new college just for women opened . It was called Vassar College , and Mitchell became a professor there . She was the first female professor to teach astronomy , or the science of stars and planets . Because of her , female students learned that they could be scientists too . Women could make valuable 6to help understand our world .


    Resi and I walked to school together every morning. We linked up with some of the other village children. It was 1945 in Germany, and this was a1thing because of the war.

    Sometimes Resi and I took a shortcut, a little path 2a meadow(草地). One day, we saw a young stranger, chopping wood in the side yard of a house. We walked away quickly, 3 who he was.

    The next morning, there he was. He didn't seem to notice us,4we were only a few feet away. Again we stared, then ran away.

    Resi said that he was one of a small group of Americans being captured(俘虏) by the German army .We weren't afraid, just5. He looked nice.

    One morning some days later, the American 6from his woodpile. He smiled and said, "Hi."

    We didn't know any English. So, as usual, we ran away.

From then on, 7 we passed by, we would find the American working in the yard, almost as if he was 8 us. Every day, he waved and repeated his "Hi." We waved back and said "Hi" 9.

    After another week, another 10 English word "Bye-bye". We laughed and parroted it back: "Bye-bye."

    Later, the man came closer to the fence, and said, "Frankie."

    Resi and I became quite 11with our "Hi, Frankie; byebye, Frankie" morning routine.

    Sometimes he would be singing. "You are my sunshine ..." he sang over and over,12, until we could sing the whole song.

    One morning, Resi and I arrived, but there was no Frankie. We looked 13. No Frankie. We never saw him again.

    Years later, at a picnic with our American relatives, 14 started singing, "You are my sunshine…" Of course I remembered the words, and I 15joined in. I told them about Frankie. And to this day, whenever I hear the song, I remember Frankie and the wonderful legacy he left us: our first English lesson and many happy memories.


    "Can I take your order?" Night after night, I had to say this when I worked in my family's restaurant. My father cooked well. He was a1cook in our town, Highville. He wanted me, his only son, to cook with him, but2didn't like cooking. Because of the restaurant, my father was always busy. He 3had time to play football with me.

    During my high school and college years, I worked in the restaurant. But I always4to work in the kitchen. I disliked the job and I couldn't5to graduate (毕业) so that I could keep away from the family business (生意). Several days6my graduation day, my father and I started looking at new cars. Finally, we found the right car. I was sure that my father would give it to me as my graduation7.

    On my graduation day, my father gave me an old cookbook. I was so angry that I gave it back to him8saying a word and ran out of the house. Several days later I9away and started my own business.10often saw my father during holidays, we never talked about the graduation gift Then one day, I got a11knew my father was ill on the phone. I quickly went back home to see him because I was very12.

    That night, I saw the cookbook that he had given me years before. I13opened the cookbook and went through it. Then I found something that made me14It was a check (支票) for $30,000 dated the day of my graduation. And the15of the car my father and I chose all those years ago was $30,000 I misunderstood him for years.


When was the last time you gave or received a hug(拥抱)? Do your parents hug you before you go to school? In Western countries, it is quite common to greet close friends or relatives with a hug.

You might hug your teammates after winning a basketball game. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Friends who haven't seen each other for a long time will usually hug each other when meeting.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} After coming to China, I've noticed that the Chinese seem unwilling(不愿意)to hug.

My Chinese friends tell me that hugging is considered to be very intimate (亲密的) in their culture. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Chinese people don't usually hug in public. But people's attitudes towards hugging can also change.

I remember watching a video story about a "hugging party" that was held in shanghai.. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The Chinese who took part in the party looked uncomfortable. However, after the party, several of them changed their minds. They found that hugging didn't have to be embarrassing and could actually be quite nice.So next time you see your parents, give them a hug and see how it makes you feel.

A. Of course, people in different countries have different opinions when it comes to hugging.

B. If one of your friends is having a bad day, you can hug him or her to cheer him or her up.

C. A local artist held the party, invited strangers and asked them to hug each other.

D. It usually only happens between people who are really close to each other like couples.

