
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

(One day Alice runs after a strange rabbit and comes into a deep hole. She becomes smaller when she wakes up the next day. She finds herself in a wonderland with many amazing things inside.)
The Caterpillar(毛毛虫) and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence. At last the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth, and said to her in a tired, sleepy voice.
“Who are YOU?” said the Caterpillar.
This opening for a talk couldn't make Alice at ease. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I—I hardly know, sir, just at present —at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”
“What do you mean by that?” said the Caterpillar, “Explain yourself!”
“I can't explain MYSELF. I'm afraid, sir.” said Alice, “because I'm not myself, you see.”
“I don't see.” said the Caterpillar.
“I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly.” Alice replied very politely, “for I can't understand it myself. And being so many different sizes in a day is very puzzling.”
“It isn't.” said the Caterpillar.
“Well, perhaps you haven't found it so yet.” said Alice. “But when you have to turn into a chrysalis(蛹,茧)—you will some day, you know —and then after that into a butterfly, I think you'll feel it a little stranger, won't you?”
“Not a bit.” said the Caterpillar.
“Well, perhaps your feelings may be different.” said Alice. “All I know is, it would make ME feel very strange.”
“You!” said the Caterpillar scornfully. “Who are YOU?” The question brought them back again to the beginning of the talk. Alice felt a little angry because the Caterpillar was making such VERY short sentences. She drew herself up and said very seriously, “I think you ought to tell me who YOU are first.”
“Why?” said the Caterpillar.
Here was another puzzling question. As Alice could not think out any good reason, and as the Caterpillar seemed to be very unpleasant, she turned away.
“Come back!” the Caterpillar called after her. “I've something important to tell you!”
This certainly gave Alice some hope. Alice turned and came back again.
(1)、Where may their talk take place?

A、In a wonderland. B、In the field. C、In the tree. D、Outside the hole.
(2)、Alice didn't feel __________ during her talk with Caterpillar.

A、shy B、sad C、angry D、strange
(3)、Why did Alice think she was not herself?

A、Because she was too young to understand the changes. B、Because being changed several times in a day made her feel puzzled. C、Because she didn't like her changes D、Because she didn't feel very well.
(4)、Put the following statements in the correct order according to the story.
① Alice drew herself up.
② Alice used an example to explain the changes to herself.
③ Alice couldn't explain herself.
④ Alice turned away.
⑤ Alice looked at Caterpillar for some time in silence.

A、⑤②③④① B、⑤②③①④ C、⑤③②④① D、⑤③②①④
(5)、Which of the following sentences can be added to the end of the story?

A、“Don't be silly. You are still yourself.” said the Caterpillar. B、Don't be angry. You think you're changed, do you?” said the Caterpillar. C、“Don't be sad. You'll grow bigger again.” said the Caterpillar. D、“Don't be afraid. You can go home now.” said the Caterpillar.

    One night in November, Itzhak Perlman gave a concert in a theatre. If you have ever been to a Perlman concert, you know that becoming a violinist is not a small 1 for him. He had to walk 2 the help of two walking sticks as a result of the disease he caught as a child.

    People sat 3 while he made his way to his chair and began his play. But this time, something went 4. Just as he finished the first few parts of the music, one of the wrings(弦) on his violin 5. We thought that he would have to stop the concert. But he didn't. 6, he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then 7 the conductor(指挥) to begin again. The orchestra(管弦乐队) began and he played with such strong feeling and purity as they had 8 heard before.

    Of course, everyone knows that it is 9 for a violinist to play a pleasant work with just three strings. I know that, and you know that, 10 that night Itzhak Perlman didn't want to accept that.

    When he finished, there was a terrible 11 in the room. And then people rose and 12 from every corner of the theatre.

    Perlman was excited. He smiled and said, "You know, sometimes it is the artist's task to 13 how much music you can still make with what you have left."

    So, suppose our task in this fast-changing world is to make 14, at first we should try out best with all that we have. And then,    15 it is no longer possible, try to play it with what we have left.


    In ancient China, a woman told the best stories. She married an emperor(皇帝).Sadly, one day, this woman became ill and died. Everyone thought the emperor would soon find another favourite among his wives, but the emperor was very sad. He spent more and more time in his garden, and less and less time caring for the needs of his people. Everyone in the kingdom was worried.

    One day, a priest(牧师)passed when some children were playing with their dolls. The dolls made dancing shadows on the wall. This gave the priest an idea. He knew the stories the emperor's wife used to tell. What if he could bring those stories to life?

    The priest made a puppet(木偶)out of bits of clay(黏土).He painted the puppet to look somewhat like the emperor's wife. When the puppet was finished, the priest silently walked into the emperor's garden, carrying his puppet, a candle and a curtain. He placed the curtain near the emperor's chair. He placed his candle, his puppet and himself behind the curtain. He waited for the emperor to appear.

    The emperor did not even notice the curtain at first. The dancing shadow drew his eyes. As the priest moved the puppet behind the curtain, he told wonderful stories as the emperor's wife. It seemed as if his wife had been spending time with him. The emperor was no longer sad. At the end of each busy day, the emperor went into his garden to visit his shadow wife and hear her stories once again. That is how shadow puppets first began.


    Hangzhou won its bid (申办) for the 2022 Asian Games on September 16th, 2015. It will be the third time that the Games are held in a Chinese city after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.

    The well-known capital city of Zhejiang Province in the southeast part of the country has a population of 9. 47 million. It is a beautiful city with a long history and it has been developing rapidly in recent years. Hosting the Asian Games will give the city another chance to grow.

    "We have seen here the strong wish and the great effort of Hangzhou to host the 19th Asian Games." The OCA (亚奥理事会) President praised.

    The Games are set to include 34 sports. Some venues (场馆) have already been completed, while several others are still being built and will be put into use one year before the Games. The Asian Games will be held from September 10 to 25, when the temperature is around 20℃.

    "There is no doubt that the event will attract more visitors to experience the beauty and charm of this amazing city. At the same time, more roads will be built and the underground will be added, reducing heavy traffic. But the best part is that it will give us the chance to watch world-class competitions close to our homes." Shao Lin, a local person, told the reporter excitedly.

    With the Asian Games in Hangzhou in September and the World Cup in Qatar (卡塔尔) in November, 2022 will be an exciting year for Asians, especially Chinese sports fans.

    Hangzhou is trying its best to get ready for the big sports show. Hangzhou is waiting to see you in 2022!

