
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    It was 12: 00 noon on a Monday. As I1a local fast food restaurant and parked, I noticed an old truck with a trailer (拖车) attached. The driver had pulled into the narrow parking lot and2to exit through the road. But he was going the wrong way and3the road.

    To get it out of everyone's4, he was trying to turn it around.5, the trailer jackknifed (弯成V字形). There were a lot of people watching but no one6to help. I walked over to the driver's window and asked if he needed help.

    The driver was an old man and looked very7. I could tell that he didn't know how to

    8.After stopping all the traffic and asking everyone to be9for a few minutes, I10him back and forth until he finally got the truck and trailer turned around.

    He told me that he had just got out of the 11 and that he was so12; he thought he was going to have another heart attack on the spot. He said, "You're a good man and I can never thank you enough." I could13that his thank-you to me was14from the heart. He then drove away.

    Working in construction all my life, I have been often15to drive vehicles with a trailer behind them. To me this was a fairly16situation to deal with. But to a(n)17driver it can be very difficult. A simple thank-you was certainly enough for such a little act of18.

    But what happened next was a total19. As I opened the door and walked into the restaurant, everyone stood up, clapped and shouted "good job".

    No words can ever explain how20I felt.

A、stared at B、thought of C、pulled into D、pointed at
A、tried B、refused C、forgot D、happened
A、crossed B、left C、missed D、blocked
A、control B、way C、reach D、doubt
A、As a result B、In other words C、After all D、For example
A、continued B、afforded C、offered D、learned
A、funny B、worried C、annoyed D、proud
A、give up B、set out C、get out D、get off
A、patient B、calm C、polite D、happy
A、pushed B、shook C、protected D、guided
A、restaurant B、hospital C、company D、office
A、lucky B、sorry C、afraid D、active
A、tell B、explain C、admit D、predict
A、briefly B、slightly C、regularly D、truly
A、supported B、required C、reminded D、warned
A、real B、easy C、safe D、hard
A、careless B、young C、unlicensed D、inexperienced
A、courage B、creation C、kindness D、madness
A、risk B、change C、regret D、surprise
A、good B、tired C、curious D、fair

    My husband, Tom, has always been good with animals, but I was still amazed when he befriended a female grouse (松鸡). It's 1 for a grouse to have any contact (接触) with people. In fact, they're hard to spot, 2they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.

    This grouse came into our lives in 3. Tom was working out in the field when he 4 her walking around at the edge of the field. She was 5 unafraid and seemed to be 6 about what he was doing.

    Tom saw the 7 bird several times, and she got more comfortable around him. We quickly grew 8 of the bird and decided to call her Mildred.

    One day, as Tom was working, Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch. Tom 9 he didn't see her and kept working to see what she would do next.

    Apparently, she didn't like to be 10. She'd run up and peck (啄) at Tom's hands, then 11 off to see what he would do. This went on for about 20 minutes, until Mildred became tired of the 12 and left.

    As spring went and summer came, Mildred started to 13 more and more often. 14 Mildred felt comfortable enough to jump up on Tom's leg and stay long enough for me to get a  15 of the two of them together. This friendly grouse soon felt 16 not just with our family, but with anybody who walked or drove by.

    When hunting season started, we put a 17 at the end of our driveway asking 18 not to shoot our pet grouse. My father, who lived down the road, 19 warned people not to shoot her. 20, hunters would stop and take pictures, because they had never seen anything like her.


    Hearing my name called, I turned and found it was Carina. After three months, I was 1 with my group leader. She was a twenty-two-year-old native New Yorker who had 2me on a five-week trip to Spain.

    3 our trip was my first experience of traveling and seeing the world, it was an eye-opening one that has left me thirsty for more 4. Much of the change that the trip brought to me came from Carina because she encouraged me to 5 myself while in Spain. She urged me to speak more Spanish and 6 more about Spain. We traveled around and 7 much about Spanish history and present situation, which helped me learn more about the rich Spanish 8.

    Now that we met again in New York, our conversation picked up again, 9 this time it was about our futures. 10, this meeting was less of a reunion but more of a goodbye. She would 11 San Francisco the next day, packing her life into two suitcases and moving to the other side of the country. “I'm not staying here just because it's 12 to live here. Make sure that you will 13 your heart and be brave in your college study,” she urged me.

    Carina's 14made me realize that the world is full of things to explore. I've lived in a small New England town my whole life without any adventure, so it's time to 15 and go somewhere I can do something  16. I see college as a 17 to take a risk and discover new things. I want a place to test new 18. Whether it's helping people as a doctor, or performing research for a field study, I want to be more like Carina and have no fear of trying new things. She introduced me to the world of 19, and now that I've gotten a taste, I'm going to 20 for more.


    You can never imagine how big and complex the inner world of a three-year-old child is, even as a mum. Yesterday afternoon I went to 1Nicole from her daycare center. On the way home, she looked 2in the beginning, telling me about the daytime activities, while later when the 3 and quiet came back to her, she looked tired.

    After we 4 the bus, there was still another 15 minutes of climbing up along a hill to our 5. She asked me where her daddy was. I told her that daddy was still working. She 6 the fact, and sighed with "Okay…", somewhat 7.

    On the way back, she was not as cooperative (合作的) as usual. Sometimes she 8 to walk, but to stand in the middle of the road. Sometimes she stepped 9 to the grassland and tried to kick off the snow 10 the bare grasses could be seen. And she kept 11 all the way. Finally we arrived. All of a sudden she 12 tears and lost her temper outside the door. "Why are you crying so sadly? Tired?" The last sentence caused an even louder 13, "Mummy can't carry me! Mummy 14! Daddy carry me! Daddy…!"

    My tears came out when I heard the words. Such a sweet and 15 girl she is. One month ago I had a bad movement when carrying her up and twisted (扭伤) my waist. I remember that I couldn't move at all when the 16happened and this certainly scared her. After that I 17 long-term lower back pain till now and couldn't carry her. It is 18 that she knows everything.

    No 19 she asked me where her daddy was. That was why she kept silent all the way long but 20 lost control when arriving at home. Dear parents, do you still think that our children know nothing or few about our world?


As a primary school student in New York City, Robert Lee would stare in 1 at his classmates throwing away half-eaten sandwiches after lunch, because his parents had 2 him and his elder brother not to 3 food. They said it was bad karma(作孽).

    While studying at New York University, Robert remembered this4 and joined Two Birds One Stone, a food-rescue club on campus that5, five days a week, uneaten pasta, vegetables, and other leftovers from the school 6to nearby homeless shelters.

When Robert and fellow club member Louisa Chen entered a college contest, they 7 a slightly8 idea for a food-rescue nonprofit group: Their program wouldn't have a 9minimum, would 10seven days a week, and its staff would 11volunteers.

Their idea12the competition. With the$1,000 prize, they13Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC) in July, 2013. In just the first few weeks, Robert's team delivered a donation of enough spaghetti and meatballs to14 20 people in line at a New Yorker City homeless shelter that had 15food.

Robert, who had taken a job as an analyst at J. P. Morgan, devoted his spare time to creating a network of New Yorker City restaurants that were16to donate food, and he enlisted(征募) volunteers to make food deliveries to homeless shelters. After RLC received national press17, homeless shelters and soup kitchens in many places reached out to Robert for18. Two years after being founded, RLC had already distributed more than 250,000 pounds of food.

    Only a year into his finance job, Robert gave up his six-figure salary to19RLC. “I compared work at J. P. Morgan with that at RLC, and the difference was great,” he says.

    “One shelter told us that our donations allow them to provide entire dinners for more than 300 people, three nights a week,” Robert says. “Things like that make me feel20that I quit my job.”


    There are lots of ways to raise awareness for a cause. Usually, the 1 the idea is, the more it gets noticed. And that's precisely why one 2 Frenchman has caught our attention.

    Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe, surviving 3 on discarded (丢弃) food. The three-month, 1,900-mile journey from Paris to Warsaw is Dubanchet's 4 of raising awareness of food waste in Europe and throughout the world.

    As you can 5, the trip is no piece of cake. While restaurants 6 tons of food each year, much of it remains inaccessible because of 7 garbage containers, health regulations, or business policies. Only about one in ten places 8 him food that would otherwise be discarded. For legal 9, most restaurants have a policy against 10 food waste. "Some people have even 11 their jobs by giving me food," Dubanchet said.

    What's 12 interesting is the attitude various cities have toward Dubanchet's cause. Berlin has been the 13 while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen. There, he had to 14 at some different stores or restaurants before finding food. The 15 is all the more serious when you consider the 16 exercise required to bike from France to Poland.

    "I have to get food 17 because after all the biking I am tired and I need the 18." Dubanchet explained "Is my 19 full or empty? That is the most important thing, not what I am eating."

    He aims to 20 his journey by mid-July. With any luck, he'll turn a few more heads in the process.

