阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。
This summer, when I walked into my grandparents' house with my little sister Nancy, I tried not to look at my Grandpa's chair. It still looked the same. His blue1 was there, just like he was going to pull it over his legs. My cousin Jack was playing in the yard just like 2 happened. "Let' s go to catch fish!" Jack said when he was 3 the fish net(网) from the corner, Grandpa's net.
Last summer,I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me to help 4 teach Nancy to play chess. I said no because I wanted to catch fish. Grandpa always took us to catch fish, but then the5 stopped him.
Now I wouldn't have chance to play chess with him again. I6 saying no to Grandpa and felt sorry.
When we got to the river, we began to catch fish. Suddenly, Jack shouted, "Nancy is shaking!" We didn't bring anything to keep warm 7 I had to take her home.
Grandma was worried to see a wet Nancy and8 put Grandpa's blue coat around her. As I went to the river again to meet Jack, I looked back at Nancy with that old coat. Something seemed to hit me9 that moment. Everything was just like before, but Grandpa was gone.
I walked to Nancy. "Did Grandpa teach you to play chess last summer?" I asked. "No, Grandpa was too sick." she said, "I miss him."
"Me too." When I said it, I knew Grandpa was never gone. Something 10 was still there. It could be the fish net. It could be the chess. It could be the blue coat.